They are ghosts of the past; they have seen the world destroyed before. (HINT. HINT.)
As Phantoms, they automatically gain the ability to travel between dimensions. However, this takes time and concentration to do.
They are the only people who can refine Resonance, excess energy from the Power. (The Power is an overwhelming source of energy that is at the core of the planet. More information on that later.)
This energy can be forged into weapons and, if this energy is refined enough, that Phantom is said to achieve Perfect Resonance. Perfect Resonance takes shape as the elements (fire, water, earth, air, lightning) in our world.
By using Resonance and their inherent ability to travel between dimensions in conjunction, the Phantoms can achieve an astral form. This allows them to exist on all dimensions at once, making them able to pass through anything. (Like ghosts.)