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Education Systems
« on: February 26, 2011, 02:42:22 pm »
After a long conversation on IRC, below, hidden is the log, I decided to create this topic for further discussion of each country's educational system.

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<Scout> Also, do you know that everybody in my country who is licensed (has a degree) is called 'doctor'?
<OmnomIRC> <DJ_O> the workload and deadlines pressure was just too much for me
<OmnomIRC> <DJ_O> I see
<Scout> Unless if you're an Engineer, then you're an Engineer
<Scout> And a few others, but all degrees are Doctors
<Scout> Doctor with Caps D is when you doctorate and Dr is when you are real doctor (Medicine), doctor is for everyone ;D
<OmnomIRC> <DJ_O> over here a doctor both means someone who got a top-tier diploma in uni (doctorat) or someone who heal sick people at hospitals
<SpyBot45> (O) New post by Freyaday in What am I doing wrong here?
<OmnomIRC> <Xeda112358> It takes 10 years after highschhol to be labled a Doctor, here.
<Scout> Xeda, it's not years, I guess
<Scout> I mean, I can stay there 10 years, but I got to do things
<Scout> You can take 100 years or 10 years
<Scout> (I guess, otherwise it's ridiculous)
<SpyBot45> (O) New post by Xeda112358 in What am I doing wrong here?
<SpyBot45> (O) New post by DJ_O in Electric Field Sim
<OmnomIRC> <DJ_O> Over here it works that way
<OmnomIRC> <DJ_O> 7 years of elementary school including kindergarten (starting at 5 or 6 year old), 5 years of hi school, then you have the option to choose the following paths:
<OmnomIRC> <DJ_O> no further studies, but then you are limited in what job you can have
<Scout> 5 years of High School? i have 3 here :P
<OmnomIRC> <DJ_O> professional studies: a lower version of college that lasts between 1 and 1.5 year, is cheaper and is more oriented towards manual work
<OmnomIRC> <DJ_O> college technique: 3 years of college
<OmnomIRC> <DJ_O> university: 2 years of college followed by 3 years of university, 5 years of it or 8
<OmnomIRC> <DJ_O> I think it's also possible to merge both
<OmnomIRC> <DJ_O> so you save 1 year
<OmnomIRC> <Xeda112358> We have PreSchool, Kindergarten, grades 1~6 for elementary (8 years)
<SpyBot45> (O) New post by DJ_O in Post nDoom bug reports here.
<OmnomIRC> <Xeda112358> then 6 years for middle school and high school
<OmnomIRC> <DJ_O> Idk if pre-school still exists here. IIRC it was opt

In my country, here's how it works:

  • 6 or 7 years old - Primary School (lasts 4 years)
  • Then is Basic School (lasts 5 years)
  • Then is High School (lasts 3 years) (most are 17 by now)
  • Then you have University which is 3 years of licensing in most degrees, but it depends on the degree and each person's choices

Note: Instead of taking High School, you can have 3 years that are called 'Professional Courses' aimed at people who want to work when they're 18 in a specific (usually manual) job.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 02:42:56 pm by Scout »

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Re: Education Systems
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2011, 02:44:21 pm »
Hmm strange, hi school for you is split in 2 parts. After elementary/primary school we skip directly to hi school here. Then it's either professional school or college.

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Re: Education Systems
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2011, 02:44:32 pm »
In the US:
Pre-school (optional)
K-5: Elementary/primary school
6-8: Middle school
9-12: High school
Colleges/universities vary depending on what courses you're taking.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 03:19:35 pm by Darl181 »
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Offline Munchor

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Re: Education Systems
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2011, 02:48:19 pm »
A joke about my education system (which is one of the worst I know):

Opposition Party Leader: Mr Prime Minister, our country is so bad than girls who are trying to get a degree need to become prostitutes in order to pay University!
Prime Minister: You're mistaken, our country is so good, that even prostitutes can get degrees!

EDIT: No offense to prostitutes, sorry.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 03:06:45 pm by Scout »

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Re: Education Systems
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2011, 02:50:46 pm »
in Germany
K-4: schule  (is like elementary in U.S)
5-12: gymnasium
and then colleges depending on what course you take

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Re: Education Systems
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2011, 03:03:22 pm »
Here in Sweden, the first school that everyone starts in when they're seven is called Grundskola, or Base School. It lasts for nine years, and it's the only one that's mandatory. Afterwards, there's Gymnasium (no appropriate translation) and after that, Universitet (University). There might be some minor stuff after that too, I'm not really sure...

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Re: Education Systems
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2011, 03:18:10 pm »
Luxembourgish system is like:
two years Spillschool (play-school)
then starting at six years age six years of primary school
then you have to choose between lycée classique(7 years) or lycée technique a bit shorter or modulaire(thats the lowest "difficulty" )
then if you did classique or a "higher" technique you may go to university

Myself I do go to the European School which goes like this
from the age of six five years primary
then seven years secondary
the university if on wishes to go

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Re: Education Systems
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2011, 04:55:11 pm »
Funny. In the netherlands it is like this:

Kindergarten (from 3 to about 5 years) ~2years
Primary school (from 5-6 to 12-13) ~6years
High school (from 12-13 to 16-17 or 17-18) ~depens on the "tier" you take, there are three "levels"
->vmbo, lowest level, now a lot of people dont think you should call it the lowest because it is just practically orientated, not theoretically. At my school for example they teach cooking at this tier.
->havo (my level, i used to be one higher) this is the mediocre level it is mostly theorectical but a year shorter then the highest tier (once again, I am not going to be liked to say that one level is higher or lower then the other but basically it is accepted as being that way in society only nobody dares to say it because that would be considered rude)
->vwo highest 'normal' tier. Takes 6 years and is sheerly theoretical (no cooking!)

There is also something called a gymnasium which is like high school for super intelligent people. The kind of people that have extremely well trained memories and just an iq that goes trough the roof. This may be a bit of a prejudgement but most of the time thefy lack in social skills what they make up in intellectual skills.

Ok, so after high school you can go study at a uni. Most studies will take 3 or 4 years. A study in medicine (not meth or something but in healing medication) will take another 6 years. Fortunately we get studysupplements from our government. Basically everybody can study here. School is obligated, home teaching is prohibited. Currently you have to go to school till you are 18 now this is about to change to 24 in order to obligate studies as well.

I am kinda curious to how many LANGUAGES you all get to learn. We are obligated to the last three years from primary school up until the first 3 years of high school to learn:

French and german and english and dutch. Greek and latin are most of the time optional but not obligated nor included in the standard 'packagge'.

I've always kinda hated it how most of the other countries in europe just get away with their native language and english. But honestly, i would not know if that is still the case. I might very well be mistaken.

The thing is, when i go to germany i have to speak german. Most germans do not speak dutch at all. Maybe somewhere near the borders but....thats about it i guess. Maybe dutch just sounds to corny...
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Re: Education Systems
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2011, 05:23:42 pm »
yeah... that's annoying. In germany, it's German, English, and Greek/Latin. Having been in the U.S. for the past 9 years, I have become more adept at english than at german, have about 0 Greek/latin knowledge, but know a decent amount of French.

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Re: Education Systems
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2011, 06:29:15 pm »
a system like yours, matthias, in which there are several difficulty levels may result in some people feeling insulted, but altogether it would be much better for teaching than the system we have here in the us, where everyone is lumped together in one group. having only one difficulty level means that the entire class difficulty gets lowered so as to accommodate the people with the lowest skill level, meaning that more gifted students often lose focus, lack motivation, and end up performing worse than their fellows.

as for languages, that's one of my school's supposed "specialties," and we're still only required to learn Latin, a basic background in Greek, and our choice of German, Spanish, or French. everyone in the US is lazy in that regard because the rest of the world learns english.

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Re: Education Systems
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2011, 07:25:21 pm »
a system like yours, matthias, in which there are several difficulty levels may result in some people feeling insulted, but altogether it would be much better for teaching than the system we have here in the us, where everyone is lumped together in one group. having only one difficulty level means that the entire class difficulty gets lowered so as to accommodate the people with the lowest skill level, meaning that more gifted students often lose focus, lack motivation, and end up performing worse than their peers.
In elementary school, it's like that, but once you're in middle school, you have the option of taking more advanced classes, especially with math, and in high school, there is ap classes. However, I don't know what I'm going to do for math in my junior and senior years of high school. I'm in 8th grade now, and completeing precalc at the end of this school year. :P

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Re: Education Systems
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2011, 07:42:29 pm »
In Korea,
Grade 1-6 : Elementary School
Grade 7-9 : Middle School
Grade 10-12: High School

hehehe..3 yrs in High School...
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Re: Education Systems
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2011, 07:49:06 pm »
Well, technically here I'm in High School four years, but I'm in the middle school in 9th.

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Re: Education Systems
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2011, 07:50:06 pm »
And their math levels are friggin high!!
(Trig at 6~7th grade)
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Re: Education Systems
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2011, 09:10:38 pm »
I wish I could do precalc next year. They are going to stick me in geometry or algebra 2 they haven't decide. It depends if they let me test out
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