Author Topic: Japan struck by massive earthquake (8.8 in Richter scale)  (Read 15447 times)

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Re: Japan struck by massive earthquake (8.8 in Richter scale)
« Reply #45 on: April 03, 2011, 12:28:31 pm »
Not saying I would do it, but trolling does kinda look fun. You get allot of attention :/

As much as the loss of life in Japan is, was, and will always be terrible, the immediate casualty caused by the quake and tsunami will not be the end of suffering there if there is a nuclear meltdown. For that reason, I hope God (or whoever they believe in) watches over them.

FYI: Other facts about the quake. It moved Japan by 8ft; sped up the earth's rotation, making days like a microsecond shorter; and I heard once that it actually fractured the tectonic plate that Japan sits on.

[Edit] @Ashbad, we may not like what people say, but we don't have the right to wish evil on them.
well said.
And Japan, just like the US, has a wide variety of religions.
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Re: Japan struck by massive earthquake (8.8 in Richter scale)
« Reply #46 on: April 03, 2011, 02:09:22 pm »
Yeah normally people troll for the sole purpose to cause a reaction. Example: Spamming to annoy moderators and give them more work, purposely asking newbie questions that you know the answer off and pretend you don't understand anything and not listen to answers to waste people time in answering, trying to offend other users, wasting their time checking something that isn't what they expect (although this one isn't always meant as a troll and isn't as bad) and trying to instigate a fight between users. In some cases, the troll won't even participate to the fight.

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Re: Japan struck by massive earthquake (8.8 in Richter scale)
« Reply #47 on: April 03, 2011, 02:18:17 pm »
20 KILLED IS BS its like about 20,000.
but i have no idea why you guys think its such a HUGE disaster!
Look,no offense but its only a tiny bit of people and a pwuny patch of land! there are 109X6 people sot thats bsically some random citty with one person dead in it.
besides supernove explosions blow off 1045  joules of energy or1028x the average atom bomb.
of course no number is big, they are about a gazillion numbers bigger than a googleplex even!
earthquakes do 106 times as mucha a nuke.
and its only humans who died ,and there were going to be gone anyway. they were gone for billions of years before.

uh, is this supposed to make sense? it looks liek you took random words on the topic and put it together XD

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Re: Japan struck by massive earthquake (8.8 in Richter scale)
« Reply #48 on: April 03, 2011, 02:26:13 pm »
[Edit] I have seen evidence of weird stuff going on all over the world (not just in Japan). I don't know what is going on, but something is happening. I can post evidence (not in this topic, tho).
Anything in there including birds and fish? I have been keeping track of odd things that disappear from the news, too.

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Re: Japan struck by massive earthquake (8.8 in Richter scale)
« Reply #49 on: April 03, 2011, 06:30:16 pm »
[Edit] I have seen evidence of weird stuff going on all over the world (not just in Japan). I don't know what is going on, but something is happening. I can post evidence (not in this topic, tho).
Anything in there including birds and fish? I have been keeping track of odd things that disappear from the news, too.
We should make a topic about that. Like seriously, the world is getting weird on us again.  I'll get the water guns....

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Re: Japan struck by massive earthquake (8.8 in Richter scale)
« Reply #50 on: April 03, 2011, 06:44:26 pm »
[Edit] I have seen evidence of weird stuff going on all over the world (not just in Japan). I don't know what is going on, but something is happening. I can post evidence (not in this topic, tho).
Anything in there including birds and fish? I have been keeping track of odd things that disappear from the news, too.
We should make a topic about that. Like seriously, the world is getting weird on us again.  I'll get the water guns....

Yes. Birds. Fish. Cows. Pillar of fire on the Sinai Peninsula. It goes on.