I have no idea what I should make with my TI 84+, now!!
nothing is working anymore!!
a few examples:
when I open the app-menu and scroll up, (so that I'm at the bottom of the list), every app will be "Finance" when I open it!!
everytime I open a ASM-program a Mirage-program or an Ion-program, my TI turns off and it's a ramclear (even if there's really no bug in code!!!!)

(means, that I can't try out my axe-programs anymore!!)
APPs which I've made with axe are displaying things, which I've deleted in the code, code-parts which aren't in the code anymore!!
self-test tells me "ROM FAIL"
I can't send any apps anymore from my TI to other ones (ERR:VALIDATION)
I've already had a few archieve-clears a few jears ago (when I was only coding in BASIC!!!!)
sometimes, my display is upside-down, and I can't fix it (always need to pull out battery)
I've already had ASM-codes in my graphs (Y1-Y0) after playing games (which were basic-programs!!)
I can't open the Midi-to-Axe-converted files (the player for it isn't working on my TI)
I wasn't able to make my Archieve larger for the nyancat-video!! (my TI ignored the program!!)
These are only a few of the things, my TI makes!!
I don't think There is another TI with a larger collection of errors!!
The only working thing is to use it for school (calculating nice numbers...)
But I'd like to code on it, too!!
I don't think TI will like it, because I've already used programs like "aboutnam", which aren't so good for your TI!
But should I send aboutnam to my TI again, to delete the text I addet into the "about"-screen and send it to TI after that?
or should I just buy a new one??