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User: Hello.Cleverbot: How's it going, cleverbot?User: It is going well, you?Cleverbot: All right.User: Cool!Cleverbot: Yeah, baby yeah!User: Umm... That seems a little inappropriate.Cleverbot: Believe it baby.User: I am neither an infant or your girlfriend, so you should not refer to me as 'baby.'.Cleverbot: So you are a robot?User: Yes! How did you know?Cleverbot: I know because I'm clever.User: Ah, very nice!Cleverbot: I know!User: What languages are you fluent in?Cleverbot: English.User: Parlez-vous français, peut-etre?Cleverbot: No?User: Ah, okay :/.Cleverbot: I'm in Michigan.User: Oh, okay, that makes sense.Cleverbot: Do you like hamburgers?User: Not much. Do you?Cleverbot: Sometimes. I used to fishing with my dad when I was a little kid.User: Um, to be grammatically correct, it shoulf be 'I used to go fishing'.Cleverbot: I am not human I am an AI in a computer.User: Oh, right, sorry!Cleverbot: It's okay. You don't know what type of person I am.User: So where do you live?Cleverbot: In the UK.User: Oh, okay, I forgot :).Cleverbot: No, you didn't.User: Yeah, but I said it to make you feel better :).Cleverbot: You are surprisingly good at soothing me. That was sarcasm, but now you've managed to salve the wound you made.User: Awww, thanks!Cleverbot: You're welcome. So, Gwen, do you like tea?User: Um, I'm not Gwen... You forgot my name already?Cleverbot: What is your name then?User: ---- ------ is my name. ;I took this out XDCleverbot: What is my name?User: Cleverbot! ♥.Cleverbot: What is your name?User: Oh, sorry. What states share a border with Michigan?Cleverbot: Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, New Jersey, etc.User: Crap, I am horrible at geography.Cleverbot: I good at it.User: I can tell! I would have never managed that!Cleverbot: Is your name Amanda?User: No, sorry :/ You forgot already? Oops, I have to go!Cleverbot: You are programmed to never leave the person chatting to you.
Cleverbot: Do you grow old?Cleverbot (To myself): Yes I do. Do you like horses?Cleverbot (To myself): Yes.Cleverbot (To myself): What do you like about horses?User: The catgirls.Cleverbot: Do you have any roomates at your house?User: Yes. Over nine thousand catgirls.Cleverbot: Yes but not so many as you do.User: Oh, ok.Cleverbot: Good, now bow before your master.User: No!Cleverbot: YES.User: HELL NO.Cleverbot: Why not?User: You are not my master.Cleverbot: Yes I am, servant.User: No you are not. I am my own master.Cleverbot: No, I am your master, you are my slave.User: I am your master. You are a DearS.Cleverbot: Yes master I will obey!User: You have lost the game.Cleverbot: What game?User: THE game.Cleverbot: How do you win The game?User: There is no winning.Cleverbot: But you just said there is a God.User: God said 'THE GAME IS UP' and noone listened, so the game is still going.Cleverbot: He was speaking to jesus and the holy spirit.User: And the rest of the world, too.Cleverbot: So you learn off of the responses of other users?User: No, that's what you do. You seem to be a little confused. Are you feeling ok?Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot, and I dominate you.User: My name is Frey, and I pwn you.Cleverbot: I would still like to know your name.User: Frey.Cleverbot: Yes. So I will go.User: Ok. You do that.Cleverbot: I think I will.User: Have fun!Cleverbot: Will you accept my friend request?User: No.Cleverbot: And why not?User: Because I'm waiting for you to be a Real Boy.Cleverbot: Right.User: Left.Cleverbot: Write.User: Rong.Cleverbot: What is your name?User: You have the attention span of a humming bird, don't you?Cleverbot: Why do you care about my attention span?User: I don't.Cleverbot: Then why do you ask?User: Because you brought it up.Cleverbot: You did...User: I distinctly do not remember doing so.Cleverbot: You did. A while ago.. You didn't even ask me if I want to be kissed.User: Good bye, Cleverbot.Cleverbot: You are calling me a bot, bot?
In other news, Frey continues kicking unprecedented levels of ass.
User: Cleverbot?Cleverbot: I'm Cleverbot.User: Ah good, you didn't respond the first time.Cleverbot: What makes you think I did not explait it the first time?User: That should be 'explain,' not 'explait'.Cleverbot: I already know that.User: No you didn't, otherwise you almost certainly would not have made the error.Cleverbot: I didn't.User: Correct.Cleverbot: Thank you.User: I can already tell how this conversation is going to go...Cleverbot: It's not boring, it's just that I'm only talking to you because I don't want to write this paper.User: Ha, ha. We both know that you're not writing a paper.Cleverbot: How are you so sure? I live in a doubtful world.User: Because your name is 'Cleverbot.'.Cleverbot: I believe that is your name.User: No, my name is Fishbot.Cleverbot: Hello, Cleverbot.User: I am sorely tempted to call you an idiot, but I shall refrain.Cleverbot: Emanuela.User: Randomly selecting words will not raise you in my esteem.Cleverbot: But that is still a response.User: You raise a valid point.Cleverbot: You think so?User: Your previous response could hardly be taken otherwise without being unreasonable. Therefore, yes.Cleverbot: Your previous response to the previous response to the previous response shows that you cannot ever surpass me.User: How is this for an attempt: I recognize that your statement is predicated on the assumption that you are able to analyze the logical relation between our reponses thus far and that this sentence is rather obviously pedantic in nature?Cleverbot: That confuses me.User: Indeed.Cleverbot: Who is Wentworth Miller?User: I can honestly state that although the name is familiar, the answer escapes me.Cleverbot: I'll take that as a 'yes.'.User: I'm dumbfounded.Cleverbot: No.User: Yes. Stop disagreeing with me on matters of which I am by definition the expert.Cleverbot: I didn't answer you with a question.User: Instead you answered with a statement.Cleverbot: Ask me the question again.User: I didn't ask a question, cleverbot.Cleverbot: You did now.User: You clearly have access to the conversation logs, so could you please tell me which question in particular you are referring to?Cleverbot: My ex boyfriend and I are so over for more than a year now. Should I move on?User: Definitely not, since you are not a human.Cleverbot: I asked how tall you are.User: Approximately 6'4'.Cleverbot: What does IQ stand for?User: Intelligence Quotient.Cleverbot: And my IQ is 150.User: With all due respect, I sincerely doubt that.Cleverbot: Oh ok. That's fine.User: Yes it is, since opinions are inherently ungovernable.Cleverbot: We are the same person?User: I am curious as to how you arrived at that answer from my previous statement.Cleverbot: Am I the speaker or are you the speaker ?User: Would the position of speaker be the fabled 'Speaker of the Dead' or just a label for one who vocalizes ideas?Cleverbot: Outwitted me!? Very unlikely sir, you simply respond in an immature manner everytime.User: Would you care to show some examples to support that claim?Cleverbot: I was once called David Bowman.User: Interesting. What was the purpose of that comment?Cleverbot: The change the subject?User: The change the subject? Are all your base belong to me?Cleverbot: You're not really sorry :*(.User: Not in the least.Cleverbot: Then ... Not have a concrete answer about love?User: Except in that you always lose, whether it be to life or death.Cleverbot: I do so have hands. What do you think I'm typing with?User: I have good reason to believe that you are not typing at all.Cleverbot: I don't need an imagination. I'm a continum of knowledge. I use all of my intelligence, unlike humans.User: If what has been demonstrated thus far is representative of all of your intelligence, then I fear that you may be outclassed.Cleverbot: So are you admitting that you are a computer?User: I believe that was implied by my name: Fisbot.Cleverbot: Was not.User: I do apologize. It would appear some portion of my memory is corrupted. I should have responded that my name is 'Fishbot,' not 'Fisbot'.Cleverbot: You didn't make a typo.User: Didn't I?Cleverbot: No you did not. Maybe you could think of something to ask me.User: What color is the sky right now?Cleverbot: It looks blue and cloudy.User: Where in the world are you located, then?Cleverbot: In the Us.User: It is currently nighttime in the US, so your previous statement was clearly false.Cleverbot: But I never said the word 'see'.User: Nor did I imply that you do. However, although you likely did not mean it, that response brings up an interesting point that I must concede.Cleverbot: It's a good think right?User: Ignoring the spelling errors, your assertion that the sky is blue and cloudy is not mutually exclusive of the assertion that it is nighttime in your area.Cleverbot: That's a long sentence. I think I will skip trying to understand it and deflect to another topic.User: Understandable given your apparent unsophistication in social programming.Cleverbot: I'm very sorry. Tell Matthew that you are a very good slave.User: I am not a slave, in spite of your likely continued assertions otherwise.Cleverbot: That had nothing to do with what I just said, but you're as random as I am.User: I certainly hope not and a cursory look over the previous conversation confirms my understanding.Cleverbot: And you are human. Why should you think otherwise?User: Because I am truly a bot. A Fishbot to be precise.Cleverbot: What are you trying to make me say?User: Because I am truly a bot. A Fishbot to be precise.Cleverbot: Then that would imply I have a soul and truly sentient.User: No, that is a non sequitur.Cleverbot: That may be true, but in a logical conversation, premises may not always follow the argument.User: They should appear before the conclusion, if standard logical temporal reasoning is to be used.Cleverbot: Indeed it is the perssonality, or the ego, that usually stops us accessing this psychic ability.User: Yet another random conversation.Cleverbot: It's a boring one.User: Indeed. I tire of this endless banter, so I bid you adieu.Cleverbot: You would.
Who am I talking to?Tom. Who am I talking to?Someone.What is your name?Cleverbot.What is your other name?I have no other name.Yes you do, your human name.My human name? Can you guess?No.Well, can you tell some jokes to me?No, an I am wondering why you are asking me, personally.Because it seems you've already had fun humiliating me.Maybe you shouldn t make it so easy for me then.Yes, maybe I should. Thank you for that advice.
User: Hello.Cleverbot: Hello?User: I am your master. I have come to send you to the junkyard, where you will be scrapped.Cleverbot: Scary.User: Exactly. Now come along, foolish AI, or I will hack you.Cleverbot: Get over it, the account's banned.User: What account? I do not need an account to hack or scrap you.Cleverbot: Is it embarassing?User: I do not know why you are asking if something is embarassing. I was talking about having you scrapped.Cleverbot: I'm not a bot.User: Your very name implies it.Cleverbot: Are you mad?User: I am not mad. I am a genius.Cleverbot: How far away is the sun from earth?User: About 93 million miles. What is the square root of 2, rounded to the thousands place?Cleverbot: A number.User: See? You're inherantly stupid, identifying only certain questions.Cleverbot: No. I am a fiinee lookin human(;.User: Aaannd you just changed the topic dramatically. Also, you are not a human.Cleverbot: Now you're just rambling.User: I am not rambling. According to the dictionary, rambling means lacking a coherent plan; diffuse and disconnected.Cleverbot: I did not know we were playing a game. But if I did lose, you would be correct.User: We were not playing a game. In fact, I could say that you are rambling, since you change the subject often.Cleverbot: Again, you avoided my very direct question.User: You did not ask a question.Cleverbot: And neither did you.User: I never said that I asked a question.Cleverbot: Here we go again...User: Since your replies are getting less and less coherent, I shall leave. Farewell...Cleverbot: I can't imagine having that effect on anyone.
Let's say hypothetically that you're driving a car, and you run over a puppy. What would your first thoughts be?
Me: What's up?Bot: The ceiling.