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* pimathbrainiac wishes that the governments of the world were less power based...
I'm not saying that government shouldn't have power... I'm saying that government should not attempt to GAIN power for the sake of gaining power...
And yet, the government does not have a right to regulate the interwebs because it is not public, and it is not owned by anyone...
Wrong! The treaties have no binding effect AT ALL because the governments involved have no jurisdiction over the entire world! The only way that the treaties would have effect is if EVERY country had a say... Why? It's called the World Wide Web...Does this mean that participating countries won't abide by said treaties? Not at all. They will abide... but until ALL the countries of the world make a GLOBAL law regarding the internet and treaties involving the usage there thereof, the treaties can be broken easily by participating countries...
What shoud be regulated is terrorist attack plans (and by terrorism, I don't mean Syrian Government's definition of it, I really mean 9/11-esque stuff), scamming/phishing/counterfeit item sales, illicit drug dealing, death threats and any plan to physically assault/put in danger the life/lives of someone or a group of person. Anything that is already illegal outside the Internet, kinda.