Author Topic: Nspire OS v. 1.7  (Read 11926 times)

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Nspire OS v. 1.7
« on: September 12, 2010, 02:40:25 am »
Hi I just joined. The site looks impressive!  ;D

Can someone email me the Nspire OS v 1.7? My email is [email protected]


Imma Cat! =^_^= :3 (It's an emoticon now!)
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Late last night, Quebec was invaded by a group calling themselves, "Omnimaga". Not much is known about these mysterious people except that they all carried calculators of some kind and they all seemed to converge on one house in particular. Experts estimate that the combined power of their fabled calculators is greater than all the worlds super computers put together. The group seems to be holding out in the home of a certain DJ_O, who the Omnimagians claim to be their founder. Such power has put the world at a standstill with everyone waiting to see what the Omnimagians will do...

Wait... This just in, the Omnimagians have sent the UN a list of demands that must be met or else the world will be "submitted to the wrath of Netham45's Lobster Army". Such demands include >9001 crates of peanuts, sacrificial blue lobsters, and a wide assortment of cherry flavored items. With such computing power stored in the hands of such people, we can only hope these demands are met.

In the wake of these events, we can only ask, Why? Why do these people make these demands, what caused them to gather, and what are their future plans...

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Re: Nspire OS v. 1.7
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2010, 02:57:45 am »
Hi and welcome here! I hope you enjoy your stay!

Unfortunately we cannot provide copies of the OS ourselves since it is against TI rules and could get us in trouble, but don't worry. For some reasons, Texas Instruments has left OS 1.7 on server, it is just not publicly visible in the downloads. This means we can give you a link to it. I do not have the direct link but TI-BANK downloads section links to the copies of OS 1.7, 2.0 and 2.1. Here's OS 1.7:


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Re: Nspire OS v. 1.7
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2010, 02:57:58 am »
Not certain, but I believe there was a big stickied thread somewhere about this

Edit: ...Or maybe TI still hosts it on their site >.>
« Last Edit: September 12, 2010, 02:58:45 am by _player1537 »

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Re: Nspire OS v. 1.7
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2010, 02:59:59 am »
Yeah there is. I think I'll add a new thread soon, though, listing all OSes that are still available on TI website, so it is easier to find them. TI got rid of the download links on their site. But yeah, if you want OS 1.1, I cannot help you personally. Someone may send it but I will not hold responsible if anything happen to the OS sender or receiver for doing such thing.


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Re: Nspire OS v. 1.7
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2010, 03:00:43 am »
Ah, that was it, os 1.1  I knew one of them had a big stickied topic :P

Offline Scipi

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Re: Nspire OS v. 1.7
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2010, 03:04:08 am »
Thanks. That's why i asked for it to be emailed. But this works too. What happened is. I installed 2.1 and now when I go to boot. It freezes at the end. I found out from here that it's only with 2.1 so I just needed another OS. Thx.

Now than Im thinking about it. It's a good thing that happened. I love programming on the calc. So yes. I believe Im here to stay. ;D

Edit to say: I already got 1.1. I just need to be able to get to the GUI so I can run Nleashed.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2010, 03:05:46 am by HOMER-16 »

Imma Cat! =^_^= :3 (It's an emoticon now!)
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Late last night, Quebec was invaded by a group calling themselves, "Omnimaga". Not much is known about these mysterious people except that they all carried calculators of some kind and they all seemed to converge on one house in particular. Experts estimate that the combined power of their fabled calculators is greater than all the worlds super computers put together. The group seems to be holding out in the home of a certain DJ_O, who the Omnimagians claim to be their founder. Such power has put the world at a standstill with everyone waiting to see what the Omnimagians will do...

Wait... This just in, the Omnimagians have sent the UN a list of demands that must be met or else the world will be "submitted to the wrath of Netham45's Lobster Army". Such demands include >9001 crates of peanuts, sacrificial blue lobsters, and a wide assortment of cherry flavored items. With such computing power stored in the hands of such people, we can only hope these demands are met.

In the wake of these events, we can only ask, Why? Why do these people make these demands, what caused them to gather, and what are their future plans...


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Re: Nspire OS v. 1.7
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2010, 03:05:55 am »
Good to hear!  We love getting more programmers :D  You should post a topic in the Introduce Me section so we can give you some peanuts ;)

Edit: Hmm?  Isn't the point of Nleased to downgrade your OS to below 2.1?  Or am I thinking of something else?  (all these N names are starting to get confusing >.<)
« Last Edit: September 12, 2010, 03:11:13 am by _player1537 »

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Re: Nspire OS v. 1.7
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2010, 03:11:57 am »
Mhmm your OS error seems weird x.x. I wonder what could cause it. Hopefully someone who know can help you tomorrow

Offline Scipi

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Re: Nspire OS v. 1.7
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2010, 03:14:11 am »
Yes Nleashed overrides the downgrade protection. (I really want that GBC emulator XD)

Imma Cat! =^_^= :3 (It's an emoticon now!)
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Late last night, Quebec was invaded by a group calling themselves, "Omnimaga". Not much is known about these mysterious people except that they all carried calculators of some kind and they all seemed to converge on one house in particular. Experts estimate that the combined power of their fabled calculators is greater than all the worlds super computers put together. The group seems to be holding out in the home of a certain DJ_O, who the Omnimagians claim to be their founder. Such power has put the world at a standstill with everyone waiting to see what the Omnimagians will do...

Wait... This just in, the Omnimagians have sent the UN a list of demands that must be met or else the world will be "submitted to the wrath of Netham45's Lobster Army". Such demands include >9001 crates of peanuts, sacrificial blue lobsters, and a wide assortment of cherry flavored items. With such computing power stored in the hands of such people, we can only hope these demands are met.

In the wake of these events, we can only ask, Why? Why do these people make these demands, what caused them to gather, and what are their future plans...


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Re: Nspire OS v. 1.7
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2010, 03:15:49 am »
But from what I read, aren't you going to 1.7 so you can use Nleash to go to 1.1?  1.7 doesn't have that protection iirc

Offline Scipi

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Re: Nspire OS v. 1.7
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2010, 03:20:53 am »
I think 2.1 does a BIOS update. So it's permanent.

Imma Cat! =^_^= :3 (It's an emoticon now!)
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Late last night, Quebec was invaded by a group calling themselves, "Omnimaga". Not much is known about these mysterious people except that they all carried calculators of some kind and they all seemed to converge on one house in particular. Experts estimate that the combined power of their fabled calculators is greater than all the worlds super computers put together. The group seems to be holding out in the home of a certain DJ_O, who the Omnimagians claim to be their founder. Such power has put the world at a standstill with everyone waiting to see what the Omnimagians will do...

Wait... This just in, the Omnimagians have sent the UN a list of demands that must be met or else the world will be "submitted to the wrath of Netham45's Lobster Army". Such demands include >9001 crates of peanuts, sacrificial blue lobsters, and a wide assortment of cherry flavored items. With such computing power stored in the hands of such people, we can only hope these demands are met.

In the wake of these events, we can only ask, Why? Why do these people make these demands, what caused them to gather, and what are their future plans...


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Re: Nspire OS v. 1.7
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2010, 03:22:44 am »
Hmm, ok.  I haven't used it personally, so you are probably correct

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Re: Nspire OS v. 1.7
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2010, 03:24:32 am »
It is not a "BIOS" update. There is no BIOS on the Nspire. It updates boot2, which resides in writable memory, and hence can be changed.

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Re: Nspire OS v. 1.7
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2010, 03:29:08 am »
Once you updated to 2.1, the downgrade protection lasts forever, or until you install Nleash. To use the GBC emulator and Ndless, you absolutely need OS 1.1, though, and I believe once Nleash is installed, it's possible to downgrade straight from 2.1 to 1.1.

Offline Scipi

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Re: Nspire OS v. 1.7
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2010, 04:04:42 am »
I just installed 1.7 and ran Nleash. My calc is completely frozen and even taking out the batteries or resetting didn't help. It is showing the screen that it froze in. Maybe I need a new calc...

Imma Cat! =^_^= :3 (It's an emoticon now!)
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Late last night, Quebec was invaded by a group calling themselves, "Omnimaga". Not much is known about these mysterious people except that they all carried calculators of some kind and they all seemed to converge on one house in particular. Experts estimate that the combined power of their fabled calculators is greater than all the worlds super computers put together. The group seems to be holding out in the home of a certain DJ_O, who the Omnimagians claim to be their founder. Such power has put the world at a standstill with everyone waiting to see what the Omnimagians will do...

Wait... This just in, the Omnimagians have sent the UN a list of demands that must be met or else the world will be "submitted to the wrath of Netham45's Lobster Army". Such demands include >9001 crates of peanuts, sacrificial blue lobsters, and a wide assortment of cherry flavored items. With such computing power stored in the hands of such people, we can only hope these demands are met.

In the wake of these events, we can only ask, Why? Why do these people make these demands, what caused them to gather, and what are their future plans...