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Offline alberthrocks

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Hello and goodbye!
« on: May 01, 2011, 08:27:32 pm »
Before I begin, I'd like to apologize to those I've hurt a while ago, including KermM and Merth. I was misconstrued at the time, assumed the impossible, and reacted quite immaturely to the situation. I hope that this won't happen again.

Going to the bright side of things, Lent is over (and I kinda didn't abstain completely from the calc community... :P but no worries - this wasn't the "real" thing I gave up).
There are a few projects that are brewing away, including DCS7Axiom (an Axe axiom to use the DCS7 GUI libraries), AxeGUI (Axe GUI libraries), Todo (self-explanatory), and a secret game. ;)
On the PC side of things, I'm working on NspireWebLauncher, a little yet powerful tool to launch the Nspire Document Player without going through TI's insanity; wxWabbitemu, a Linux (wxWidgets) port of Wabbitemu; and a little secret project.

However, all of these projects are halted. Why? AP tests, of course! :P
I have an AP Chemistry exam on Monday, May 2nd, which is very hard and requires some intense studying.
I also have an AP Government and Politics exam on Tuesday, May 10th, which isn't as hard but definitely needs some dedication.
Combined with some projects, I'm pretty much booked for the next two weeks.

I'll probably release a finished project, AxeKey'D, after next Monday.
But yeah, hiatus begins as soon as I submit this post. So cya! :)
(I will not respond to any replies or PMs. Only method of contact is Facebook, and even then I probably won't reply.)

P.S - good luck to those taking the AP Chem exam tomorrow! :D (And any other APs that you might be taking!)
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Activity remains limited due to busyness from school et al. Sorry! :( Feel free to PM, email, or if you know me well enough, FB me if you have a question/concern. :)

Don't expect me to be online 24/7 until summer. Contact me via FB if you feel it's urgent.

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Spoiler For "My Projects! :D":

Computer/Web/IRC Projects:
C______c: 0% done (Doing planning and trying to not forget it :P)
A_____m: 40% done (Need to develop a sophisticated process queue, and a pretty web GUI)
AtomBot v3.0: 0% done (Planning stage, may do a litmus test of developer wants in the future)
IdeaFrenzy: 0% done (Planning and trying to not forget it :P)
wxWabbitemu: 40% done (NEED MOAR FEATURES :P)

Calculator Projects:
M__ C_____ (an A____ _____ clone): 0% done (Need to figure out physics and Axe)
C2I: 0% done (planning, checking the demand for it, and dreaming :P)

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Re: Hello and goodbye!
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2011, 08:29:24 pm »
Rawr Good luck mate study HARD >:F

Offline z80man

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Re: Hello and goodbye!
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2011, 08:38:17 pm »
I feel your pain there with the AP's. I have AP art history on Tuesday and am studying right now. I'm glad too that lent is over. I gave up soda during that time, that way I could do better during the track season, and look what happened. I got a 4:59 mile on Friday and finished 5th overall in a 5k today which had thousands of people participating.  ;D

List of stuff I need to do before September:
1. Finish the Emulator of the Casio Prizm (in active development)
2. Finish the the SH3 asm IDE/assembler/linker program (in active development)
3. Create a partial Java virtual machine  for the Prizm (not started)
4. Create Axe for the Prizm with an Axe legacy mode (in planning phase)
5. Develop a large set of C and asm libraries for the Prizm (some progress)
6. Create an emulator of the 83+ for the Prizm (not started)
7. Create a well polished game that showcases the ability of the Casio Prizm (not started)

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Re: Hello and goodbye!
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2011, 10:31:02 pm »
Sorry to see you going, but studies comes first. Make sure to do your best for exams please! I'll look forward for your return afterward (as well as your results and later projects)

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Re: Hello and goodbye!
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2011, 10:37:18 pm »
Cya and good luck :D You'll need it.

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