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..\tools\ostools-0.1\multihex 00 "Page $00.hex" 1D "Page $1D.hex" > os.hex..\tools\ostools-0.1\packxxu os.hex -o os84.8xu -t 83p -q 0A -v 0.01 -h 255..\tools\rabbitsign\rabbitsign -t 8xu -k ..\tools\keys\0A.key -K 0A -g -p -r os84.8xu
[23:14:25] <+BrandonW> A signature is an RSA-encrypted MD5 hash of the data you're wanting to sign.[23:14:54] <+BrandonW> So you just MD5 hash the contents, and then encrypt it with 512-bit RSA using the private key associated with the ID you're wanting to sign with.[23:15:15] <+BrandonW> So for example, to sign an OS with the 04 key, you take the 04 private key and use it to encrypt the MD5 hash of the OS.