Welp, There's always Evolve. Obviously you can't play or launch games from Evolve because that's not what it's for (It's for playing your multiplayer games). But still it will create a library for all of your games.
The point of evolve was at first to be a tunneling engine so that those who couldn't port forward could still play games with their friends, but now it's a giant client similar to steam (except you don't buy games). Every time you play a new game, the client adds it to your library, that is if the game has a profile on Evolve. It records how long you have played it and whatnot, but it doesn't allow you to launch the games so I guess that's not what you want. Anyway, the reason Evolve has profiles for games is because unlike other tunneling engines like hamachi, Evolve custom writes and test a new tunneling engine for every single game in its database. Thus if it's on Evolve the tunneling engine is guaranteed to work (if you aren't relayed of course

Anyway, if anyone wants to check that out, here it is:
https://www.evolvehq.com/welcomeFriend me

As for your physical library problem. Why don't you just manually add non-steam games to your steam library. Thus you can have them all in one place...