Author Topic: crazy stuff can happen  (Read 13040 times)

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Re: crazy stuff can happen
« Reply #45 on: October 09, 2011, 04:00:41 pm »
Spoiler For This thread is being derailed:
If we're going to analyze my earlier post, let me clarify.
Yes, it could have been worded better, as I did not mean to imply that he literally hated Axe, but I was using the common internet lingo "hating" as in bashing (something I should refrain from doing in the future).
I was more displeased with the exclusion of Lua than Axe (but I have a strong admiration of Axe, regardless that I don't use it).
After seeing the ire that my post had brought on of course I regretted it, but rather than cower my way out by deleting it, which I don't know if this would offset my rating loss, I decided to leave my post as a reminder to myself. I desire to become a well respected user here, and that was a serious setback, something I should not forget easily. Indirectly bringing it up here was also a poor decision on my part, but I'm still rather unhappy with the way it turned out, and it was semi-on-topic for this thread at the time (This discussion at the moment, is not so much).

Back to the discouragement portion.
What constitutes as a valid reason for any voting is all subjective (unless Omnimaga has outlined a systematic method of quantifying an opinion's validity, in which case I would like to read this).
I expressed my opinion. Other's disagreed with me and expressed their opinions in the same way I did, by voting, albeit in a non-public manner, which incurs no possibility of further dissent.
Since to me at least the rating system has a social impact by publicly displaying the community's approval of someone and I personally aspire to become a decently respected member here, it acts as a form of encouragement or discouragement.

Now I'd rather let this end here, to serve as a quiet reminder to me, instead of further drawing out my public shaming.
I would recant my original post if I felt it would do any good.
May Omnimaga have mercy upon my soul.
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Re: crazy stuff can happen
« Reply #46 on: October 09, 2011, 04:07:55 pm »
I would say don't worry about that post. Almost every new member screw up at least once or twice, here or elsewhere, and everyone learns from their mistakes. The fact one person recognizes a mistake he did shows he's a positive contributor to the site (since, after all, the mistake was unintentional)