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My Senior's Reflective Essay
« on: January 08, 2006, 06:04:00 pm »
Note: I wrote this to try and see what reaction I could get, there is some...not so nice pollitical stuff near the end of it so be forwarned if you are easily offended (I put a warning in there)
As I have been in this high school, I have changed in the years I served.  In a place as cruel and miserable as high school, it would be quite difficult not to change.  While the changes were inumerous, those most notable are in my personality, my skills and strengths, and my outlook on the future.
In my freshman years, I was a very argumentative, instigative, heavily depressed and quite attention seeking.  Now however, while I may be argumentative, but I have learned that started fights is a good way to be injured or get in ISS.  As a freshman and sophomore, I suffered from a bad bout of depression.  While school had little to do with me getting better, I have to wonder whether I would have ever developed the psychological condition had I not been in the highly stressful school environment I was in.  Always looking for attention as a freshman or sophomore, I tried to act out to be different and be noticed.  However, school has taught me the price for such is dear and that no matter how much attention you get, you are still a worthless and pointless being with no social significance or notable talents, and that in all likely hood you will die and only a small smattering of the population will care.  Even if you become famous, in all likely hood your death will be cared about by less than a tenth of the population, and you will still be the same kind of food stuff for worms and flies and decayed into the same basic elements as everyone else.
   As a freshman, I was a pathetic and worthless in terms of skill in art, programming, and poetry were poor if not abhorrently deplorable.  However, as a senior my artistic skill is growing at a visible scale. In fact, a work from my freshman year looks so foreign to my works now, I doubt any would guess they were by the same person, and surely the same will be true some short time from now as I continue to grow as an artist.  As a freshman, I had no concept of programming knowledge.  It wasn't till I was a sophomore that I could simplistically manipulate Boolean variable logic or use list and matrice type arrays.  Comparitivly, now I understand switch statements and how to push a register into the stack, and how to string execution to create self modifying code of sorts, and I have no doubt that in the future, I will understand raycasting and vector shading.  Finally, my early freshmen poetry was full of jargons and simplistic recurrences, simplistic metaphors and a lack of intelligent writing.  Now, however, I have learned to use sound devices and stylizing as well as a far more colorful palette of words to make my verses with.
Finally, the future was a lot more permanent seeming as a freshman.  Why, with Clinton in office and a sure win for Gore, everything was so bright.  Even when the governor of Florida began trying to cheat his retched and vile brother into office, I was sure the Supreme Court would investigate all of the obvious cases of voting fraud.  Then, he was installed into office and the world would be perpetually doomed by his presence.  As a freshman, suffering under the first term of the Bush administration, I was far from optimistic about the world.  Planes crashed into buildings and it seemed like we were at war, and then we attacked a random oil owning country in no way responsible for the attacks.  I thought the world was going to crash and burn under the weight of the moronic and republican.  However, as I saw a second election come and go...and a war on Muslims start, I realized the world will and always has had idiot leaders, and that every ten or so years the parties will switch.  The country's dire state last only as long as the conservative power trip, and in the worst of scenarios I could always move to Europe where torture IS illegal and religious zealots have little power.  I found that the world will change for the bad as well as the good...but there is nothing to fear in that fact.
   So while I have served four agonizing and relentlessly painful years in the high school, it has had a profound affect on how I am.  Like the saying says, "Misery builds character."  Indeed, my character has been built, and surely a life of suffering and further pain will augment and expand me through adversity.
well, what do you think of it?
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My Senior's Reflective Essay
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2006, 06:18:00 pm »
*warning- hardcore democrats and republicans- there do be ridiculing!*
Heh, I hope your english teacher ain't a Bush fan. :Pblah.gif Personally, I think both republicans and democrats are lame wannabees who don't really know what they believe in or stand for and most definitely don't deserve to be the two main parties in the united states. Also, I don't really have much hope for the future of presidency either- at least, not if it continues in this way. Clinton = evil, Bush = frickin' retarded, Gore = sore loser and whiner, Kerry = lame, Nader = an odd duck to say the least. And may God help us if Hillary runs for president. Say goodbye to your vitamin C!!! O_Oshocked2.gif

Go libertarians and constitution party!! >Dgni.gif

Anyways, unless you're joking a lot, I think I've had a much better high school experience. Of course, it probably helps that I'm going to a small catholic high school.

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My Senior's Reflective Essay
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2006, 02:07:00 am »
I had a quite good hi school experience and had fun, but only between 3rd year and last one. First year was really evil, really really evil... I still have bad memories of this....

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My Senior's Reflective Essay
« Reply #3 on: January 09, 2006, 02:44:00 am »
I am really happy that Gore didn't make it, we wouldn't be able to do anything, since he would have taken all our rights away. :(sad.gif

The whole 9/11 was set up by out own government, I guess you missed that topic where I ranted about that for a while. Our government needs replacing, and we need to keep the corporations out of the government.
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My Senior's Reflective Essay
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2006, 07:11:00 am »
here a practice writing we had to hand write in class a bit ago...
The story of G.W.Bush...there was a slightly mentaly dpraved boy, his dad wasn't bright but this boy made him look like a genius, day he get an oil company and it goes bankrupt, then he gets another and another untill one is successful (all while recieving cash favors from his al queda funding saudi royal freinds) and also koins a company called carlyle group.  They make guns and tanks and all kinds of devices for the destruction of human life...well, he gets way up there and noody knows how, but he becomes the president.  Wow...and what does he do?  Why he doesn't do much, he waits untill one semptember day, terrorists partialy funded his saudi freinds drive 3 planes into buildings and another into a feild.  Bush, not willing to miss a golden opportunity, had a thing called the patriot act signed so he could torture people and spy indiscriminately.  Well, he was a man with deep pockets...and I supose they weren't full enough with money, so he starts a war that kills thousands of American troops and hundreds of thousands of muslim, not in Saudi, not in Afganistan...not even in weapon developing Iran...he attacks Iraq.  You see, Iraq is full of oil and full of unstable religous groups which were ripe for the provoking.  So, a war started and oil pumping, bush had amazing luck again!  One of the supreme court's justices husband was dying!  Yay, because she wanted to spend time with him bush got to install another right wing fascists into a life long position of power to help him and his freinds undermind the rights and freedoms of America!  And then he got even luckier and the chief justice, now bush has two seats to fill with fascists.  The sad thing is, the story isn't over yet!  Bush still has sevral years to screw up this country even worse!  Horay for tax breaks for the rich, horay for wars, and horay for freedoms being taken!
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My Senior's Reflective Essay
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2006, 10:43:00 am »
I randomly saw on CNN earlier today: latest US fatalities somewhere around 2,300.

It's not George Bush, its the terrorist organization controlling him!
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My Senior's Reflective Essay
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2006, 02:02:00 pm »
Well, I don't think he's that bad. He seems to think he's doing what's right and what's needed, and I think he has good intentions--it's just that he's missing the intellect needed to make wise decisions. The patriot act was his most retarded move imho. It even seems more like a thing a democrat would do than a republican so I didn't get that at all. It just adds more to my theory that those people don't know wtf they are doing. Ah, if only there was an anarchist party that was interested in something other than destroying public property.
^^moving there whenever they get that set up^^

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My Senior's Reflective Essay
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2006, 03:17:00 pm » party is all about freedom for the people and controll of the big companies (generalisation of course), repubs are all about freedom of buisness and controll of the people.  Republican party endorses patriot act while the dem oposes it.  And anarachy is one of the most feeble concepts, it would never work, simple as that and would almost certainly end in a totalitarian rule.  Personaly, I would like to see a common wealth sepratist system in which people form independent city states and create laws to serve the people, of course with a over all government that only creates broad laws.  Of course, they'd need to prevent city's from going after each other, garantee a minimal level of freedom (speech, reproductive, religous tolerancy, anti-violence, a justice system which aims to fix problems instead of punish (seperation vs execution, rehab vs seperation, ect.), and a minimal level of inflation adjusted income regardless of working status.  On the last one, I believe that if some one does not want a job then they should not die or be punished, they should just not be rewarded.

Some other beliefs of mine:  entertainment is right, not a privelage for the afluent; trying to control peoples sexuality is trying to controll their minds and as such is a denial of freedom (though if one is sexualy 'sick,' they may need to be removed from a population hey threaton...but as humanely and respectfuly as possible); that 'bad' people are caused by a bad enviroment, and as such, society has the responsibility to prevent crimes not only by trying to remove and or treat/help the "criminal," but also try and prevent situations where criminal behavior will develop.
I'm like a woot burger with awesome fries

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My Senior's Reflective Essay
« Reply #8 on: January 10, 2006, 04:03:00 pm »
I see it more like Republicans tend to be slightly more towards the everyone do what you want (not just large businesses) and Democrats tend to be a little more towards government taking more care of it's people, but both cross the line so repeatedly and continuously, it's impossible to tell what they really stand for. Personally, I favor the Republicans very slightly over Democrats just because of what they SAY they stand for. Imho, there should be as little government as possible- just enough to, you know, maintain order and prevent stuff like monopolies from happening because some people tend to be a bit retarded. Why the crap is the US the most towards this style of government in the world yet still so far from it? Maybe I'll buy a little island in the pacific and make my own country.


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My Senior's Reflective Essay
« Reply #9 on: January 10, 2006, 04:13:00 pm »
That is my #1 goal in life.  No joke.

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My Senior's Reflective Essay
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2006, 04:14:00 pm »
Problem is people are corrupt...if the government didn't restrict buisnesses youd still have children getting scalped in textile factories.  Imho, government will be more accountable than buisnesses will be and as such, big government is better than big buisness.  More so, if there were no BIG buisnesses, government would have fewer lobbies and be less corrupt.

Lobies are the ultimate evil...they cause alot of the problems we have in this world.
I'm like a woot burger with awesome fries

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My Senior's Reflective Essay
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2006, 04:44:00 pm »
Lol, you're right there (about the lobbyists- wtf is the point?!). However, I don't think large businesses are as much of a problem as they may seem. As long as they are kept from holding a monopoly, *cough*bill gates (well, close enough :Pblah.gif )*cough* there shouldn't be any problems.

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My Senior's Reflective Essay
« Reply #12 on: January 10, 2006, 05:01:00 pm »
Even when the governor of Florida began trying to cheat his retched and vile brother into office,

Hmmm, if this was true the Democrats would have pounced all over him. So, I will interpret as an opinion attempting to be passed as fact.

I was sure the Supreme Court would investigate all of the obvious cases of voting fraud.

This is actually funny... Gore wanted a recount of a select few democratic counties, it was Bush that wanted the whole state recounted. Very uninformed way to look at things. Gore lost every recount... even the recount a year later.

then we attacked a random oil owning country in no way responsible for the attacks.

Hmmm... We attacked Afghanistan following the 9/11 attacks. But, I don't think there is oil there. The Taliban of Afghanistan harbored the terrorist who was directly responsible for the attacks... and flaunted that fact. The Taliban had many chances to turn him over. The Taliban begged us to attack. It was they who chose the attack on their own country by hiding a mass murderer. I say dumb stupid Taliban.

and a war on Muslims start

A more correct statement is a war on Iraq. Many of our allies are Muslim.  Again, a very uniformed way to look at things.

I could always move to Europe

Alec Baldwin said he was going to move to Europe also. But, he is still here. I guess actions speak louder than words.

...where torture IS illegal

Torture is illegal here... Where are you getting your information?

...and religious zealots have little power.

Hmmm... Many countries still have a national religion and you can be beheaded for blasphemy.

Republican party endorses patriot act while the dem oposes it.

Then why did Republicans and Democrats vote it into law? If the Dems opposed it, according to your logic, then they must be cowards.

The sad thing is, the story isn't over yet! Bush still has sevral years to screw up this country even worse!

Go Bush!! I love my screwed up country. ;)wink.gif

Sorry Necro... I guess we have very differing opinions. I am sorry you have so many harsh opinions of the USA. But, aren't you glad you live in a country where you can say what you said without fear of retribution?
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