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Re: Definitely retiring from coding
« Reply #45 on: June 26, 2011, 06:46:23 pm »
This is horrible I have convinced my parents that programming is good(they don't want me testing stuff on their computers though...) I hope you can convince your parents that programming is good and will help you/them
I was lucky with that: My dad works at IBM, and as soon as i started to gain interest in programming, he helped me with it. The same is not true for calcs: I haven't told my dad yet that I program my calc, becouse I don't know how he would react. Now he doesn't even knows my calc is programmable.

So if you want to convince your parents that programming is good, show them some useful stuff you have made for a computer, becouse most people thinks programming calcs is strange.
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Re: Definitely retiring from coding
« Reply #46 on: June 26, 2011, 11:57:18 pm »
While coding can definitely turn into a career, it's a rather tenuous link between custom designed calc languages and "real" programming, which is often vastly different. Also, you're assuming Rayquaza's dad is rational. As much as I hate to admit it, that's quite often a bad assumption to make. Thirdly, Rayquaza's dad is his legal guardian. That means that he can legally force Rayquaza to do pretty much whatever he wants. Going over to his house, being a stranger he's never met before and thus has little to no influence, and telling him that his parenting is faulty...? If he's like the majority of parents out there, he's probably going to be at least annoyed. It may even reflect badly on Rayquaza, leading to further restrictions of his privileges. Let Rayquaza handle it, since he has the advantage of influence over his father.
I'm not gonna just walk into the house like that :P I'm perfectly aware of the fact that he decides what his son does, I'm not gonna say that his decisions are faulty or whatever. I'll just tell him how programming has affected MY life, and how it helped me in my studies. And I won't do anything if rayquaza isn't OK with it.
From what rayquaza said, I gather that he stopped coding whatsoever, not just on calc, so it's not an issue about doing it on a calc.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2011, 11:58:04 pm by Silver Shadow »
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Re: Definitely retiring from coding
« Reply #47 on: June 26, 2011, 11:59:10 pm »
By the way it's not true that calc programming cannot help on your carreer. KermMartian, for example, said it did help him a lot to get where he is now.

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Re: Definitely retiring from coding
« Reply #48 on: June 27, 2011, 12:34:27 am »
Same for me, among a number of TI calculators long-timers: I wouldn't be where I am "now" (until the end of June), if I hadn't done a sizable amount of calculator programming.
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Re: Definitely retiring from coding
« Reply #49 on: June 27, 2011, 12:37:52 am »
Silver Shadow: I think it is good what you are trying to do, but do as the others say and do it carefully. I just saw this and do agree with you guys, but thankfully (or not?) I can not relate to the situation because my parents support me with anything I do.
But Rayquaza, I'm so sorry to hear this. I understand how much you love this, and this community. Even though I don't understand exactly what you are going through, I understand how parents can sometimes be unfair. I hope your father sees how important programming is to today's world. How necessary it is to what we do daily.

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Re: Definitely retiring from coding
« Reply #50 on: June 28, 2011, 10:37:41 am »
Thanks everybody!!

Actually my dad took my TI-Nspire, my phone, my Nintendo DS, and I can't go on the computer! I'm connected from my school, where I have to update/upgrade the computers, but in less than a week i won't be able to go on the computer :/

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Re: Definitely retiring from coding
« Reply #51 on: June 28, 2011, 10:55:54 am »
Oooh. Not good at all.
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Re: Definitely retiring from coding
« Reply #52 on: June 28, 2011, 10:58:02 am »
He took your Nspire ? Man, I could not stand that. I just love this calc.
I would do anything to get my Nspire back (Well, maybe it's because I bought it myself)

I feel really sad for you. My dad even helps me programming on calc sometimes.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 10:58:56 am by Chockosta »


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Re: Definitely retiring from coding
« Reply #53 on: June 28, 2011, 11:06:34 am »
Rayquaza, if it's not too personal, could you tell us exactly why he's doing this to you?  If I knew specifically why, I could help more so, since my dad did this to me multiple times before and I know a way to counter every reason they through at you (now my dad knows he'll lose so he encourages me to do a little programming each day, like maybe hour -- but got good at sneaking so I get in like 6 total)

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Re: Definitely retiring from coding
« Reply #54 on: June 28, 2011, 11:55:06 am »
Rayquaza, if it's not too personal, could you tell us exactly why he's doing this to you?  If I knew specifically why, I could help more so, since my dad did this to me multiple times before and I know a way to counter every reason they through at you (now my dad knows he'll lose so he encourages me to do a little programming each day, like maybe hour -- but got good at sneaking so I get in like 6 total)

I'm having a hard time understanding what's happning on RQ's end as well. From what I assume, most of what happens is lost in the IRC. Someone give a quick summary, please?

And he took you nSpire?!? That's not right. I still don't understand how financial problems could end your programming hobby. If you got the calcs, you got the ability to program.

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Re: Definitely retiring from coding
« Reply #55 on: June 28, 2011, 12:25:11 pm »
Ouch. How can your dad do this to you???

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Re: Definitely retiring from coding
« Reply #56 on: June 28, 2011, 12:30:33 pm »
This is just wrong. I am so sorry for you Rayquaza
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Re: Definitely retiring from coding
« Reply #57 on: June 28, 2011, 12:32:33 pm »
Clearly, your dad is determined to stop you from coding, which is why I would more strongly than before suggest letting things cool down a bit before you start negotiating.