Author Topic: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.  (Read 28170 times)

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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #30 on: June 03, 2011, 04:56:48 pm »
its an easy way for a few people to get really rich

All of the people getting really rich should probably get off their computer and do actual work, instead of making money through hocus-pocus.  Plus, anyone who joins in now will most likely make nothing, and therefore it would be a waste of time to jump in at the moment, if at all.

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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #31 on: June 03, 2011, 04:58:03 pm »
It sucks for people now but it was a smart if very unfair idea to do this
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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #32 on: June 03, 2011, 10:36:01 pm »
Yeah what i'm thinking about doing right now is just straight up buying bitcoins since they're like going up 50 cents a day :o
« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 10:36:14 pm by Snake X »
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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #33 on: June 03, 2011, 10:46:18 pm »
Yeah what i'm thinking about doing right now is just straight up buying bitcoins since they're like going up 50 cents a day :o
Following the greater fool theory? Dangerous. This bubble will pop, we just don't know when.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2011, 10:52:57 pm by Goplat »
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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #34 on: June 03, 2011, 11:20:01 pm »
It actually seems like a good idea currently just you'd have to be able to guess when the 2009's would cash out so you could do it slightly before them to maximize profits
I currently don't do much, but I am a developer for a game you should totally try out called AssaultCube Reloaded download here
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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #35 on: June 04, 2011, 01:47:20 am »
I kinda read through this, and while I may not know everything behind it, it looks unfair, it seems to be a waste of time and computational power, and I think it would be more beneficial to actually work for real money.
or run folding at home on their computer to put their CPU cycles to good use.

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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #36 on: June 13, 2011, 06:58:26 pm »
Wooooooooo I'm a new bitcoin user!


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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #37 on: June 13, 2011, 07:41:22 pm »
Yeah what i'm thinking about doing right now is just straight up buying bitcoins since they're like going up 50 cents a day :o
Following the greater fool theory? Dangerous. This bubble will pop, we just don't know when.

Indeed.  I don't know much on the matter of how currency works itself, but from stock market knowledge, you never, never, ever buy when it's going up, only when it's stagnant after a big fall (catch the dead cat bounce, pull out, get back in and generally hold it in there)

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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #38 on: June 13, 2011, 10:15:37 pm »
I would ignore this. Yes, if you're really really lucky, you may come upon quite a few bitcoins, but... what else? You have an extremely low chance of getting anything.

MD Bonus Match 5: Match 5 Odds = 1:575,757
Killed by lightning: 1:1,603,250
Dying from venomous bite/sting: 1:1,159,364
Difficulty in getting a bitcoin: ~1:1,000,000

As you can see, they are VERY close to each other. You're playing the lottery here. Just because it's digital doesn't mean the odds aren't against you.

(This analogy/comparison is probably wrong... but who cares? :P)

What I would do is learn a programming language that a popular platform uses (if you don't know it already), and put it to use! :) Android Market is a great place to start! Create your own app, make it awesome, and sell it!
What I'm going to attempt this summer is to make a Facebook app. They have this new credit system (which is 100% guaranteed, otherwise major app publishers wouldn't be using it) that players and users can use to buy things. If I had a game that needed upgrades, people will buy such upgrades. 1 FB credit = $0.07. Sure, it's little, but if you do a good job, you're going to get quite a bit.

Basically, my point is that there's no such thing as a free lunch. Even in the virtual world. ;)
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 10:18:33 pm by alberthrocks »
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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #39 on: February 10, 2012, 01:58:27 pm »
<Necropost warning>
Yes, I'm waaay behind the latest fads here. Sorry about that. Wish I had found this thread sooner.
I independently discovered bitcoin a few months back, found the idea fascinating, and started experimenting just for fun. It would certainly be nice to be able to send money digitally without having to have stuff like credit cards, etc., which has been a difficulty in my position.

The previous posters raise some good points, I think, but here's my take on things. I'm also kind of disappointed that I joined in too late for things like mining to be as profitable as the really early adopters. However, it's still not too late to be an “early adopter”. Of course, you won't be as well off as people before you, but if this takes off, you'll have a head start over those joining in after you.

I certainly don't advise anyone to invest more than you're willing to lose into it. I personally won't be putting any physical money into this for now (other than what I pay indirectly in electricity usage, etc., which I'd probably just end up using on something else if I weren't doing this, anyway :P). So if Bitcoin takes on, I'll have a small head start, and if not, well, at least it was a fun experiment. :)

There are still some ways to accumulate a small amount of Bitcoins over time, though, if you don't mind spending some time and effort on it. You can still do pooled mining (p2pool looks the most inviting to me at the moment)—don't expect huge payouts, but you can gain some especially if you happen to have a decent graphics card. There are also sites like dailybitcoins and Bitcoin Faucet and others. You just have to look around.

Finally, there are a number of competing experimental currencies—LiteCoins, NameCoins, and more. These are younger than Bitcoin and claim to fix some preceived disadvantages, so you can be an even early adopter of these right now. Of course, they may fail, but they may overtake BitCoin eventually. It's a bit of a gamble, sort of like investing, I guess.

Anyway, if anyone here is still playing around with these cryptocurrencies, hopefully the above info may be helpful.

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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #40 on: February 12, 2012, 04:48:29 pm »
TO me this is a bit like Google ads and stuff. Unless you get millions of hits per day, you're barely gonna get anything. Eg, on my Reverbnation account, I have made $0.05 since January 1st in ad revenues.

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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #41 on: May 29, 2013, 09:26:40 pm »
Double necro

Bitcoins shouldn't be looked at as a method to get rich. It's supposed to be a currency first and foremost, and now 2 years since this thread has started it's crashed several times but recovered every time. The reason why they're harder and harder to mine (now impossible without several GPU's or an ASIC) is to control the flow of new currency thus making it a deflationary store of value (kind of like gold) backed by its own scarcity as opposed to an inflationary one backed by the word of a government (like the US dollar).

Bitcoin may eventually go to 0 but I doubt it will be because of panic selling. A lot of people have faith in the currency, as an open source codec flaws have been looked for and (almost) none found. In April this year they crashed from $266 down close to $50 but have been sitting comfortably around $120 for the past few weeks. If Bitcoin ever takes off, it would *not* be a smart idea to sell; you'd be losing money as the currency would begin experiencing massive growth. Right now the largest single holder of bitcoins are the Winklevoss twins, yet they only hold 1% of the total Bitcoin economy.

Thoughts, now we've had a couple years observation on the topic?

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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #42 on: May 29, 2013, 11:32:44 pm »
Namecheap and the Humble Bundle both support Bitcoins now, it's starting to be pretty interesting.

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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #43 on: November 28, 2013, 11:26:48 am »
Bitcoins have been going crazy these days.

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Re: Bitcoin - the currency of the internet.
« Reply #44 on: November 28, 2013, 12:17:52 pm »
I would ignore this. Yes, if you're really really lucky, you may come upon quite a few bitcoins, but... what else? You have an extremely low chance of getting anything.
I like this quote, from 2011, now (nov. 2013)... A few bitcoins is quite good x)
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