Author Topic: RIP Invisionfree (2002-2018)/Zetaboards (2007-2018) - End of an era  (Read 7500 times)

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In case some of the much older TI community members who used to visit Omnimaga stumble upon this topic, you probably remember that Omnimaga forums used to be hosted on Invisionfree free forum hosting service until 2007 and Zetaboards in Early 2008, before re-opening 6 months later as an SMF site.

Now, one decade later, after 16 years of operation and amazing service, Zathyus Network, the company that ran Invisionfree/Zetaboards, is calling it quit. The reason why: Invisionfree, which was renamed to ZIFBoard around 2016, was bought by Tapatalk and slated to be converted to Tapatalk format in the near future. Tonight, Zetaboards was caught in the tapastorm too, marking the final days of the company that was founded in 2002.

So before they go offline for good in their web format, you can have a glimpse of what Omnimaga looked like in late 2007 and early 2008, although with almost all images missing (and yes, things were pretty wild back then >.<):

Late 2007:
And 2008