Sometimes, when using my calc and press the 3 key, sometimes the Real( token pops up followed by some number or another.
After I press 3 and the tokens pop up it doesn't happen again for a while.
I have no idea why this happens.
Just now I tried to type in
49538/16384 and
495real(35,8/16384 . It's also done this in the program editor and the y-var editing screen.
Installed atm are omnicalc, zstart, axe and calcutil. This happens on average two or three times a month, but in this case hasn't happened for a month or two.
no options selected in calcutil, only installed
Axe: the hook and lowercase enabled
Personally I'm suspecting omnicalc b/c it's using the real( token, but I can be completely off.
EDIT: real(35 doesn't seem to be associated with any of the omnicalc functions, so it's probably not that...
EDIT2: this happened long before I ever used zstart, btw