Author Topic: TI-59 card reader  (Read 3911 times)

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TI-59 card reader
« on: May 27, 2017, 08:31:19 pm »
Just joined your User Forum and have also been a member of the HPCC for a few years.
I have 2 TI-59s (one is locked on the P100-A printer) - both card readers won't read or write to mag tape cards
However both card readers do a lot of whirring but don't get pulled through.
The other 59 locked to the printer (lost key) - 2 different locksmiths have tried to open it but failed (I can hear a number of modules when you shake it).

Is there anyone in the club that could repair the readers please and/or unlock the PC-100A (I'm in Sheffield UK)?
Also the other 59'has a missing battery cover lost and both steel battery prongs have been broken right down to the mother. Both 59s will run on external power.
The reason I can no longer do fiddly jobs is because of Rheumatoid Arthritis)
Thanks Dennis Tuckerman
Audio Alchemist

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Re: TI-59 card reader
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2017, 08:37:37 pm »
Hi there, welcome to Omnimaga. Unfortunately, your hardware is much older than what our userbase tends to dabble in, and offhand I can't really think of anyone who would know about doing much of anything with those old models. You might have better luck asking at They tend to have people that do more hardware stuff, you might perk someone's interest. However, most of them are also more familiar with newer hardware.