Author Topic: New CX CAS OS......Worth upgrading?  (Read 54430 times)

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Offline stefos

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Re: New CX CAS OS......Worth upgrading?
« Reply #90 on: January 22, 2014, 09:44:32 am »
Yes, I view some of my posts as being attacked by others.
Wait, Levak and I were not attacking you in any way. We were defending TI Planet.

I quote my post here so you don't even have to scroll to re-read it.

Second, No I thought the page would change to English because I've experienced this on a foreign language forum,
which actually did change the entire page.........Histwar Les Grognards game site AND it's forum does this.
And you think all blonde girls are stupid because you met one stupid blonde girl. That is called discrimination. More seriously:
  • It is not because one site translates everything that every site should, otherwise, none would translate anything because there is one English website (Omnimaga) so every website would have to be in English.
  • The content on the forums on Histwar Les Grognards are not translated, they are only available in English. Only the buttons and the sentences such as "Welcome, Guest. Please login or register." are available in different languages. On the contrary on TI Planet, the content (which is why you need most, because even Google translate is enough to understand the few words on a button and browse a website) is translated, for most interesting news and tutorials.
  • TI Planet is not a website about a paid game. The people who made Histwar Les Grognards's website were paid to do it, so they did it, and they are going to earn even more money now that everyone can browse their website, while people who made TI Planet translated their content for free.

The only time I mention you in my post is "And you think all blonde girls are stupid because you met one stupid blonde girl. That is called discrimination" (which is far from being as insulting as "You've come across like a jerk"), and it is followed by a "More seriously", which means that what I said about you was obviously false, that I knew it was false, that everyone here including you knew it was false, and it was just a way to show that your logic about translating websites couldn't be applied, which is what I precise with my three following points.

(And excuse my English, I am not an English native speaker so maybe my sentences don't fit my thoughts, but seriously, I never meant to attack you and I don't see where in my post you saw me attack you).

Sir, I have no issue with you......Have a nice day.

The issue(s) are closed & over.


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Re: Re: New CX CAS OS......Worth upgrading?
« Reply #91 on: January 22, 2014, 12:00:57 pm »
Yeah I agree, let's drop it.

Is this topic solved anyway? Maybe it would be best to lock it.

We should also have a sticky warning people to not upgrade to 3.6 before reading it carefully

Offline tonzaysi7

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Re: New CX CAS OS......Worth upgrading?
« Reply #92 on: February 05, 2014, 11:49:03 am »
@DJ Omnimaga: do you have a source about this ?

Unwanted contacts with adjacent pins happened to me many times.
And it never bricked the calculator.

Anyway, here's the complete process:

- remove any OS using the maintenance menu (hold Doc+Enter+EE while resetting)

- download a Boot2 3.1 image for the TI-Nspire CX:

- connect and secure the three Tx, Rx and GND wires to the Dock/J01 connector

- install and run a compatible terminal software (like the Hyperterminal private edition coming with Windows up to Vista)

- configure it with:
* the right COM port (check your device manager to know which one your adapter did default to)
* Baud rate = 115200
* Data = 8 bit
* Parity = none
* Stop = 1 bit
* Flow control = none

- trigger the calculator Boot2 update mode be resetting while holding Doc+Enter+2
(beware, they will be a timeout - just reset and try again if you're not fast enough)

- from the terminal send the previously downloaded file using the Xmodem protocol

- install one of the available Nlaunch packs

Hello critor, I'm trying to send the img file to the calculator but It just stuck at 0 kt/855 kt.
After a while it gives a message: "No response from system".
I have tried like 10 times but with no result. All three lights (Rx Tx and GND) are on in the USB TTL adapter so the problem isnt in the connections. I also have right configuration. Any good piece of advice will be helpful, thanks.

E: I first tried in Windows 7 but the software crashed so now I'm using Windows XP computer but still no result..
« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 11:50:32 am by tonzaysi7 »

Offline critor

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Re: New CX CAS OS......Worth upgrading?
« Reply #93 on: February 05, 2014, 12:28:33 pm »
The same (progress stuck at 0%) happened to me with short-circuits (Tx and Rx or Rx and GND in contact).
Try to recheck...
TI-Planet co-admin.

Offline tonzaysi7

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Re: New CX CAS OS......Worth upgrading?
« Reply #94 on: February 05, 2014, 01:21:43 pm »
The same (progress stuck at 0%) happened to me with short-circuits (Tx and Rx or Rx and GND in contact).
Try to recheck...

This time the calc cancelled the transfer... timeout?

E: Are you able to give me a link for some good cables because mine are piece of shit...
« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 01:27:27 pm by tonzaysi7 »

Offline Jose Alma

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Re: New CX CAS OS......Worth upgrading?
« Reply #95 on: July 07, 2014, 11:53:16 am »
@DJ Omnimaga: do you have a source about this ?

Unwanted contacts with adjacent pins happened to me many times.
And it never bricked the calculator.

Anyway, here's the complete process:

- remove any OS using the maintenance menu (hold Doc+Enter+EE while resetting)

- download a Boot2 3.1 image for the TI-Nspire CX:

- connect and secure the three Tx, Rx and GND wires to the Dock/J01 connector

- install and run a compatible terminal software (like the Hyperterminal private edition coming with Windows up to Vista)

- configure it with:
* the right COM port (check your device manager to know which one your adapter did default to)
* Baud rate = 115200
* Data = 8 bit
* Parity = none
* Stop = 1 bit
* Flow control = none

- trigger the calculator Boot2 update mode be resetting while holding Doc+Enter+2
(beware, they will be a timeout - just reset and try again if you're not fast enough)

- from the terminal send the previously downloaded file using the Xmodem protocol

- install one of the available Nlaunch packs

Hello, I have been reading the post and not do the last step. " from the terminal send the previously downloaded file using the Xmodem protocol"

What should I do to send the file? What should I write or I do?

No other way to downgrade? I bought my TI a few days ago and have the version 3.9


Offline Streetwalrus

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Re: New CX CAS OS......Worth upgrading?
« Reply #96 on: July 07, 2014, 11:57:13 am »
Is your calculator a CX model ? Which revision (last letter of the serial) ?

Offline Jose Alma

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Re: New CX CAS OS......Worth upgrading?
« Reply #97 on: July 10, 2014, 07:46:46 am »
The last letter is M

Offline Streetwalrus

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Re: New CX CAS OS......Worth upgrading?
« Reply #98 on: July 10, 2014, 08:45:28 am »
You have a revision >= J calc. Unfortunately there's no way to downgrade. Sorry. :/

Offline tonzaysi7

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Re: New CX CAS OS......Worth upgrading?
« Reply #99 on: September 26, 2014, 11:23:48 am »
Hello guys again! I have again tried to downgrade the boot. I'm so close to the solution but it still fails while trying to send the image through ttl.  :banghead: Connecting the Rx and Tx is clear to me but the ground (GND), should I connect it to both GND pins in the calc or is 1 enough? Also when I'm trying to send the image, it just returns me random bytes with recognizable strings like "boot". Could you explain me the use of the ground cable and how should it exactly be connected? How about an example picture with all the connections made?  ???

Info about my calc:
Spoiler For Spoiler:
Exact name: TI-nspire CX CAS
Hardware revision: F (downgradeable)
Boot1 version:
Boot2 version:
OS version: (not currently installed but ofc written in boot2 to prevent downgrade)

EDIT: Now after numerous tries when i click send the file, select boot2.img, xmodem and press send, it just says: "Not enough memory".... please help me!

For now I have tried more than 100 times, every time with different settings: many protocols (even straight binary), different bitrates and different boot images with different names and every time i have checked that the cables are well connected and there are no shortages but still no result...

It seems to be like a communication problem because most of the errors have been timeouts. If you know anything about the Rx and Tx lights in the TTL converter, please explain how should I understand their signification.

EDIT2: HELL YEAH I made it!  :w00t:  The problem was in the USB/TTL interface but I changed to arduino uno and soldered some pins and it worked perfect. My next question: How do I downgrade because even I have boot2 version 3.10.16, the computer link doesn't allow me to install os 3.1.0 or anything below the version i had. I even tried tnocing the current and then install it but straight after first boot the calc crashed and the os was automatically removed? ??? ???

Situation now:
Only installable OS: (not installed)
Boot2 version: 3.10.16
« Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 06:35:28 pm by tonzaysi7 »