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Freedom of speech
« on: February 11, 2008, 04:42:00 am »
The following is a topic I posted on United-TI. I quoted it since it wasn't modified or anything and it say UTI all post long:
Ok I am quoting and using UTI rules as exmaple here because IMHO they are the best and fairest ones written on any TI forum I visited so far. I am bringning this issue since it seems to have been one in the community in the past years

Here is a fictive scenario:

UTI update

June 21th 2008 - Posted by NETWizz and AlienCC

TOday we announce that we are removing rule #1 and rule #6 from the Term of Services, because we feel that absolute free speech should be allowed on the forums. We are also editing rule #8 so the only stuff that is not allowed  is giving out links to warez, roms or other illegal files. This means anyone can now say what they want, as long as it abides to other rules of the forums. We are no longer going to edit, delete or lock topic and posts (unless it violates rule 5 or 8).

Give it a few months, and the entire board will not be the same anymore. This would be the same at any other boards or IRC channels that have similar rules. One or two members would be enough to cause this to happen.

The worst cases scenario would be:

-n00bs that once refrained from joining because they weren't allowed to flame everyone would now join and yell at our fellow members for making crappy games because they couldn't install them after spending 5 minutes trying or they would insult others when they get help because it still didn't worked.
-Asm programmers would go into a war with BASIC programmers
-Newbies (there is a difference between n00b and newbie) would get bashed by some people who cant get the fact everyone need to start somewhere
-There would be lot of harrassement that would be done by members who think if they know something and you don't then you fail at life, members who feel that flaming, insulting, harrassing and destructive comments are the way to tell people to not do even one spelling mistake in their posts, no matter if english native or not,  improve their game or other things, rather than constructive criticism and helping them out in a nicer way.
-Even with absolute freedom of speech, some members could still not use it because when they would do they would get harrassed, even for simple stuff as liking the Wii rather than the Xbox 360 of PS3, and I know this would happen because in hi school i had this happen because I chosen the N64 over the PS2.
-More dispute between members (external or not)
-Community wars or continuous bashing/attacking (any kind, verbal or not) of other communities (which was the cause of the death of TI-Files in 2000, SiCoDe in 2001, Drubu (internal) in 2004 and almost Omnimaga, a month ago).
-As stated in parhentesis in the above line, the death of other communities, especially those which still use rules similar as rule #1.

Imho, if it wasn't for this, I would go for the removal of those rules and even promote free speech. However, imho we have to limit it to keep the community as it is and to make everyone enjoy their stay and experience in it, just because some people think it is ok to insult, bellittle, harrassh, bash, offend, attack and flame others, it makes them feel superior or it provide them enjoyement to degrade others and when people complain or try to shun them they tell us we are whiners, immature, emo and fail at life.

I'm not saying that free speech need to be suppressed completly, I'm just saying that there is a line that should not be crossed. At least not on forums such as this one. So everyone, not just the elitists, enjoy their stay. Also the community is less active since a lot of people get calcs without any link cable at school nowadays and Nintendo DS/PSP/Cellphones/GP2x homebrew doesn't help either, so allowing malicious use of free speech right would just make things even worse. The fact that it is not is one of the reasons why even after posting announcement saying I am quitting this board I still come and post from time to time and can't stay away. I like how the board is (and the projects/games).

Any other opinions on the subject?

Offline Netham45

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Freedom of speech
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2008, 10:08:00 am »
seems right on to me.
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« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2008, 08:37:00 pm »
June 21 2008?

good rules imho.  really points out the consequences of anarchic free speech though.

Offline NanoWar

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Freedom of speech
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2008, 04:30:00 pm »
These aren't necessarily consequences, but possibilities.

If you say free speech automatically leads to flaming and verbal violence you can't be right, because history proves opposite (I know you said "worst case..."). Take a look at Burma (the monks) VS Denmark (the drawing of Mohammed). People might abuse their right of free speech, but they don't always tend to. There are lots of examples of communities that work without any restrictions like, I believe, RevSoft or other forums. Of course, we don't allow discrimination (you may argue against this) or other illegal behaviour, but I think that people can restict themselves by not discriminating against others, because they expect the same unspoken rules being applied to them, too. Sometimes, flaming etc. is not discriminating (if it's a joke or meant as constructive criticism). Sometimes it is discriminating or appears to be. Sometimes one can't tell. Sometimes people overreact. Sometimes people exaggerate and go over the top (nikky or whoever). You can protect yourself by pushing new laws (rules, restrictions), but then you force people, which is bad (my interpretation). It's like the church: Ten rules force (or rather want) people to be "good". But you're right, people kill  - regardless of those rules. You took opposition to (total) free speech. You try to hide from the bloody part of the knife by breaking it off, instead of washing it. You avoid conflicts by negating them (e.g. banning people). Yet, I would have done the same. People who discriminate are the world's worst case scenario (next to global warming and so on ^^).

Sometimes I use too many parentheses ;) .
I didn't want to offend, but have a good conversation.

Offline NanoWar

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Freedom of speech
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2008, 06:20:00 pm »
Oh, you're done with this, right? Ok, nuff said.

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« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2008, 07:13:00 pm »
oh sry totally missed this thread, I didnt paid much attention since the one on UTI seemed to have more discussion. Nice point you have there though. I don't mean to say free speech automatically lead to flaming though, I just meant that some people abuse their rights and some really do it in malicious ways.

Offline Zera

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Freedom of speech
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2008, 06:02:00 am »
"We can't allow freedom of speech because it will just lead to abuse." Sounds like a slippery slope.

Assholes will be assholes, regardless of rules and regulations. If someone is intent on trolling, I don't think the TOS is going to stop them. What then is the necessity of imposing restrictions on innocent people? If someone comes here soley to disrupt the community, ban them. Problem solved.

As far as discrimination is concerned, you can't control how others think and feel. Can anyone honestly expect to outlaw certain thoughts or ideas? The concept of protected classes or restrictions on "hate speech" severely undermines a democratic ideology. Freedom of speech and thought and expression are not conditional, nor do they only exist for the "good" people who behave all the time. They exist for all persons of all classes and beliefs, whether they are constructive or not.

The problem is the way people handle being insulted, criticized, discriminated against, etc. It's only a problem if you allow it to become one. People are going to scrutinize you all your life. In some situations, maybe it's just constructive criticism. In others, maybe they're just being an asshole. But you can't take it seriously. Develop a thicker skin and shrug it off. What someone else thinks should have little to no impact on your life, as there are far more important things to be concerned with... such as your life beyond the Internet. :P

I hope this helps. I honestly mean this in a constructive manner, even if I do come off as blunt at times.

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Freedom of speech
« Reply #7 on: February 20, 2008, 05:08:00 pm »
Idk but you almost seems to imply on Omnimaga I should allow people to do everything they want, insult others if they want to, spam if they want to, and have no TOS prohibiting anything.

If Omnimaga was changed this way, the general discussion of the forums would no longer have any reason to exist at all. Only the RPG section of the site as well as staff projects would remain. Because the main goal of OMnimaga forums in the first place was to provide the first place where people including new ones could discuss without getting harrassed by other people who enforce their opinion on them such as forcing them to learn assembly and making them feel their BASIC game is worth nothing. I will not name the forum where this happened the most often but on this forum if you defended yourself you were made a lecture about freedom of speech, and they didn't even allowed you to exercise this right. That said no one is going to let me allow this or any other sort of flaming on the site.

Sure thing, arguments will happen, and as you said no one will stop anyone from joining this board for the sole purpose to spam flames everywhere. But IMHO it's still good to have good Term of Services. It is up to everyone to have any or none at all, but personally I prefer to have them. Why? Because there are always internet newbies who join forums all the time. They may not know how to behave properly online so someone may either join a forum and post in every topic he finds interesting, no matter if the topic had no replies since a year or two or not. Some people will think that because this is the internet and we are almost anonymous that they can act like they want toward you and we will not care. However, those people need to be taught that this is not the way they behave online. Same goes for spamming, altough we are more lax on weird posts/double posting on the forums, especially since is gone. Some people will understand and learn, and they will act nicely and follow the netiquette afterward, and they don't have to be perfect to be respected. Of course there will be others who will not care and disrupt our community either in malicious ways or because in their beliefs that's how they have to act toward others. Well then, we can still get rid of those people or other will scare them away and they will eventually leave. By having TOS I'm not trying to punish everyone. I fail to see how is disallowing flaming on a forum a punishement for the members, it's obvious that regular members will prefer to keep the board friendly and discuss more constructive stuff such as Lost Legends rather than starting topics about how people who practice religion, programm in BASIC, use MTV Music Generator or stuff like this are idiots.

The only thing that changed in Omnimaga policy is that I don't delete innapropriate posts anymore, unless requested to or unless it's a link to a virus, worm, warez, ROM, commercial mp3, p2p site, etc.

I even keep spam, unless it's flooding. I just lock the topic with the reason stated.

Also it is easy for you to tell people to develop a ticker skin and shrug it off, or just to be less sentitive. Someone who is born sensitive will always stay sensitive. He can change, but it will take years, even decades. The only thing that can make a person turn the opposite way is that he goes through loads and loads of bad life events, such as being beaten and all, and then it will make him worse, because he will become anti social and be totally careless toward anyone, which isnt good either. THe other half of people will just turn even more sensitive and reverting the changes will be a chore afterward. The latter is my case I think. There may also be a small portion of people who are afected by some minor, sometimes practically unnoticeable mental issues, such as being bipolar, manic-depressive or similar stuff, and people affected by random constraints that make them have to deal with some stuff that they would rather prefer not have to deal with.

Anyway this is just my opinion. In conclusion I think it's better to have some rules to make things clear, not to punish everyone necessarly and while it may be easy for you to ignore people it is not as easy for everyone else and to change it can be very hard too and you have to understand that.

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Freedom of speech
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2008, 05:36:00 pm »
I fail to see how is disallowing flaming on a forum a punishement for the members, it's obvious that regular members will prefer to keep the board friendly and discuss more constructive stuff ...

I didn't really clarify. The problem with imposing these standards is that you're opening the door to abuse. (another slippery slope, I suppose) There might be people who cry out "troll!" just because they don't like others disagreeing with their opinions. I don't want Omnimaga to become extremely uptight to the point where you can't express a single opinion contrary to someone else. I've seen this happen far too often with other forums that attempt to avoid abuse and discrimination.

The majority of us don't need babysitting. I think this community is very mature, and tends to draw in that sort of audience. We may get a few bad eggs here and there, but those users can be dealt with manually. No need to impose restrictions on everyone.

Also it is easy for you to tell people to develop a ticker skin and shrug it off, or just to be less sentitive.

What I'm trying to put into contrast is that this is the Internet. What you do or say here should have no impact on your actual day-to-day life. It's not like anyone is going to point at you while you're walking down the street and say, "Hey, that's the guy who got flamed on Omnimaga! Haha!" ;)

Trolling is annoying, yes. But it's really more of a distraction than anything else. How someone can actually take it seriously is beyond me, because the moment you power down your PC, your whole "virtual self" so to say is put aside.

I think some people get a little too involved with the net. You have to take a step back and realize that it's nothing more than a source of information and communication. It's not a whole other life.

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Freedom of speech
« Reply #9 on: February 20, 2008, 05:53:00 pm »
So yeah I know, I am not normal

Offline JincS

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« Reply #10 on: February 20, 2008, 09:44:00 pm »
Though I believe rules are great for managing the forums, I think that just some general guidelines would be better. Like grendel said, the site is quite mature. On the same token, it would be good to have some guidelines for the newbies to the site, so that they could learn internet etiquette (if they don't already know it), and for the bad eggs, who can be pointed to the guidelines after they get taken care of.

Though I don't quite see how rules lead to more trouble. I don't believe that anyone here at Omnimaga would ever try to manipulate the rules, just so they could get another person in trouble.

BTW, is back online! Yay for Jc!


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« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2008, 12:08:00 am »
congrats man on the reopenning!

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« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2008, 01:16:00 am »
calchaven is back really? Nice. I was starting getting more lax on weird posts before the board shutted down (except on IRC) because i felt something was missing without CH lol

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« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2008, 09:10:00 pm »
Thank Jc -> he put it back online :) I just watched :P

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« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2008, 11:04:00 pm »
lol ^^