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Topic: Day of Silence (Read 40800 times)
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Day of Silence
Reply #60 on:
September 16, 2007, 02:42:00 pm »
The original Manhunt 2 was banned in Ireland, and England. That forced Rockstar to cut their game down by 40%, and send that version to ESRB, which got a M rating.
They obviously could have released the original version, but as we know AO is basically a death note to your videogame. Which is easy to tell as I bet no one has even heard of 5 out of the 24 games that have an AO rating. Some of them are even from respected developers such as Vivendi, Atari, and others.
There are 10 types of people in this world-- those that can read binary, and those that can't.
Day of Silence
Reply #61 on:
September 16, 2007, 02:43:00 pm »
No, it isn't banned but ESRB rated it AO (adult's only) which means 90% of retailers won't sell it.
So they remade it so it could be rated M. No more ripping nuts off with pliers I'm afraid.
a joke, did you know they don't even play the games? They just watch preview vids. And yeah they hate rockstar because they hate GTA and then *really* hated GTA:SA because of the hidden sex scenes and now they always rain down their much haet on rockstar.
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Reply #62 on:
September 16, 2007, 02:48:00 pm »
They don't play the games?!?!?! What the hell. They shouldn't even be rating them then. Either way I like Rockstar, and I would be more than happy to work on one of their many teams.
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DJ Omnimaga
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Reply #63 on:
September 16, 2007, 02:54:00 pm »
Over here some retaillers sells M games to 8 years old, they wont even respect the ratings
Day of Silence
Reply #64 on:
September 16, 2007, 05:43:00 pm »
Hmm, some places around here will card you for buying an M rated game. The ratings are pretty much BS anyways though.
DJ Omnimaga
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Day of Silence
Reply #65 on:
September 16, 2007, 05:51:00 pm »
Indeed. On the GBA same games that were released on the Playstation were rated T on Playstation and E on gba
Day of Silence
Reply #66 on:
September 16, 2007, 07:00:00 pm »
well that's understandable, the games are quite different.
Little teeny gba screens with 2D gore is not nearly as bad as uber ps2 graphics on a big screen.
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Reply #67 on:
September 16, 2007, 07:03:00 pm »
Yes, but you cannot go by that idea. Wolfenstein recieved a M rating in its time. And the blood, nor the people, nor the graphics looked at all realistic.
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Reply #68 on:
September 16, 2007, 08:22:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-rivereye+13 Apr, 2007, 11:38-->
(rivereye @ 13 Apr, 2007, 11:38)
supporting of gays and the like, there are a lot of people (myself included) who feel that it is unnatural and wrong.
Yay for gays and lesbians, boo for people that hate them. I think the problem is people don't watch enough porn
. Anyways, I heard only two phrases I'll rehash on: first, as most species of animals besides humans have some percentage of their populations homosexual, i think it would qualify as natural.
And second, people aren't supposed to do anything. Life, quite fortunately, doesn't have a predefined prime directive or purpose or anything of the sort. Rather, we can choose our own hopes, dreams, and goals. There is no inherent need to reproduce other than to sate an instinct.
Anyways, I would much rather have a national science day...maybe celebrate with DNA strand streamers and lively discussion about quantum physics or the nature of infinity or just a little reading up on bucky balls and carbon nanofibers and nanotori, or arguing over whether dimensional tunneling is remotely plausible or silly school boyish duncery, and of course reading up on some of the newest fossils and neat tech toys and next wonder drugs you would want to forge a prescription for, and so forth.
I'm like a woot burger with awesome fries
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Day of Silence
Reply #69 on:
September 17, 2007, 12:35:00 am »
QuoteBegin-Halifax+16 Sep, 2007, 19:39-->
(Halifax @ 16 Sep, 2007, 19:39)
The government shouldn't deal with a lot of things, but it is total bulls**t if you think a country could survive without a government so personally I don't give a f**k. The government is hot on Rockstar's tail for the Manhunt 2 release, because as you have heard they had to cut a majority of their game due to "violations". The thing is that Rockstar just tells the truth about life. So with that...
Are people scared of seeing, and admitting what really happens in life? You can't post pictures about 9/11 without people tell you that you are a f**king idiot, and you are insulting the families.
Telling the truth is an insult?
Point is, people don't like to deal with life in actuality. We can't make a game about sex, and not have it banned, although that same 13 year old who plays the game is probably going to go out and have sex either way.
Defending things with the bible really isn't something that should be done.
How can you protest Resistance Fall of Man with the bible? and say it is immoral and insensitive to the future.
My point being, religion/church should be separated from anything that doesn't explicitly have to deal with religion/church.
Don't say a f**king debate won't change anything. If that was what the whole world thought, then what happened at Jena Six?
i didnt say that... i said it wont really have any effect on this issue because people's points of views on this issue are so innately built into them. there is no logic that those who believe gays are evil can throw at you because they are going on bible and what thier parents/society have taught them. others who feel that they are just different and judge them by what they do and who they are and who dont clump all gays into one big bin get nothing but crap thrown at them in the form of debate. i do not however believe that debating is useless just that its better to avoid flamewars and the like (which is my experiance) in this one case.
also i think family needs to be referenced here (satire about society):
also how did this convo switch to videogames, ive read the posts and i still dont know what that guy is saying
DJ Omnimaga
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Day of Silence
Reply #70 on:
September 17, 2007, 03:46:00 am »
I think the best way to avoid flame war is to completly keep religion out of any debates. Also I agree that people should quit putting everyone of a group into the same bin, this doesn't just happen with gay people, it happened with many other groups too
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Day of Silence
Reply #71 on:
September 17, 2007, 08:16:00 am »
QuoteBegin-dinhotheone+17 Sep, 2007, 6:35-->
(dinhotheone @ 17 Sep, 2007, 6:35)
QuoteBegin-Halifax+16 Sep, 2007, 19:39-->
(Halifax @ 16 Sep, 2007, 19:39)
The government shouldn't deal with a lot of things, but it is total bulls**t if you think a country could survive without a government so personally I don't give a f**k. The government is hot on Rockstar's tail for the Manhunt 2 release, because as you have heard they had to cut a majority of their game due to "violations". The thing is that Rockstar just tells the truth about life. So with that...
Are people scared of seeing, and admitting what really happens in life? You can't post pictures about 9/11 without people tell you that you are a f**king idiot, and you are insulting the families.
Telling the truth is an insult?
Point is, people don't like to deal with life in actuality. We can't make a game about sex, and not have it banned, although that same 13 year old who plays the game is probably going to go out and have sex either way.
Defending things with the bible really isn't something that should be done.
How can you protest Resistance Fall of Man with the bible? and say it is immoral and insensitive to the future.
My point being, religion/church should be separated from anything that doesn't explicitly have to deal with religion/church.
Don't say a f**king debate won't change anything. If that was what the whole world thought, then what happened at Jena Six?
i didnt say that... i said it wont really have any effect on this issue because people's points of views on this issue are so innately built into them. there is no logic that those who believe gays are evil can throw at you because they are going on bible and what thier parents/society have taught them. others who feel that they are just different and judge them by what they do and who they are and who dont clump all gays into one big bin get nothing but crap thrown at them in the form of debate. i do not however believe that debating is useless just that its better to avoid flamewars and the like (which is my experiance) in this one case.
also i think family needs to be referenced here (satire about society):
also how did this convo switch to videogames, ive read the posts and i still dont know what that guy is saying
Oh, my bad then, I apologize dinhotheone.
There are 10 types of people in this world-- those that can read binary, and those that can't.
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Day of Silence
Reply #72 on:
September 17, 2007, 12:42:00 pm »
dont worry about it, i wouldve said the same sorta thing if i saw someone saying that debating is useless
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Day of Silence
Reply #73 on:
September 17, 2007, 01:06:00 pm »
Let it Be
The is my view on this issue they think or want to or are gay let them be I don't care if they start hitting on my manliness then maybe I'll care but other then that whatever. the Beatles made that song for a reason so listen to it.
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Day of Silence
Reply #74 on:
September 17, 2007, 01:48:00 pm »
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