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Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« on: November 06, 2013, 04:09:02 pm »
Hey everyone, I hope you're having a good day so far.

In a recent essay for English Class, I wrote an essay about my experience in a "discourse community"
Spoiler For Spoiler:
"A discourse community' is a group of people who share a set of discourses, understood as basic values and assumptions, and ways of communicating about those goals. Linguist, John Swales defined discourse communities as 'groups that have goals or purposes, and use communication to achieve these goals'" -Wikipedia

Anyways, we've been assigned a follow-up essay about the communities as a whole and include views of the other members as well.  If you wouldn't mind, I request that you reply with answers to the questions, and not look at others' until you have submitted yours.  (Feel free to send as a PM if private, or ignore questions)

1) How did you first learn about Omnimaga and what aspect influenced you to stay?

2) Do you feel as if we have similarities outside of programming naturally. If so, what are they? (i.e. MLP fans)

3) For what reason(s) do you frequent Omnimaga over other sites like Cemetech or TIPlanet? (Or vise-versa)

4) Do you consider the community of Omnimaga to have a main goal(s)? (if so, what are they?)

5) How do you feel your relationship is with other members?

6) Do you find that Omnimaga (and calc programming) has helped you in the outside world?

7) What is your favorite inside joke/lingo?  (i.e. Holy Necropost Batman!  or Welcome peanuts etc.)

8 ) What country are you from?

If you have any questions or ideas for new questions, feel free to ask or let me know :)
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 04:45:01 pm by Happybobjr »
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Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2013, 04:12:46 pm »
1 - First contact - ugly skin (how could i!) and axe parser made me stay :)

2 - ponies
* Sorunome hides
Also, rubiks cubes, geekish-ness in general

3 - because I love programming and the community is so friendly

4 - rule the world! Ok, seriousley, have fun in a friendly community.

5 - You guys are awesome friends :)

6 - Wait, there is a outside world? Oh, that one, um, not much *yet* (maybe helped me getting 100% on that com sci test :P)

7 - currently it is 'sorunomes' and 'eeemses' and stuff like that ^^

8 - Equestria. Or the internet? I don't know!
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 05:05:55 pm by Sorunome »

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Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2013, 04:20:25 pm »
1) How did you first learn about Omnimaga and what aspect influenced you to stay?
I don't remember how I first learned about it, but I stay mainly because of how nice and helpful the community is

2) Do you feel as if we have similarities outside of programming naturally. If so, what are they? (i.e. MLP fans)
I think that we do, we're all kind of silly and nerdy anyways :P

3) For what reason(s) do you frequent Omnimaga over other sites like Cemetech or TIPlanet? (Or vise-versa)
I frequent Omnimaga more because I've been here longer, and I like the community. Like I stated earlier, everyone is nice and helpful, and some funny stuff happens on IRC sometimes ;)

4) Do you consider the community of Omnimaga to have a main goal(s)? (if so, what are they?)
I don't think we have a "main goal", everyone has their own individual goal and we help them achieve it.

5) How do you feel your relationship is with other members?
I feel that I get along nicely with everyone here

6) Do you find that Omnimaga (and calc programming) has helped you in the outside world?
Yes! I've learned so much about math, science, and programming from this class that I use all the time in the "outside world".

7) What is your favorite inside joke/lingo?  (i.e. Holy Necropost Batman!  or Welcome peanuts etc.)
When in doubt, blame Sorunome

(sorry, Sorunome :P)

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Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2013, 04:20:53 pm »
1) Axe Parser.
2)We are all a little crazy here?
3)Planète-Caiso because I'm a moderator.
4)Sharing experiences, programming, games, knwoledge. To live as a community.
5)I'd like to meet you, guys!
6)Yup, I certainly got better in programming and drawing some pixel artz
7) The Game & Soru?

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Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2013, 04:25:41 pm »
7) What is your favorite inside joke/lingo?  (i.e. Holy Necropost Batman!  or Welcome peanuts etc.)
When in doubt, blame Sorunome

(sorry, Sorunome :P)
That would have been my runner-up, no worries ;)

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Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2013, 04:36:25 pm »
HBJ asked people not to read other's posts, so I didn't read other's posts, but I think it would be easier to avoid reading them if they were spoilered.

So, my answers are in the spoiler below.

Spoiler For Spoiler:
1) I was playing TI-Boy SE (which I downloaded I don't know where, but not on Omnimaga) when my calc crashed. I looked on Google where I could complain get help and arrived here. Then I discovered Axe and stayed.
2) I never think I have similarities with anyone. I mean, I was so often told I was weird that I never try to think about similarities now. Maybe I have, but I don't know.
3) Does that mean "why are you on Omnimaga more often" ? If so, because it is more active than Cemetech and talks more about Axe than TI Planet. But I am often on TI Planet too.
4) I'd just say that we're here to share our hobby with good mood. I don't know if that counts as a goal, but that's how I see it.
5) Depends. Like IRL you'd say. Most are like classmates whom I can speak with seriously or to have a laugh.
6) Yeah, I don't think I'd have found a school that teaches me interesting things if I never discovered the joys of programming with Axe.
7) "Please try logging out and back in again, and then try again." That is not meant to be a joke but I love that error message.

edit now that I read other's answers, there are some things that I agree with but I didn't think about it earlier. Would it be a good idea to mention them too in a second spoiler ?

Spoiler For Spoiler:
3) I also feel like Omnimaga is more friendly than Cemetech. People say it is because Omnimaga has rules against not being nice so it is not a good thing for freedom, but I don't care, I feel better here.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 04:50:07 pm by Hayleia »
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Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2013, 04:39:45 pm »
HBJ asked people not to read other's posts
No, I just don't want them read until they have submitted theirs.  That way they aren't swayed by what they read.
Its fine to read them :)
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Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2013, 04:41:20 pm »
HBJ asked people not to read other's posts
No, I just don't want them read until they have submitted theirs.  That way they aren't swayed by what they read.
Its fine to read them :)
Ah yeah, that's what meant. But would it be a good idea to do a first answer without reading other's posts, then a second pass (in another spoiler if we used spoiler) after reading other's posts to see what we agree with but didn't think about earlier ?
I own: 83+ ; 84+SE ; ; CX CAS ; Prizm ; 84+CSE
Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2013, 04:45:10 pm »
Sure, why not. 
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Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2013, 04:59:04 pm »
1)  I really started to fiddle with TI-Basic Sophmore year and I soon found Axe on  Failing miserably I went to google to get help and found Omnimaga.  I came in at a really bad time when Axe was umm... removed and I kinda really lost my temper before hearing all sides of the matter (or even introducing myself....).  I really felt like shit when I got many, many PM's telling me that I was out of line and why.  Even though I was being [yelled] at for my behavior, it wasn't aggresive.  Everyone sent them telling me what I did wrong and why it was wrong. It was informative. I grew deep respect for many members, such as SirCmPwn for their way of writing, that literally inspired empathy and a cool head.  I felt bad, but people were still welcoming towards me.  This kindness and empathy is what made me realize that Omnimaga was a family.  Even though members would leave, for a short time or forever, it was because it was their time to leave such as a son/daughter leaving their home.  I needed a family outside of my own, and I had finally found one.  I may not always be around any more, but I still hold what I have found here very close to my heart.

2) Yes, I have noticed that there are large occurrences.  Such as runners, MLP fans, cubers, etc.

3) I love the color scheme of Omnimaga :3. Cemetech seems a bit... detached to me. Also, on first visit, I was visited by some dick who told me my project was pointless and I should leave.  Beyond that... Again, this became a family to me.  I honestly kinda viewed DJ as a fatherly figure.

4) Yes. I feel Omnimaga has a resounding main goal. Perhaps its not tangible, but to help people and support them is definitly a big goal.  Secondary to that, I would say it is programming.  However, those two tend to be intertwined.

5) I may have been away for quite a while, and probably will be again, I feel like you all are really friends.  And again, what I said about DJ.

6) Very much so.  Coding, no matter the language, shares a sort of essence. The language and syntax may be different, but the concepts, such as loops and all that, stay the same.

7) I love the peanuts :P

8 ) United States, Indiana
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Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2013, 05:14:51 pm »
1) I first learned about it after discovering axe. What made me want to stay were the helpful and inviting community members.

2) Most community members have a good sense of humor, like a good challenge and are creative thinkers.

3) I started here on omnimaga as a calc programmer. I don't use the cemetech forums as much, but I frequent their irc. I do post hardware threads there.

4) Welp... coding and having fun doing so?

5) Strictly un-professional.

6) Maybe it did. I dunno.

7) Wacking people with a fishbone is fun. I wonder why people forgot about this one. I don't see it on irc very often anymore.

8 ) The Netherlands.
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Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2013, 06:04:10 pm »
1) How did you first learn about Omnimaga and what aspect influenced you to stay?
Uh.... It's been linked on other community websites in the past, so... that's how, I guess, but it's been a while ^^

2) Do you feel as if we have similarities outside of programming naturally. If so, what are they? (i.e. MLP fans)
Computer geeks in general, and probably a bit smarter than the average at school, but lazier too ? (which can be useful for programming.... finding ways to do more with less :P There's a quote by Bill Gates about that)

3) For what reason(s) do you frequent Omnimaga over other sites like Cemetech or TIPlanet? (Or vise-versa)
I visit Omnimaga and TI-Planet everyday, and Omni is coming second about my visit rates (dozens of times per day), since you'll have to take for an answer that TI-Planet is the website I co-founded and I am co-admin of :P (so, probably a hundred times a day - it's pretty much like a default tab on my browser, so...) The reason is that... well I'm interested in calc programming and related stuff ? :D
Cemetech, cncalc, are other community websites that I sometimes visit (actually, probably once every day, in fact) ... just to see what's there on that day.

4) Do you consider the community of Omnimaga to have a main goal(s)? (if so, what are they?)
Well.... IDK, making extraordinary calc programs ? Always pushing backs the limits ?

5) How do you feel your relationship is with other members?
Very good ?

6) Do you find that Omnimaga (and calc programming) has helped you in the outside world?
Outside of calc programming, I don't think so ... (although some maths topics got me interested several times...)

7) What is your favorite inside joke/lingo?  (i.e. Holy Necropost Batman!  or Welcome peanuts etc.)
Well, I know those two, at least..., and the lobster.... but "favorite", I don't know :P

8 ) What country are you from?
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 09:04:15 pm by adriweb »
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Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2013, 06:13:26 pm »
1) How did you first learn about Omnimaga and what aspect influenced you to stay?
Spyro543. End of story.

2) Do you feel as if we have similarities outside of programming naturally. If so, what are they? (i.e. MLP fans)
Homestuck (Thanks Juju) and we're all nerds. We all signed up to be The Coders of Tomorrow! (since 2001)

3) For what reason(s) do you frequent Omnimaga over other sites like Cemetech or TIPlanet? (Or vise-versa)
I forgot my Cemetech password and Kerm creeps me out. (he's EVERYWHERE, ALL of the TIME)
jk, Kerm is awesome.

4) Do you consider the community of Omnimaga to have a main goal(s)? (if so, what are they?)
Nope. We all help eachother reach our own goals, which could be an overall goal in itself I guess.

5) How do you feel your relationship is with other members?
I joined, never finished anything, and disappeared. But I'm back now and I know everyone so yay.

6) Do you find that Omnimaga (and calc programming) has helped you in the outside world?

7) What is your favorite inside joke/lingo?  (i.e. Holy Necropost Batman!  or Welcome peanuts etc.)
Blue Lobsters? Maybe The Game as well, although it was quite common in my school when I joined. Nice to see it lives on here. :P

8 ) What country are you from?
the unted stats uf merca

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Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2013, 06:15:30 pm »
1) How did you first learn about Omnimaga and what aspect influenced you to stay?
A link on UCF, IIRC. Programming and geekness I guess.

2) Do you feel as if we have similarities outside of programming naturally. If so, what are they? (i.e. MLP fans)
I think a love of science and math. At least for most of us it seems. Also geek gaming, like text-based RPG's and chess.

3) For what reason(s) do you frequent Omnimaga over other sites like Cemetech or TIPlanet? (Or vise-versa)
I frequent UCF, Cemetech, Omnimaga, and Casiopeia exactly the same amount because all those sites are pinned tabs, and automatically open whenever I open firefox. They never get closed. But I probably am more partial to UCF because I am an admin there, and Cemetech because it seems more PRIZM dev happens there. But I check all the sites about the same amount.

4) Do you consider the community of Omnimaga to have a main goal(s)? (if so, what are they?)
Not sure. Getting people to realize how much fun programming is?

5) How do you feel your relationship is with other members?
Good, I guess. Some more than others, obviously.

6) Do you find that Omnimaga (and calc programming) has helped you in the outside world?
Calc programming has, yes. I don't know about omnimaga specifically though.

7) What is your favorite inside joke/lingo?  (i.e. Holy Necropost Batman!  or Welcome peanuts etc.)
Not really sure I have one. I used to be really into that but now it seems a bit spammy. Though I do joke like that sometimes, don't get me wrong.

8 ) What country are you from?
Come on, haven't you heard about the NSA? (jk, just look at my profile)
If you have any questions or ideas for new questions, feel free to ask or let me know Smiley

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Re: Quick Survey About You and Omnimaga.
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2013, 06:22:21 pm »
1) How did you first learn about Omnimaga and what aspect influenced you to stay?
 - First learned about it when Builder's Basic Portal came out, it didn't really catch on then though. It really started with Axe.

2) Do you feel as if we have similarities outside of programming naturally. If so, what are they? (i.e. MLP fans)
 - Just people who like fiddling with old hardware/software, I guess?

3) For what reason(s) do you frequent Omnimaga over other sites like Cemetech or TIPlanet? (Or vise-versa)
 - Basically it's out of habit now.  Tried Cemetech for a bit, the atmosphere just didn't really click. Also to kind of test the waters, I started the same project thread on both forums (twhg)..the thread here was full of all sorts of feedback and people actually trying it out; the cemetech topic, aside from like 8 posts, was just me and kerm going back and forth.
As for TI-Planet, I don't speak french so that probably wouldn't click either.

4) Do you consider the community of Omnimaga to have a main goal(s)? (if so, what are they?)
 - Programming..? Ndless seems to be a pretty large cause, though you don't hear much of it until it actually happens.
Or the dozens of people poking calc84 to finish his projects >:] (coughfzerocough)

5) How do you feel your relationship is with other members?
 - Kind of an informal, easy-going sort of thing?

6) Do you find that Omnimaga (and calc programming) has helped you in the outside world?
 - Calc programming has gotten me into programming in general, and now I'm working towards a CS degree and some of the low-level knowledge should help out. Also the social status in high school math class, being the guy who spreads Mario@co. around :P

7) What is your favorite inside joke/lingo?  (i.e. Holy Necropost Batman!  or Welcome peanuts etc.)
 - Blaming everything on Sor?  That or lobsters. Delicious.

8 ) What country are you from?
 - 'Murica
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