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School pranks
« on: July 24, 2010, 03:22:52 pm »
On our last day of school last year, me and a few of my classmates put the attached screensaver on every computer in our lab when the instructor left the classroom for a few minutes to take care of something, least to say it was pretty funny when he came back ;)

Have any of you pulled/seen any good pranks being pulled on your school/the teachers in it?

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Re: School pranks
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2010, 03:35:45 pm »
I've never really seen anything, sadly :(
I hope to eventually. ;D
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Re: School pranks
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2010, 03:39:31 pm »
The worst things we did were:

1) Put a folder named "Top Secret" onto the Desktop, screenshot it, set the image as desktop, then delete the folder.  The result?  A top secret folder that cannot be accessed, deleted, or moved ;)

2) Use the Ctrl - Alt - Up trick to flip the screens upside down

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Re: School pranks
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2010, 04:21:07 pm »
I took over the school network, but the only thing I did was showing the IT guy the cracked passwords of 99% of all students/teachers. The remaining 1% was smart enough to choose passwords longer than 14 characters. (these aren't stored as LANMAN)

A few friends of mine once freaked out a teacher with your standard html 'virus'. It was funny, at least :P

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Re: School pranks
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2010, 04:21:36 pm »
Now that you mention computers and school pranks, I did something really funny like that in high school.  The computers there were really restricted in terms of what is blocked but there were a lot of ways around that stuff.  For instance, you could not access the C: drive and it was hidden from the list.  But if you right click on one of the shortcuts on the desktop and do "find target..." you're in the hard drive and you can browse around and move files like normal.  Another restricted thing was running .exe files.  But, if you copy the file to the desktop and rename it "notepad.exe" you can run it!

Those are just some fun hacks, but this is the prank I did:  I created an html file that used some hackish javascript to create 1000 copies of a file called "porn" on the desktop (which was an empty file).  I then deleted the Internet Explorer shortcut and renamed my file "Internet Explorer".  Since they share the same icon, you can't tell its been hacked.  One day we had a substitute teacher and so were were just going to watch a movie for the period and the sub was using the computer.  All period he was trying to delete these files.  Since 1000 icons can't fit on the desktop most are off screen and since the icons are permanently in auto-align, once you delete one screen size worth of porn files, more and more are shifted in so it takes forever to actually delete them all.  The next day, my generator file was still there and hadn't been deleted!
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 04:24:08 pm by Quigibo »
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Re: School pranks
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2010, 04:25:00 pm »
same with our computer:P if you rename anything keyb or mouse they will run...
its because they once accidentally blocked the drivers and they made keyb and mouse always be able to run :P
« Last Edit: August 15, 2010, 05:11:18 pm by happybobjr »
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Re: School pranks
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2010, 04:44:30 pm »
Not computer related: My psychology teacher this past year was at prank war with a freshman English teacher. About once a week for over a month we were instructed to:
* Cover her car with silly string/Post-It notes
* Go into the class to pick up markers or something, then shoot silly string everywhere
* Cover the door with that brown packaging paper so they couldn't leave the room without breaking through it
* Do the same with balloons
* And so on

In retaliation we would often come into class to find "GO {Rival of university my psych professor went to}" painted on the TV and walls, etc.

Edit: As far as computer stuff, we would use shutdown -i to remotely turn off other students' computers. I also added a registry key to my computer so it would BSOD on a certain key combination. Much confusion was had.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 04:47:17 pm by eriktheorange »

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Re: School pranks
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2010, 05:49:25 pm »
Once my history teacher asked me to do some file organizing on his account, so I had fun looking at his files ;)

Also, this same teacher told the class the username and password to the administrator account ;)

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Re: School pranks
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2010, 05:52:34 pm »
our school used to have a senior prank every year. some of the were:
-covering the gym floor with plastic cups full of water, with all the school trophies stacked on top of tables stacked on top of chairs stacked on more tables in the middle of the gym
-taking all textbooks out of lockers and mixing them up
-filling the headmaster's office with balloons and covering the walls with sticky notes
-driving a CAR into the gym! (last year for pranks)

(i go to a small private school, so we can get away with a lot)

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Re: School pranks
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2010, 06:08:31 pm »
my school has had many similar prank wars
our humane letters(combo writing, debate, and history class[i know, right]) teacher had us spend one entire class period using surplus promotional magnets the school had bought(they cant afford to make the roof not leak and the floor not be made of mold but are fine with promoting themselves :P) to entirely cover his rival's car, filing cabinet, part of the fridge(yes, the teachers have their own house with a swimming pool, shower, fridge, and garden and we all have to cram into the tiniest rooms ever. it's a bit messed up), and all her other belongings.

as their prank this year our seniors built a 20 foot tall robot out of cardboard boxes overnight to welcome everyone to finals week.

i've also done the screenshot thing to create duplicate icons and messed around with screensavers a bit.

Edit: on a vaguely related note, the lavatories at our school exploded once so the teachers had to walk anybody who asked to the facilities at a school down the street. needless to say, quite a bit of test skipping occurred that day

double Edit: the teachers could have just let everyone use their personal bathroom, but i guess they would rather walk than have their property soiled in such a disgusting manner :P
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 06:14:28 pm by shmibs »

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Re: School pranks
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2010, 10:00:02 pm »
Well, I once looked through every student in our school's accounts.  (Well, I could've, but I didn't have the time.)  I just went to network, went into their folders and use Command prompt to find the admin pass and made a .txt file named hi.txt.  (Only for the ones I had time)  :P

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Re: School pranks
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2010, 03:48:13 pm »
several of us know the school's wifi password:
abcd[school phone #]abcd
(i can't remember what the phone # is atm.)

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Re: School pranks
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2010, 04:01:31 pm »
At one time a few years ago, between a transfer between the old tech admin and the new one, there was a security flaw that was left open which allowed any student to see any other student's personal files as long as they were on the network.  It wasn't modifiable, though.

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Re: School pranks
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2010, 05:15:50 am »
LanSchool is a program teachers can use to monitor your computer remotely, as well as shut it down or blank the screen. In older versions of the software, the packets it uses are not encrypted, so it was possible to use this program called LanSchooled to do the same stuff the teacher's computer does. Once I used it to blank all the screens in the computer lab.  :P  Unfortunately, newer versions of LanSchool are not compatible. (v7.0 or greater)

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Re: School pranks
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2010, 06:20:21 pm »
We didn't do any computer pranks, but we did chain/ducktape someones locker once, and we also moved another guys locker to the other end of the hallway :P tWas funny :P