General Discussion => Other Discussions => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: yoshi13 on September 18, 2010, 09:15:22 pm
Hey, I have to survey a range of people for school and was wondering if anyone here would be kind enough to help.
It's just a quick survey about your physical activity and can easily be completed in 2 minutes.
If you are able to help could you please complete the following document and then attach it to your post so I can collect the results.
Thanks for your time and help,
yoshi ;)
PS: Sorry for not being very active but school started to pile up.... hopefully I can find sometime to code some nSpire programs
I can't figure out if fencing is a light or non-contact sport. Technically, we don't touch each other (we just stab), but contact is made...
here you go!
i like the box sitting all by itself that just says No: XD
i assumed it was a question about my general outlook on life and checked it
wait, so you currently do a sport AND you don't?
that No box is if you don't do a sport. :P
Here you go.
Mine. Most of the walking is at work, though, since it involves a lot of it. Half of it is outside too.
Here's mine. I run cross country though, not track. There is a difference, about 20x as much running.
Btw I'm not really a big fan of doing sports anymore nowadays. The reason why is that no people I know IRL does any that I like and I'm not really as much of a sport fan as I am a geek :P
I tend to sit down and like to create stuff. If I did not work where I am right now, I would probably try to keep myself in shape with other activities, though, like walking instead of using city buses or riding my bike more often during Summer. I love to watch hockey, though
Thanks guys for all the surveys. Only 35 more to go. :)
Hey, I did fencing too!
Here ya go!
Thank you everyone for all the help. Have a good weekend. :)
Here you go:
I think you are a bit late ;D
I post this because there are so many other fencers around here, and just in case it might not be late after all :D
[/total nonsense]
EDIT: is my count of 4 fencers correct? Silver Shadow, Michael Lee, ACagliano and myself?
If it's not too late, here's mine. (Go XC and track!)
BTW, what weapons do you use? I'm a "sabreur". ;D