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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #75 on: May 22, 2013, 02:53:12 pm »
Why must something cause God to do something? He doesn't live in this world. He must not bend to it's limits which he put there.
He also made our brain, and how we think. God doesn't want to be so clear(I am who I am).

@ElementCoder, it may SOUND contradictory, but it isn't really(see this post:

Why the Christian God? Because the Bible is infallible. This may seem like quite a statement, but if you investigate and get the true untranslated scripts, it really is.

As the mystery of God himself, Heaven is one too. The God who created happiness can change anything so you WILL be happy forever.
Also Adam and Eve first lived in a Paradise, where there was nothing bad. It didn't seem like they were bored or disappointed really. However, "someone" deceived them...

@MethSoft: I'm pretty sure I can find overwhelming(which I actually have found) evidence against it. I do not deny that there is micro-evolution. But a new species? No, I don't believe it.

Science can be mistaken, and has already been.
I am not a catholic, and it doesn't make that if someone important in a certain religion says evolution is acceptable that all will believe it.

Also as far as I know nobody has ever seen evolution take place.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 03:03:36 pm by Stefan Bauwens »

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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #76 on: May 22, 2013, 03:03:24 pm »
Why must something cause God to do something? He doesn't live in this world. He must not bend to it's limits which he put there.
He also made our brain, and how we think. God doesn't want to be so clear(I am who I am).

Because if there was no reason for god to create the universe then the universe as we know it and everything in it has no purpose and simply exists for the sake of existing.

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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #77 on: May 22, 2013, 03:04:46 pm »
Also, if there is a God, then there is proof that he is a Christian God. He has to be omnipotent, He has to be all-merciful, and He has to be all-Good. Nothing good can come from an evil creator.
Why can't anything good come from an evil creator? Didn't God create everything, so evil as well? And if evil can come from a good creator, why won't an evil creator be able to create something good?
EDIT: don't understand this statement wrong. I'm not trying to prove that God is evil. I'm just asking a question.

Also as far as I know nobody has ever seen evolution take place.
And as far as I know, nobody has ever seen God create a species. But nobody having seen it take place doesn't nessicarely mean it didn't happen.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 03:12:59 pm by ben_g »
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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #78 on: May 22, 2013, 03:08:51 pm »
Also, if there is a God, then there is proof that he is a Christian God. He has to be omnipotent, He has to be all-merciful, and He has to be all-Good. Nothing good can come from an evil creator.
Why can't anything good come from an evil creator? Didn't God create everything, so evil as well? And if evil can come from a good creator, why won't an evil creator be able to create something good?

God did not create evil, he allowed it.

God doesn't want to be so clear(I am who I am).

Just to correct a typo, its "I am who am.", which has a much deeper meaning. ;)

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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #79 on: May 22, 2013, 03:10:48 pm »
Why must something cause God to do something? He doesn't live in this world. He must not bend to it's limits which he put there.
He also made our brain, and how we think. God doesn't want to be so clear(I am who I am).

Because if there was no reason for god to create the universe then the universe as we know it and everything in it has no purpose and simply exists for the sake of existing.
I believe God created us so we could give Him praise and show His glory. By making us He shows how great He is. He is the definition of good.

Ben_G, evil? Everything I read a bout God is that He is just, good, loving. And with this love belongs choice. Choice that means evil too.
Evil is only there because people choose for THEMSELVES instead of choosing for God.

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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #80 on: May 22, 2013, 03:15:15 pm »
Everyone has their own version of what is paradise in their heads.
Some people don't have a version of paradise for one of the following reasons:
  • They believe there's no paradise.
  • They trust God and obey him to do good without thinking about a reward.

Often times this paradise is a subconscious thing. You may not be aware of it, but you still have an idea somewhere in your mind of what a perfect Universe is. If you didn't, you would not have any opinion on what is good and what is bad. What makes you happy or sad. You would be completely neutral in all things if you didn't have one at all with no emotion whatsoever. This particular version of paradise I call the "Irrational" paradise, since your mind does not take into account the limits of reality when forming it.

Because you are at perfection, because you cannot go higher, happiness ends. Change ends, motion stops. There is nowhere left to go because of that. To me, this is a really bad thing because ope itself comes from the prospect of achieving such a reality. But once you reach is, there's nowhere for hope to come from anymore since there is no imperfection to overcome.
And what if there's no time in paradise? All the problems you reach here disappear.

If there was no time, there would be nothing to experience. It would create a similar effect because emotions stem from change in reality. No time would mean no change.

There's also a few things I have with the idea of intelligent design. If nothing existed before God, and God created everything, what was God's reason/motivation to create anything and what was His point of reference for creation? Because nothing existed, there would be nothing that could cause God to begin His creation. Conventional concepts such as boredom and discontent would not exist because there counterparts such as excitement would not exist either because there was nothing that could elicit such emotion.
What motivation? God doesn't need humans. But His infinite love created us. Though for humans it is really hard to understand that. When you talk about the beginning of creation, such concept doesn't exist because there was no time before.

We exist in a Universe which goes by the concept of causality. That is, cause and effect. Everything within our Universe falls under this simple rule. That means that there must have been something to cause God to create. And something to cause God to create everything the exact way it is now. Nothing ever arises from nothing. Every action there is always a reason and cause behind, no matter how logical or irrational.

Now, this is not the case if God exists in a Universe outside ours with a different ruleset. But when we are looking at different Universes, there are infinite Gods to be had anyways. If it is the case that God exists outside our Universe, we can still say that within ours, He doesn't exist, though actions of his might. They would still be subject to the rules of this Universe, however.

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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #81 on: May 22, 2013, 03:17:42 pm »
Now, this is not the case if God exists in a Universe outside ours with a different ruleset. But when we are looking at different Universes, there are infinite Gods to be had anyways. If it is the case that God exists outside our Universe, we can still say that within ours, He doesn't exist, though actions of his might. They would still be subject to the rules of this Universe, however.

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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #82 on: May 22, 2013, 03:19:34 pm »
If what you say is true, then their was indeed a cause that prompted god to create the universe, even if it was his own narcissism(perhaps vanity is a better word here?). My point was that regardless, their had to be something to prompt the creation.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 03:20:18 pm by Art_of_camelot »

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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #83 on: May 22, 2013, 03:34:38 pm »
Now, this is not the case if God exists in a Universe outside ours with a different ruleset. But when we are looking at different Universes, there are infinite Gods to be had anyways. If it is the case that God exists outside our Universe, we can still say that within ours, He doesn't exist, though actions of his might. They would still be subject to the rules of this Universe, however.

He could have very well been a kind of avatar for God. I have my own opinions and knowledge about him that I will not be sharing here, but consider the possibility of him not being who he says he is, but instead a higher being. To the Humans of the time, he would appear to them as a God or the Son of God.

Though that is, of course, my own opinion on it and it stems from a source that I do not feel comfortable sharing. Nonetheless, that is my answer. XD

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Late last night, Quebec was invaded by a group calling themselves, "Omnimaga". Not much is known about these mysterious people except that they all carried calculators of some kind and they all seemed to converge on one house in particular. Experts estimate that the combined power of their fabled calculators is greater than all the worlds super computers put together. The group seems to be holding out in the home of a certain DJ_O, who the Omnimagians claim to be their founder. Such power has put the world at a standstill with everyone waiting to see what the Omnimagians will do...

Wait... This just in, the Omnimagians have sent the UN a list of demands that must be met or else the world will be "submitted to the wrath of Netham45's Lobster Army". Such demands include >9001 crates of peanuts, sacrificial blue lobsters, and a wide assortment of cherry flavored items. With such computing power stored in the hands of such people, we can only hope these demands are met.

In the wake of these events, we can only ask, Why? Why do these people make these demands, what caused them to gather, and what are their future plans...

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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #84 on: May 22, 2013, 03:37:39 pm »
Iirc it never really came from Jesus's own mouth who he was. But by His works it was seen.

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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #85 on: May 22, 2013, 04:05:17 pm »
Also as far as I know nobody has ever seen evolution take place.

The standard response to this is that we've also never seen Pluto make a full revolution around the sun.
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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #86 on: May 22, 2013, 05:25:39 pm »
i thought the standard response was "yes we have. it's very easy to replicate with rapidly reproducing organisms (Caenorhabditis elegans, for example) in a lab, even to the point where the result is two separate species (incapable of reproducing to create viable offspring with the opposite group)".
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 05:29:38 pm by shmibs »

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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #87 on: May 22, 2013, 06:28:22 pm »
Ok, this is pretty ridiculous statement imo. Just because something isn't a religion doesn't mean you can't believe in it.
Ok, it's a problem of vacabulary then, since english isn't my first language.

I can just as easily say that religion is ridiculous because there is no evidence for (the need of) a deity. For this point, I take my stand with what ben_g posted earlier in the thread.
>:( >:( I remind that the goal of the topic is to share our opinions without criticise other people ones. For you it could be ridiculous to believe in a God that "wouldn't be necessary", but for some other people, it could be ridiculous not to believe in a religion because then the life would not have sense and humans wouldn't be superior than mineral.

Yet you still claim that God didn't have an origin and just was there all the time. That sounds a bit contradictionary.
What is contradictionary? "All the time" is a way to say it because there's no time for God.

Don't you think that's a little false argumentation?
... ?  ???

@mdr1: The point I was trying to make was that you said everything must have an origin. I was wondering with you making that statement how you could choose to exclude god in that.
Sorry. Everything having a beginning must have an origin.

If you think about it, It's possible that the conditions required for the big bang and the forces behind the big bang always existed. When the universe was created, something caused those conditions to occur.
Those conditions required for the big-bang are an origin.

Just as in Christian faith, something had to cause god to create the universe.
Nope, God isn't in time. He invented it. So he didn't create universe "at a certain time".

And what if there is no paradise ? Even more problems disappear :P
If there was no paradise? Didn't you understand that we were talking about how it would be if it existed?

And as merthsoft said, ok, there might be a God or more, there might be a paradise or more, but heck, we are just at the "there might be" point, where those "there might be" are described by existing religions and "there might be" other possibilities that we haven't taken in account yet, and maybe the truth is among them.
There is no "there might be" here, this proposition takes place on the philosophy debate. Do you think it is only a "there might be" when you think about Jesus, about what apostles did, about marvelous lands on Earth, about the fact you are you and not only material?

I believe God created us so we could give Him praise and show His glory. By making us He shows how great He is.
I don't agree. On the creation on the bible, we can read "Et Dieu vit que cela était bon", not "Et Dieu vit qu'il était bon". Christians' God isn't an egoistic or a proud one.

@Scipi: of course no time means no change. And what the problem?

The standard response to this is that we've also never seen Pluto make a full revolution around the sun.
I agree. So let's apply this to God? :p

PS : evolution is a scientific theory, though that doesn't explain everything at the time. But it isn't contrary to or in favour of religions, so why talk about it?

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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #88 on: May 22, 2013, 09:20:03 pm »
Hmm... so if God has always existed and always will exist, there must be some point in time where he decided to make a universe.
So, sometime 13.7 billion years in the past, he decided to make a universe.
After that, he decided to wait until 4.6 billion years ago before creating the earth.
Then he continued to wait until 1 billion years ago, where muticellular life began.
Then, once again, he waited until 200,000 years ago to for life to evolve into homo sapiens.

So humans have not existed for pretty much 99.999% of cosmic history.
If God's goal was to create human life, then he was embarrassingly inefficient at it.

Unless someone denies that these dates are actually correct (which I assume will happen :P).

Also with humans having a soul.
So it seems like some suggest that only humans have a soul (correct me if I'm wrong)
But if that's so, that leaves a problem.
So, humans very gradually evolved into what they are now from their apelike ancestors over millions of years.
There is no dividing line between not human and human; the transition was a very gradual one. So was there some point where God decided that we were far enough evolved to start inserting (for lack of a better word) souls into us?
How would that work?
« Last Edit: May 22, 2013, 09:20:31 pm by epic7 »

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Re: Religion Discussion
« Reply #89 on: May 22, 2013, 09:59:51 pm »
Well, God didn't create the world in 7 days so its quite possible. God is not bound by time, so 10 billion years to us could seem like 1 day to God. Of course we will never know or be able to understand this.
When it comes to souls, perhaps we are flashed like EEPROM chips??? We will never know, if someone has died and asked him, they haven't come back yet.
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