Author Topic: Loki's Rant #2  (Read 3292 times)

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Loki's Rant #2
« on: June 09, 2006, 10:02:00 am »
OKay folks. Depression. Im f***ing sick and tired with dealing with depression. Not just my own, but other peoples'. Its annoying as hell when every day you have some whiney a** emo s*** going on. I mean, every day I do my usual morning routine, consisting of x-chat 2, GAIM, MSN, and iTunes. I open them all up, choose my channel (always #omnimaga), then pick what song i wanna listen to (usually always start with Smoke on the Water). So Im pretty much content. The whole day. But, something else has entered my endless cycle of day-to-day routine and its thrown me completely for a loop. Depression. Agian. I'll leabe out names, but its probably easy to guess who im talking about. I enter #omnimaga and im kinda happy, still buzzing off the morning fuzziness that comes with just waking up. And all of a sudden I see that someone's put |depressed in their name. Oh great. Now, usually, it doesnt bother me, but this particular person is ALWAYS depressed. And has nothing better to do than complain about it. So I ignore it and go about my morning as usual. And of course by morning i mean 2 PM. So anyway, after a few minutes i start going bat-s*** cos iTunes is f***ed up someohow. So i'm getting a bit flustered in trying to fix it, but of ourse, to no avail. So that puts me a little on edge. So of course im b****ing about in in #omnimaga, and at one point i say something to the effect of "f***ing iTunes...". The person whom i mentioned before as chronically depressed says "..." "iTunes sux". And if you didnt know, seeing a single line with "..." drives me nuts. so I say, politely, "dont sit there and type ... at me. If you have something to say, say it." this one line, unbeknownst to me, sets off a chain reaction effect that causes me to invariably write this rant. Ok so then after the line of death, i say "Ima kill my computer in about 5 seconds" to which Mr Chroically Depressed says "tell me about it ...". Again with the "...'! So i say, again politely, "please dont type ..." which is the second trigger to cause the entire meltdown of this person's brain, causing him to explode with manic depressed rage. He says to me, enfuriated by my comments of contstructve criticism, "i don't complain when u act stupid because ur depressed." and so I reply, already on edge because of the whole iTunes thing, "well next time i do something stupid, complain your f***ing face off, i dont care" which he takes to mean i dont care about HIM, not that i dont care if he tells me to shut the f*** up next time im deprerssed and b****ing about my life. So off he goes, saying "well i dont care about you either" What the f***?! Anyway, its s*** like that that causes me to rant like this. I cant take it anymore, day after day watching people complain about their s***ty lives. And if theyre really s***ty, then WHY THE f*** ARE THEY ON A f***ING COMPUTER?!?!?! ONLINE?!?!?! That right there signifies to me that they have a house and family and electricity. That sounds like a pretty sweet life to me. So of course when im ranting on the channel the meltdown guys says "well you shouldnt to it too". When did I ever say my life sucks? And if i did, when didnt i say "my life doesnt suck, im just being a whiny b****"? I always say that if i say or imply my life sucks. So i say "i dont say my life sucks, i say things IN my life suck" which he thinks is the same thing. BUT ITS NOT!! my life is pretty great. I've got a family, a house, a car, a computer, 2 actually, and food (although not at the moment -.-; ). So im not even gonna try to pretend my life sucks. So i tell him that and he's uber-melting down at this point, so he leaves and probably goes off to cry to his mum about the mean boy online. And dont get me wrong here. I understand that sometimes depression cant be helped. I know that soetimes people's lives are really f***ed up. I understand that, i really do! but this guy has no real rights to sit there day after day after day saying how much he should die and s***. And i know, i do it too sometimes. But at least my moods change! Im not CONSTANTLY in a state of depression. And im not trying to be rude or hateful here. Im really not. I mean, I like this guy. I do. He's cool and fun and nice when he wants to be, but i just cant hack it anymore. Anyway, im kinda out of steam now ( i think i may have fixed iTunes, thank god ), so i'll end this rant here. I'm Loki, and thats what I've got to say.
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Loki's Rant #2
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2006, 10:32:00 am »
well actually it is better to not keep things inside. On a other hand keeping whining about the same thing over and over and trying to grab everyone's attention is not good either. Well I don't mind someone grabbing ppl attention really but when that person complains and start ranting because she's ignored and that nobody cares about his stuff is really really annoying as well. I end up ignoring the person even more. Not replying to someone's whining doesn't mean I don't care, in fact I care and I don't like to see that person feel down and I wish there was ways to help, but the thing is that I've alerady heard about that stuff, and I don't feel like repeating the same thing all the time to reply. I have been whining about crap as well in the past months and felt suicidal but I didn't posted "f*** MY LIFE SUCKS! I WANT TO KILL EVERYONE, MY MOM, MYSELF!!!11!!1!1shiftshiftshiftoneone1!111eleventyone!1!1exclamatizationmark1!11!oneoneone" every hour or so (this is an example) in the channel. This is considered as spam anyway and there is rules against spamming in #omnimaga

my life is pretty great. I've got a family, a house, a car, a computer, 2 actually, and food (although not at the moment -.-; ).
I'm glad to hear that :)smile.gif

Anyway I agree in some way with your rant loki, except that I quickly went to the forum admin CP to install word filter in case someone delete the entire post for excessive swearing but it should be fine anyway :Ptongue.gif

sometimes I was tempted at ranting about this but I suck at writing so I never did it really :(sad.gif

May I point ppl who need to talk or rant to #life ? It is on the same server than #omnimaga , it's not that I mind ppl talking about stuff that upset them in #omnimaga, but it's meant to be a channel about calculators programming and games mostly, plus i noticed when lot of ppl are ranting here about the fact they sucks or that they want to kill themselves or something it makes lot of ppl sad, and when feeling down they tend to overeact faster to stuff (like me), and the channel turns into a spamfest and get pretty hot sometimes. I could point you to the logs of April 7th and April 8th you would understand what I mean. it even caused kalan_vod to leave and he never went in the channel again since then :(sad.gif


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Loki's Rant #2
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2006, 01:21:00 pm »
depression does seem to be the new fad.  although i cant help but wonder if these massive cryouts are just the new defense mechanisms of how people handle stress.  theres plenty of better ways to handle stress without defense mechanisms.  when something happens to me, i always think about it no matter what.  i think about what options i had at the time, and if i didnt have any, i think of what i could have done to prevent whatever it was.  then i think, "would i have done it all again? like that?"  based on what i knew then.  i usually dont let people crawl under my skin because i usually just dont care what they have to say if they dont know enough about the situation.  ive helped a couple friends out of depression, and ive learned how consuming a depression can be to one's life.  what ever it is, just play by your rules/philosophy and never stop working on things that make you and the people around you happy.  i agree that if someone you know is unusually unhappy, you should do something about it; but if they are just crying out to be heard, thats something completely different.  they are trying to be unhappy and anything you say or do will only make it worse unless you ignore them.  d***, society's a b****!  anyway, feel free to flame or ignore this post, but DONT get depressed over it.  im a crzyrbl and thats what i have to say.

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Loki's Rant #2
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2006, 11:49:00 pm »
Uhm ok. At least you let us know how you think :)smile.gif

Mayor depression is not good. Never. Especially when one seems to be depressed all the time. But bragging about it won't change much, even if it may help relieve the tension.

And about depression being a defense mechanism, dunno. For me , melancholia has become kind of a secondary mood for me, underlying and most of the time not bothering me. *shrug*
And I'm not complaining about it all the time either, just when it crops up.


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Loki's Rant #2
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2006, 03:56:00 am »
@Loki, you should record yourself and your rants ^^ give the griffyn (sp?) a run for his money

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Loki's Rant #2
« Reply #5 on: June 10, 2006, 04:07:00 am »
Haha XDsmiley.gif that would be cool, prbly not suitable for all audience tho considering the profanity but still :D


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Loki's Rant #2
« Reply #6 on: June 10, 2006, 04:51:00 am »
Use linebreaks Loki  :Ptongue.gif

- Alex


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Loki's Rant #2
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2006, 05:45:00 am »
ranting can be good, although someone who can actually listen to someone b**** is a rare find :-/