ok here is my code, I'd appreciate it if someone could show me where I need to put in stuff to all me to scoll...and yes I know the tiles map GDB1 will need to be wider but I'll change that later
:If T
:Repeat getKey(15)
:If getKey(2) and (pxl-Test(X-1,Y+6)=0) and (pxl-Test(X-1,Y+1)=0)
:If getKey(3) and (pxl-Test(X+8,Y+6)=0) and (pxl-Test(X+8,Y+1)=0)
:If getKey(4) and (pxl-Test(X+1,Y+8) or pxl-Test(X+7,Y+8)
:If (J>0)
:If (pxl-Test(X+6,Y+8)=0) and (pxl-Test(X+1,Y+8)=0) and (J=0) or (pxl-Test(X,Y) or (pxl-Test(X+7,Y)
:If getKey(1) and (pxl-Test(X,Y+8)=0) and (pxl-Test(X,Y+8)=0)
:If (D=1)
:If (D=2)
:Pause 25
:If (D=1)
:If (D=2)