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<a href="http://speedtest.10-fast-fingers.com"><img src="http://speedtest.10-fast-fingers.com/badge/1_wpm_score_GV.png" alt="Typing Test Score" /></a>I confess, I was cheating
Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000) SendKeys.Send("line once try go song house quick face only number left each school how turn great river so question air together to kind what what quite over one no he and back follow write stop home have name near your father eye our the saw read after keep face an mother only under too through set very page we some again not them far country soon above did soon more hand near night live mean until must live this every when air was little most oil come school might are found do home man water use answer mile because just Indian for man read about four so back small few us along sometimes this is food were through off never back good that me from close together as over in before father form with play need people next country hear head us spell own mountain because its page use many idea eye as from America far soon been learn by were plant paper something large high enough quick may found group state us young read night take kind sound get you start turn show place quickly word still quickly another well talk land below people why him sometimes of below know hard young page will our she cut spell still important carry mean or mean his does give here an list family their move sea had been Indian would should then point watch the country after need know time both house want miss come white out two into around different no we while at people time any its let mountain miss are if then went idea Indian last both form hand run he together more being children don't right story study make first begin your think write land away my different away went old talk example later four only sea good day between once see feet tell three name now question on white had did way those word quick such around ask later look find picture sentence after second also find for last should can here by thing place water important more of just life each feet all year carry take at day tree animal often start call good found not is give each on place use these it's four go came would too with men men out later cut tell made great above letter must say came almost other family your even let night it end their far thought some our girl left between river last paper to long as them but without part you really being of boy large watch or quickly without change without some will an spell learn seem city look into head down follow her oil where few need think tree run also the by saw too sentence be oil write quite old should river him where made again home leave put might keep car sometimes set in face like same do try form but my girl both well work call these around right but all which old under it new always begin land that earth look what many off large earth girl list letter not state light along made animal can above one help even up then she we took up its year and family now or small way hard small carry his little song end has life on leave learn often there mother into got side many once will way her could get come make had such tell put take hard see say men about another this air paper move they might story if few want could being see just how don't down hear their never line long new left hand always high big here like quite it between don't because may side me has said so off study grow open America grow light where may about along can enough next example state move much new kind took most sentence next say school any said such who does most two you often end day eat seem know my add think which every took very second city show saw big tree same number while with give if go from through she have stop let leave help well answer walk start they boy before were those example them before book while those same help group up second again talk list open boy always open it's time it's children why feet him sea they much eat white father book do part line play other eat part got below put these been thought keep world picture watch America really close went name change first who one set came than plant change study also run mile idea does me when long her light could seem city would any car find car add another began away ask to thing children never head picture must big every animal work like than something two walk question great down got own sound year different thing right no over first for why word world three almost until began mile begin stop when add point own call sound still and important close he live play hear in eye man than said was that letter who grow did group there high has try want under water mother until began point life something which near thought turn make really ask is miss number food very mountain book other house show almost there little be young follow get three walk have food side work story at world even song all enough much earth out answer are cut be how plant now his was") End SubEnd Class
function g(){ setTimeout("g()", 300) user_input_stream += words[word_pointer] + " "; word_pointer++;}start_countdown()g()
start_countdown(); countdown=1; word_pointer=1; user_input_stream=words.slice(0,230).join(" ")+" "
Code: [Select]Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Threading.Thread.Sleep(5000) SendKeys.Send("line once try go song house quick face only number left each school how turn great river so question air together to kind what what quite over one no he and back follow write stop home have name near your father eye our the saw read after keep face an mother only under too through set very page we some again not them far country soon above did soon more hand near night live mean until must live this every when air was little most oil come school might are found do home man water use answer mile because just Indian for man read about four so back small few us along sometimes this is food were through off never back good that me from close together as over in before father form with play need people next country hear head us spell own mountain because its page use many idea eye as from America far soon been learn by were plant paper something large high enough quick may found group state us young read night take kind sound get you start turn show place quickly word still quickly another well talk land below people why him sometimes of below know hard young page will our she cut spell still important carry mean or mean his does give here an list family their move sea had been Indian would should then point watch the country after need know time both house want miss come white out two into around different no we while at people time any its let mountain miss are if then went idea Indian last both form hand run he together more being children don't right story study make first begin your think write land away my different away went old talk example later four only sea good day between once see feet tell three name now question on white had did way those word quick such around ask later look find picture sentence after second also find for last should can here by thing place water important more of just life each feet all year carry take at day tree animal often start call good found not is give each on place use these it's four go came would too with men men out later cut tell made great above letter must say came almost other family your even let night it end their far thought some our girl left between river last paper to long as them but without part you really being of boy large watch or quickly without change without some will an spell learn seem city look into head down follow her oil where few need think tree run also the by saw too sentence be oil write quite old should river him where made again home leave put might keep car sometimes set in face like same do try form but my girl both well work call these around right but all which old under it new always begin land that earth look what many off large earth girl list letter not state light along made animal can above one help even up then she we took up its year and family now or small way hard small carry his little song end has life on leave learn often there mother into got side many once will way her could get come make had such tell put take hard see say men about another this air paper move they might story if few want could being see just how don't down hear their never line long new left hand always high big here like quite it between don't because may side me has said so off study grow open America grow light where may about along can enough next example state move much new kind took most sentence next say school any said such who does most two you often end day eat seem know my add think which every took very second city show saw big tree same number while with give if go from through she have stop let leave help well answer walk start they boy before were those example them before book while those same help group up second again talk list open boy always open it's time it's children why feet him sea they much eat white father book do part line play other eat part got below put these been thought keep world picture watch America really close went name change first who one set came than plant change study also run mile idea does me when long her light could seem city would any car find car add another began away ask to thing children never head picture must big every animal work like than something two walk question great down got own sound year different thing right no over first for why word world three almost until began mile begin stop when add point own call sound still and important close he live play hear in eye man than said was that letter who grow did group there high has try want under water mother until began point life something which near thought turn make really ask is miss number food very mountain book other house show almost there little be young follow get three walk have food side work story at world even song all enough much earth out answer are cut be how plant now his was") End SubEnd ClassI used VB for mine.
Yep, i'm only fast when im typing words I WANT TO TYPE!!! Not the ones i have to read before typing xD