Before I begin, I'd like to apologize to those I've hurt a while ago, including KermM and Merth. I was misconstrued at the time, assumed the impossible, and reacted quite immaturely to the situation. I hope that this won't happen again.
Going to the bright side of things, Lent is over (and I kinda didn't abstain completely from the calc community...

but no worries - this wasn't the "real" thing I gave up).
There are a few projects that are brewing away, including DCS7Axiom (an Axe axiom to use the DCS7 GUI libraries), AxeGUI (Axe GUI libraries), Todo (self-explanatory), and a secret game.

On the PC side of things, I'm working on NspireWebLauncher, a little yet powerful tool to launch the Nspire Document Player without going through TI's insanity; wxWabbitemu, a Linux (wxWidgets) port of Wabbitemu; and a little secret project.
However, all of these projects are halted. Why? AP tests, of course!

I have an AP Chemistry exam on Monday, May 2nd, which is very hard and requires some intense studying.
I also have an AP Government and Politics exam on Tuesday, May 10th, which isn't as hard but definitely needs some dedication.
Combined with some projects, I'm pretty much booked for the next two weeks.
I'll probably release a finished project, AxeKey'D, after next Monday.
But yeah, hiatus begins as soon as I submit this post. So cya!

(I will not respond to any replies or PMs. Only method of contact is Facebook, and even then I probably won't reply.)
P.S - good luck to those taking the AP Chem exam tomorrow!

(And any other APs that you might be taking!)