Author Topic: RPi3 - A cheap platform for C/C++/Python programmers. Have a say!  (Read 9673 times)

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Offline SpiroH

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IIRC, I haven't seen many posts here about this great and cheap programming platform (it only cost about $35, ).

Let me tell you a bit about my summer holidays adventures. On the 1st of August I decided to buy a Pi3 and install a light version of Linux on it (OpenSuse). This has allowed me to debug some aarch64 code (Unfortunately, Android Studio is still in the 'Stone Age' with regards to native programming/debugging).

At first things did look quite weird as everything ran very slowly. Then I realized, this little beast is consuming almost no power and still can be programmed and offer some sort of programming challenge/joy.

Since then, I've spent quite some time to learn how things nowadays revolve around the small-credit card computer concept/revolution. You too, will be just as amazed! It can do almost everything you need to do nowadays, at a small (snail) pace though.

Now that you're asking, yeah i did manage to port NspireX (kArmTI/Nspiroid's clone) emulator to both arm32 and arm64 platforms on the PI3.  As expected, both run slowly. An experiment just for the sake (hell) of it.  In a couple of years time it will run smoothly for sure (Those hardware geeks never rest and keep on improving things).

I'm just curious, what about you? Have you already bought a Raspberry pi(3) programming platform? What were your first temptations?

Have a say and join the programmer's therapy group.

A nice day, wherever you are.

Offline Xeda112358

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Re: RPi3 - A cheap platform for C/C++/Python programmers. Have a say!
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2017, 08:43:18 pm »
I have one and it was my primary computer for a while (and before that it was the Pi 2, and before that it was the Pi B). I used it mostly for math-related programming and TI-programming and video games! Tilem and TiLP work well, I installed Sage for more powerful math computing, and RetroPie to play some of my old PSP and PS1 games-- the latter of which runs smoothly, the former requires some tweaking.

I also wrote the brunt of a Point-Of-Sale (POS) system from scratch that it handled just fine, but I need to modify it to be web-based now :( My Pi 2 uses a 128GB USB drive for the root file system which makes it my second highest memory computer (superseded by a 140GB Windows laptop).

Offline TIfanx1999

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Re: RPi3 - A cheap platform for C/C++/Python programmers. Have a say!
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2017, 06:35:26 pm »
I've always thought the Pi computers were a neat idea, but I've never owned one. I'd like to get a small PC as a media pc to hook up to the TV for streaming video. I can do this with my main pc, but it's huge and puts out a lot of heat. Not sure if the Pi has enough horsepower for something like that though. The other thing is that I'm not familiar with linux at all, (isn't that what most Pi's run?) so that'd be a learning curve if I were to consider it.