Author Topic: Day of Silence  (Read 40762 times)

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Offline dinhotheone

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Day of Silence
« Reply #45 on: September 16, 2007, 03:31:00 am »
... i dont really understand why people always have to debate this. its basic, heres the answer: no one truly cares what other people think on this subject, at least not enough to make any difference, if they believe in absolutes then they wont change and if they're close enough in the middle to go to the other side then it really doesnt matter. all that happens is that the people who feel that gays are satan incarnate go crazy and the people who belive that man on x sex is an unalienable right, just spaz right back. and there will always be these two groups, just like there will always be people who love/hate african americans.

having said that im going to keep my opinion on this to myself because i dont fool myself into thinking that anyone will change with it or even that anyone cares.

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Day of Silence
« Reply #46 on: September 16, 2007, 07:21:00 am »
Whatev. I don't give a rats-a** who other people decide to sleep with. That's their business imo. As for government legislation on gay marriage? That's total bulls***. The government shouldn't have to legislate ANY marriage. I don't need a piece of paper that tells me who I'm in love with. More of the government trying to get in places it doesn't belong. X(angry.gif

also i love homosexuals But i do not love the traversity they comit.

people who feel that gays are satan incarnate go crazy and the people who belive that man on x sex is an unalienable right, just spaz right back. and there will always be these two groups, just like there will always be people who love/hate african americans.

There was a gay dude that went to my high school who was very religious too. He just didn't act on it and stuff I guess. I thought he was pretty funny, he was the kind of guy who would get into debates with religion teachers. From what I understand, the christian faith says that sex is the ultimate act of love and should always be open to life. They are against buttsecks for the same reason they are against contraception. You can't give all of yourself to another person if you keep back the possibility for life or something like that. Anyways to dinho, I think most people against gay sex don't hate gay people, they think something similar to this. Even so, the government should have no business in it.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Day of Silence
« Reply #47 on: September 16, 2007, 09:12:00 am »
true, if church doesn't want to approve gay marriage or if they want to approve it, it's their own business, not government business. I personally find any arguments against homosexuality invalid when they are based on religious views though, because lot of people have different religion, and some are atheist, meaning their view on this are different than with catholic people. This is why I would disagree with lordofthegeeks here. Homosexuality is unnatural and abnormal, because it's different, but it shouldn't be seen as heinous crime, because everyone is free to do whatever they want providing it doesn't violate law.

What the f*** is up with all those gay parades though? This is just stupid, why not a Barney fan parade while at it?

Offline dinhotheone

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Day of Silence
« Reply #48 on: September 16, 2007, 09:24:00 am »
i was just giving both extremes

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Day of Silence
« Reply #49 on: September 16, 2007, 09:27:00 am »
i know, my post was more directed at lordofthegeeks though

and congrats for 255 posts, now you became an assembly program. jk

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Day of Silence
« Reply #50 on: September 16, 2007, 09:31:00 am »
the reson is that they just don't want to do there perversion privitly the want everyone to think that what the are doing is on the same level as marrige or even better thus they cram it down our throat. or up our [inpolite word for posterior]s.
i belive it is wrong thats my personal belief. lets go with the armys policy- "Don't ask Don't tell" and lookat nature do we see any other creature seeking the same gender for intourcourse?
Short and sweet. :)

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Day of Silence
« Reply #51 on: September 16, 2007, 10:14:00 am »
only thing you need to understand though is that it's not all gay people who does this, the ones who participate to those parades seems to want attention, but there is lot of gay people who just ask to be respected, no more discriminations. Some gay people won't disturb other people with their stuff, they just tell they are gay, and it's not their fault if they were born this way. Which is why i disagree that it's totally wrong. Lordofthegeeks, please quit bringning religion everywhere in debates. I think you alerady should know that the last time you did nobody appreciated. Religion can't just be brought on the internet, because it is too controversial as a subject. In the first place, this topic had nothing to do with religion anyway.


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Day of Silence
« Reply #52 on: September 16, 2007, 10:48:00 am »
Yeah, the parades... Now I'm reminded of Pure Pwnage. Jeremy thought it was a parade about owning things 'cause everyone was making humping motions. XDsmiley.gif This whole day of silence thing I don't really get either. Gay rights activists are some of the loudest people on the planet! "omgz nobody listens to us we has no voice!" stfu ph00lz! quit yer whinin'. No offense. ;)wink.gif (of course imo the debate shouldn't even exist as the government shouldn't have anything to do with marriage in the first place) I would also say religion is a moot point. Separation of church and state plzkthx. :)smile.gif

Offline Halifax

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Day of Silence
« Reply #53 on: September 16, 2007, 01:39:00 pm »
The government shouldn't deal with a lot of things, but it is total bulls**t if you think a country could survive without a government so personally I don't give a f**k. The government is hot on Rockstar's tail for the Manhunt 2 release, because as you have heard they had to cut a majority of their game due to "violations". The thing is that Rockstar just tells the truth about life. So with that...

Are people scared of seeing, and admitting what really happens in life? You can't post pictures about 9/11 without people tell you that you are a f**king idiot, and you are insulting the families.

Telling the truth is an insult?

Point is, people don't like to deal with life in actuality. We can't make a game about sex, and not have it banned, although that same 13 year old who plays the game is probably going to go out and have sex either way.

Defending things with the bible really isn't something that should be done.

How can you protest Resistance Fall of Man with the bible? and say it is immoral and insensitive to the future.

My point being, religion/church should be separated from anything that doesn't explicitly have to deal with religion/church.


Don't say a f**king debate won't change anything. If that was what the whole world thought, then what happened at Jena Six?
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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Day of Silence
« Reply #54 on: September 16, 2007, 01:50:00 pm »
Imho a debate can change things, it would need to be taken further than on a small forum like this one though ;)wink.gif

And I wouldn't like if we were left with no government, because economy would fall and the entire country would turn into chaos. Just when the quebec city mayor died a few weeks ago the time they elected someone to replace her, which took 3 days, it was alerady starting getting hot there. But government shouldn't have to deal with everything, especially not religion. I never understood why religion, especially catholic one still take a big place in society even after discovering 90% of the priest sexually abused childrens in dormitories in the mid 1900s and still do today


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Day of Silence
« Reply #55 on: September 16, 2007, 02:20:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-Halifax+17 Sep, 2007, 0:39-->
QUOTE (Halifax @ 17 Sep, 2007, 0:39)
The government shouldn't deal with a lot of things, but it is total bulls**t if you think a country could survive without a government so personally I don't give a f**k. The government is hot on Rockstar's tail for the Manhunt 2 release, because as you have heard they had to cut a majority of their game due to "violations". The thing is that Rockstar just tells the truth about life. So with that...

Are people scared of seeing, and admitting what really happens in life? You can't post pictures about 9/11 without people tell you that you are a f**king idiot, and you are insulting the families.

Telling the truth is an insult?

Point is, people don't like to deal with life in actuality. We can't make a game about sex, and not have it banned, although that same 13 year old who plays the game is probably going to go out and have sex either way.

Defending things with the bible really isn't something that should be done.

How can you protest Resistance Fall of Man with the bible? and say it is immoral and insensitive to the future.

My point being, religion/church should be separated from anything that doesn't explicitly have to deal with religion/church.


Don't say a f**king debate won't change anything. If that was what the whole world thought, then what happened at Jena Six?

Whoah whoah hold on here where are you getting this. :gah:fou.gif I never said I was an anarchist and what the hell does manhunt 2 have anything to do with this? (btw you can get the original version online if you... know where to look. ;)wink.gif ) As for it telling the truth about life... hehe I don't think that game was meant to be realistic rofl. Resistance Fall of Man the church of england got mad at 'cause they used one of their churches in the game. They are being rather unreasonable about it, though I don't understand what this has to do with gay rights either.

90% of the priest sexually abused childrens in dormitories in the mid 1900s and still do today

O_Oshocked2.gif Uhh... no. Just no. In fact 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of priests don't abuse anybody... that's kinda... against the whole idea of being a priest. Holy s***, dunno where you got THAT statistic from... Cases of sexual abuse by Catholic priests are actually probably one of the rarest things on the planet. No offense but you have a highly warped view of the catholic faith.  

Offline Halifax

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Day of Silence
« Reply #56 on: September 16, 2007, 02:26:00 pm »
Yeah I guess I just got off topic, but the thing that pisses me off is that developers can spend 3-4 years slaving away on a game just to have it ripped apart, and said to not be allowed by the bible.

And I was more or less talking about GTA being realistic. How can you deny a videogame's release, but allow porn sites that are accessible to children through a simple click of saying you are 18? I just don't see the logic in that.
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Day of Silence
« Reply #57 on: September 16, 2007, 02:34:00 pm »
It's not the bible, it's fricking ESRB. They hate rockstar remember? The bible had nothing to do with it as I recall. At most a few people may have used it as an excuse to agree with ESRB but that's it. Personally I <3 GTA =)

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Day of Silence
« Reply #58 on: September 16, 2007, 02:38:00 pm »
Geez, dude can you stop skewing my points. The bible was involved with Resistance fall of man, not Rockstar.

Also it is very stupid to hate Rockstar as a whole as it was mainly Rockstar North.

And ESRB is a joke. I think they just need to die.
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Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Day of Silence
« Reply #59 on: September 16, 2007, 02:38:00 pm »
did they really banned games from USA? o.oblink.gif