I was going to try to earn a Casio Prizm by taking Casio's online course, but as I started to do so, I thought that maybe it wasn't right for me to do so as a "private" tutor. (Please do not discuss this in the topic.) Beforehand, when Casio was requiring me to enter information, they made it impossible for me to say that I was a graduate who was privately tutoring someone. So they misunderstood what kind of person I was. Here's an email that they sent me, although I have no idea why they thought I was from Perry HS. (By the way, I believe that this isn't a scam.)
I am the new sales rep for Casio in the west. I stopped by Perry HS last week and left you some information. I would love to have the opportunity to demonstrate the new Casio Prizm to your staff. We could do something at a lunch break or after school. If this meets your approval we can arrange for you to get a free Prizm. We also offer an online course at casioeducation.com that would give each of your staff a free Prizm upon completion. We have also just released a series of inquiry based lessons that can be used in the classroom with any graphing calculator and can be used for professional development. Please let me know if you are interested in talking further