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Re: map compression
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2011, 02:40:52 pm »
Just a random unrelated note, but all of these compression topics seem to neglect one fundamental fact of compression: No compression algorithm that does not change the form of the data (eg Binary to Hexadecimal) can achieve compression under all circumstances.

∂²Ψ    -(2m(V(x)-E)Ψ
---  = -------------
∂x²        ℏ²Ψ

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Re: map compression
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2011, 08:10:33 pm »
/\as builder said five months ago(earlier in this topic), the only way to know for sure if there will be any size improvements is to test it out.

as for ralphdspam's question:
i'm not entirely sure what it is you're asking (and i'm sure that somebody else will likely have a question about other things at some point), so ima just go through a quick explanation of huffman.

   Simple Huffman compression is very easy to read and write. Firstly go through the data you wish to compress and determine, in order, the number of times each byte value appears(this can be done with two+ byte numbers as well, I suppose, but you aren't likely to gain any space from it). Once you have these values, store them in a lookup table which will be accessed by your compressor/decompressor later on.

Reading and writing are then very simple, if you choose to use the quick and easy method:

each of your byte values will be stored in your compressed data, not as fixed length chunks, but as variable length, null-terminated strings of bits. This means that, to your decompressor


will read as byte value number one in your look-up table,


will read as the second,


as the third, and so on.

   Now, this works very well for data which isn't very diverse in values, chunk number one taking only ¼ of the original space, number two taking 3/8, number 3 ½, and so on. However, any value past number 7 in the lookup table will begin to take up more space than the original, meaning that more complex data sets will, very possible, be increased in size when run through the compressor. A way to remedy this is to use a more complex pattern for squishing data into sub-byte chunks like the one below with double null-terminated strings:


which continues saving space up through value number 10 and is on par for 4 more after that. even more complex patterns can be used, but keep in mind that, the more complexity one adds, the more difficult defining rules for the compressor/decompressor becomes, and the more code/time it will take to carry out it's tasks.

   If you're really looking to save some space on redundancies in your data then it's possible to use these methods alongside Run Length Encoding (like builder hinted at [also five months ago XD]) which appends after each value a second value which tells how many values afterwards are the same. Therefore, using full bytes:
00000001 11111111, or 01 FF
would be read by a decompiler as string of 255 0's.

In order to use this concept alongside Huffman compression, one can apply the same concept but, instead of using byte sized chunks, using Huffman-style varying strings:

110 1110

for example, when using the quick and easy patter from above, would be translated as 3 consecutive 'value # 2's from your look-up table.

11110 110

would be 2 'value # 4's,

111110 1111110

would be 6 'value #5's, and so on...

Have fun playing around with data!

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Re: map compression
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2011, 08:53:49 pm »
I meant to ask for the best way to format the lookup table.  (Sorry my question was too vague :P)
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 01:00:31 am by ralphdspam »
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Offline Runer112

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Re: map compression
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2011, 12:30:36 am »
shmibs, are you thinking of a different compression algorithm maybe? Because I'm pretty sure what you just described isn't Huffman. Huffman compression doesn't employ any tactic involving null-terminated strings of 1s. It relies on an algorithm that simply encodes more common values with smaller strings of bits and less common values with larger strings of bits, with 1s and 0s throughout. It does so by counting the number of occurrences of each value present in a set of data to give each value a "weight." Then, the two units with the smallest total "weight" are paired together, becoming a new unit with the combined weight. The two units with the smallest "weights" are continually paired together until all units have been joined into a tree with one root element. This will result in values with a higher weight being further up the tree and having been assigned a shorter bit string. Here's is an example of a finished Huffman tree that I shamelessly stole from Wikipedia, based on the string: j'aime aller sur le bord de l'eau les jeudis ou les jours impairs

Anyways, back to ralphdspam's question.

Can someone explain how to save a tree for Huffman compression? That would be helpful.

Seeing as you're asking how to save a tree, I'll go ahead assuming you already know how to make a tree like above. If not, feel free to ask how that's done, or you can read the Wikipedia article which is how I learned how Huffman coding works. :P

There may be better ways than the method I'm about to describe, but I'm not very familiar with binary heap/tree storage so I'll just explain the simplest way I could imagine!

I would code the tree starting from the top down as an array consisting of nodes and leaves. Just to clarify some terms before we continue: a node is a point on the tree that branches into two other elements, and a leaf is a terminal element that doesn't branch further. So nodes would be the circles in the above diagram, and leaves would be the ends that represent pieces of data.

I would build the tree into the array by following node branches down to leaves, and after reaching each leaf, backtracking until you reach an unvisited branch and exploring that branch. And every time you visit a node or leaf that hasn't yet been reached, assign it the next element in the array. The above tree could be navigated like so by always navigating 0-branches with priority:

Spoiler For A pretty big step-by-step table explaining how one would determine the order of elements in the array:
Step   Current location   Table so far
10null   0
200null   0   00
3000null   0   00   000
40000null   0   00   000   0000
500000null   0   00   000   0000   00000
6000000null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000
700000null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000
8000001null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001
900000null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001
100000null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001
1100001null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001
120000null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001
13000null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001
140001null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001
15000null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001
1600null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001
17001null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001
1800null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001
190null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001
2001null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01
21010null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010
220100null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100
2301000null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000
240100null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000
2501001null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001
260100null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001
27010null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001
280101null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101
29010null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101
3001null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101
31011null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011
320110null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110
33011null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110
340111null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111
35011null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111
3601null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111
370null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111
38nullnull   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111
391null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1
4010null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10
41100null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100
421000null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000
43100null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000
441001null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000   1001
45100null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000   1001
4610null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000   1001
47101null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000   1001   101
4810null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000   1001   101
491null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000   1001   101
5011null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000   1001   101   11
51110null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000   1001   101   11   110
5211null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000   1001   101   11   110
53111null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000   1001   101   11   110   111
5411null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000   1001   101   11   110   111
551null   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000   1001   101   11   110   111
56nullnull   0   00   000   0000   00000   000000   000001   00001   0001   001   01   010   0100   01000   01001   0101   011   0110   0111   1   10   100   1000   1001   101   11   110   111
Man that took forever to format right...

Anyway. Once you have finished that process, the final table that you have will tell you the placement in which to fill in the real data in the real table! Yay, we're almost done! Now go through the list you came up with from the above process element by element, looking at what the bit string corresponds to in the Huffman tree. If the element is a node, encode that element in the array with the first bit being a 0 and the following bits representing the distance minus one between this element and the element containing the current bit string with an additional 1 at the end (I'll explain this later). If the element is a leaf, encode the data with the first bit being a 1 and the following bits being the uncompressed data represented by that bit string. The example I've been using throughout this post would generate a table like so:

Data is represented as 8 bits in the form of [Type bit]:[Data], so the actual data would be 7 bits. A number for [Data] means these 7 bits should be the binary representation of the number, which will be added to the table pointer if the current table entry is of this type and the bit read is a 1. This, along with the mandated pointer+1 every iteration, will simulate a jump to the 1-branch of the node. A symbol for [Data] means the 7 bits should be the ASCII value of the symbol (disregarding the high bit, because none of our ASCII characters have this bit set anyway)

Offset in table:   0      1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10      11      12      13      14      15      16      17      18      19      20      21      22      23      24      25      26      27      28      
Data at location:   0:190:90:70:50:30:11:b1:p1:j1:u1:space0:50:30:11:'1:m1:r0:11:a1:i0:50:30:11:o1:d1:e0:11:l1:s

The decompressor can then decompress the data stream by repeating the following steps for each compressed value:
  • Set a variable indicating the length, in number of bits, of the data stream
  • Set a variable to point to the start of the table
  • Halt decompression if bits left to read equals zero
  • Check the table entry currently pointed to
  • If the first bit is a 1, pull out and handle uncompressed data from current table entry, and then jump back to the second step
  • (The first bit is a 0) Read a bit from the data stream and decrease the variable containing the number of bits left to read
  • If the bit read is a 1, add the value of the current table entry to the table pointer
  • Increase the table pointer by 1 entry
  • Jump back to the third step

And that's it! Wasn't that simple? ;D

But I'm sure that was confusing as hell, so please ask me what I mean by something if you get confused by any of this.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2011, 04:50:54 pm by Runer112 »

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Re: map compression
« Reply #19 on: February 15, 2011, 12:57:14 am »
Thank you very much! :)
Would it be too much to ask for a code example in Axe or BASIC?
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Re: map compression
« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2011, 01:37:11 am »
A compressor or a decompressor? A decompressor shouldn't be too complex, although a Huffman compressor would probably be a decent amount harder to write for a calculator. I guess it's possible, though.

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Re: map compression
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2011, 07:54:56 pm »
oh wow, you meant a tree for the actual Huffman algorithm used by computers and such o.0?
sorry, usually when i've heard people talking about Huffman around this community it was in reference to "an algorithm that simply encodes more common values with smaller strings of bits and less common values with larger strings of bits," without using the full on complex method simply because the size of the code required for compressing/decompressing such a thing in relation to the data to be compressed (as well as the variety present in the source data), didn't merit it.

i am now very excited to see if you can pull this off =D!
« Last Edit: February 15, 2011, 07:56:09 pm by shmibs »