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Well,After new search, I just find stuff like OTBP or TSAM on calc.So, can we consider that a "little" 84SE as TI-Basic, BBC Basic, and ASM on calc ?It's just amazing.
I doubt a big RPG can be done with BBC Basic, unless BBC Basic has support for both sub-routines and copying alerady existing BBC Basic programs from the archive to the RAM. If it doesn't support both these things, then forget about a large RPG, you will pretty much need to have your RPG split into 2 hour chapters, password protected (the password gets told when you finish chapter 1, for example, and when starting chapter 2, you're asked for the password the first time you run it, or the program checks the saved file (if saved files are even possible with BBC Basic) to make sure it's a valid chapter 2 save file. Then you do that with the next few chapters, with a different password each time.
I don't know about u. But i CANNOT Find any help on the Ti-89. This is a problem for me.. cause im used to Ti-84, and the Ti-89 is slightly different.. and also the controls are different. So Sergepca, if you pick one of these calculators, you most likeley will stick with it (kk not to dis the Ti-89. but my freind got it and because he couldn't find any help with programming, he quit.) )= but i don't really know if there are lots of forums out there. So my suggestion. is Ti-84 !!! maybe SE if u want. The only benefit it gives is.. Tons more memory, and it's faster... but i doubt anyone will need that amount of memory, but the speed.. u can never have enuf!SE = Silver Edition.