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Why do we think small green slips have value?
QuoteWhy do we think small green slips have value?I can answer that one, it's because it's by and large agreed upon that they have value. They have value because we give it value.
1 aeTIos, he had been dead for over a century by the time the French revolution occurred...
Are you saying that to convince us that you do exist ? How could we trust in you because you say that you could believe that we don't exist ?Moreover, how can you be sure that you really exist ? Isn't it an illusion ? As a case in point, AI in computer games have the illusion that they exist, but it is not true.
"welcome to the world of computers, where everything seems to be based on random number generators"
Whatever I say here, I can't be completely sure of; nobody can be absolutely sure of his beliefs with these kind of questions.
I think that the human mind is purely material, there is no kind of "purpose" to the universe or the human race, and there is nothing beyond death. And how this universe got here, is one of the greatest questions... What made the universe come into existence? If it one believes that it is by a creator of some kind, how did he come into existence?
Regardless of whether or not humanity has a purpose...To think that every one of us is descended from basic cells that fortunately happened to form on a small planet, around an average star, on the edge of a normal galaxy is astonishing.And if you look at yourself, all the matter in your body can be traced back to billions of years ago, where a star at the end of its life spewed its guts out into space that eventually came to form you. You are literally comprised of those stars.It's all quite amazing
To think that we all came from air that formed would be amazing too, though equally untrue.
Without meaning to provoke any big religious debates, can you show me those 5 proofs? I'm still very open to any evidence for a god.
Quote from: flyingfisch on May 20, 2013, 07:28:45 pmTo think that we all came from air that formed would be amazing too, though equally untrue.Hm? Not sure what you mean by this
Plz: keep this philosophical and not religious, thank you.
Quote from: mdr1 on May 13, 2013, 01:00:46 pmAre you saying that to convince us that you do exist ? How could we trust in you because you say that you could believe that we don't exist ?Moreover, how can you be sure that you really exist ? Isn't it an illusion ? As a case in point, AI in computer games have the illusion that they exist, but it is not true.But AI does not think. It goes by a set of instructions. Even learning AI does not think, and, if it did, how would we know?
Neural networks don't quite "think." Static FFNA's (Feed forward Neural Networks), the standard type in most research, are actually just functions that take inputs and map them to outputs. Only if you accept functionalism and reductive physicalism can you begin to say neural networks can "think" in any capacity. If you also want to say that such a network can be processed by a computer, then you have to drag in the huge overhead of the Church-Turing thesis and throw out all neural networks with irrational edge weights and node states. Unfortunately, with the exception of the Church-Turing thesis, all of these are highly contentious things to present in an argument and it's why neural nets are basically laughed at in most philosophy departments nowadays.
I have five different proofs for why He would have to exist.