Well, if any of you remember when I was having issues with my Ti 83P-SE link port... I seem to have damaged it trying to make it produce sound... I cannot transfer files to or from my calculator :'(. I just quit when that happened. With school getting out for the summer, I had little reason to use my calculator instead of my desktop. But school is back (I'm a SENIOR
), and I use my calculator daily again. I still cannot transfer files, but I can manually type axe/basic programs into my calculator and WabbitEmu
Anyways... I am working on an axe project. I want it to speed up the longer the game goes on. I am doing this by making the game run fairly fast, then just adding "pause B" in the loop. B starts at 250 and everytime a point is earned I subtract one from B. The way it is set up, though, has it where every so often you either earn a point or lose... so the longer the game goes on the smaller B gets and the faster you get points, making B get smaller exponentially. I need an effective way to make B get smaller more or less linearly over time. Any ideas?