Author Topic: Is it all a lie?  (Read 3435 times)

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Is it all a lie?
« on: October 07, 2005, 11:47:00 am »
For this, you should probably forget anything about evolutionalism, whether or not there is a God, etc. What I have seen on the Discovery Channel and other related shows, plus some part of the Bible that don't quite fit, makes me question the context of the Bible itself.

Everyone knows that the Bible can be interpreted hundreds of different ways, hence we have 100s of different religions, some believing in God, others in what ever. And of course you have those that don't believe at all.

My father and I have an extreme fascination with Indians, whether from Mexico, North America, Egyptians, Africans, etc. The fascination is that most of the Indian tribes had a special song, talking about planets and their colors. But wait a second, how in the world would they know about what color planets are, if they don't have the technology to view them? They knew that Earth was blue hundreds of years before we did, so how did they know?

There is a cave found (I believe in Africa) that has this drawing of 2 solar systems, ours and the closest one to us. In the writings that have been translated, They claimed to be from this planet in the other solar system that had imploded. Their descriptions of how the solar systems rotated (for lack of a better word) was exactly how it is. Kind of odd for someone "primative" to know of such things. And sometime in the 1970s, we found the remains of the planet that they came from, it had in fact imploded.

There are drawings from all sorts of different cultures with men that had strange masks on, having tubes run around them, some with strange devices all around them. They have finally figured out that these are some sort of spacecraft, with a man inside a space suit. There is a tribe that also uses these masks for their ritual dances that looks like if you add tubes and glass, you will have an astronaughts helmet. Amazing isn't it?

The Myans down in Mexico had built their temples of blocks, that were perfectly square! They are fit so tightly together, you can not get a credit card to fit in.

There is also a series of mountains that has the perfect runway wuilt on them, and they date back several hunderd years old.

There has been a geode found that has what looks almost like a modern day spark plug in it, dating back thousands of years, and is definitely artifically made.

The Bible makes references to 'chariots of fire', which, if you look at a space shuttle coming in from outer space, what does it look like...? :)smile.gif

Did you know that we have a number that was given to us by God. Our number is 6, the angels number is 5, and God's number is 7. In the Bible, it references that God made us in his image. Wait a second. I can have someone made in my image... It is called a clone. And why would God give humans a higher number than the angels? It also talks about that 1 day to God is several thousand years to man.

Is it possible, that God is a being, residing on a planet that comes around every so many thousand years? If God is a being with extremely advanced technology, and we were so primative that we use sticks to battle eachother, would we not think that he is God?

My thought on this is we are just some kind of experiment, placed here on Earth. Maybe God is a powerful being, just more evolved than we are. And if his race was dying for some reason, maybe he was/is trying to make us the perfect race to continue on.

And I forgot the coolest part. On some clift facings, they found these strange lines carved up and down along them, with the translated word near it, it says, "The words of God" All they are are oscilliscope patterns, kinda like a heart meter, if you don't know what an oscilliscope is. There are only two ways for them to have known about, and been able to draw so perfectly, these patterns. They either were more technologically advanced than we ever thought of them being, or they saw it, on some sort of alien technology.

Also, they finally managed to translate this wall in Mexico, that dates back several hundred years ago. It talks about all the major wars, about Hitlar, by a very good description, and says that they will be back in 2011 to reclaim their land. That I find spooky...

I know this is a lot to take in, but please view this with an open mind. I will see if I can find some pics and more info about it on the web, though I watched it on Discovery, I am unsure how easy it will be to locate that info.

And, you can believe what you want. I am not here to force this upon you.
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Is it all a lie?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2005, 12:02:00 pm »
Interesting... The Mayan caledar did end on the winter equinox/solstice... What I find interesting is that a lot of ancient cultures had advanced astronomy technology. I still recommend that everyone reads "Cosmos" by Carl Sagan. It has some theories about where society went wrong (like the burning of the Great Library and such).

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Is it all a lie?
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2005, 05:56:00 am »
Yeah, they found that if you look at the egyptian pyramids from way up high, they actually match the constellations. The corners of the pyramids point perfectly north/south/east/west.

And did you know that the egyptian people didn't build the great pyramids. There were giants that they had do it. They have found skeletal remains up to 36 foot tall! (That one was found in France, I believe.)

It is crazy all these clues that are left around, and no one ever really gives them any thought...
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