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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #120 on: June 28, 2010, 12:30:25 pm »
Colorado's an at-will work state, they can fire/terminate you for anything.

I just got laid off because they hired too many people. `-`

I'd personally just get the hell out of there as soon as I possibly could. The government can give you grants and such for education and housing, they do it alot for students, and alot of them are fairly easy to apply for, to my understanding.

Also, you said you went to a technical school, that wouldn't happen to be Warren tech, would it?
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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #121 on: June 28, 2010, 12:40:47 pm »
I'm not sure what the programs are like in Canada, but it sounds similar to the U.S. There's housing that's based on your total income. (whether your income is from working, disability, or any other source) Basically, the cost of your rent and utilities is adjusted depending on what your income is. For some people, the cost can be very low. I think there are waiting lists for this kind of housing, though. It probably depends on availability and the priority of your circumstances. (e.g., a family with children might have more priority than a bachelor) I think there are actually many different housing programs that have different standards. Some will allow you to buy your own home, and then help you lower payments.

If you're a student, there's financial aid and student housing. Generally, you receive a fixed amount of financial aid to pay for tuition, but you get to keep any additional aid that's left over. This can be used to help with housing expenses or food, for instance. (it can actually be used for anything you want)

The kinds of services available to you can be either federal or state. If something is federal, then it's available throughout the entire country; if it's state, then it's only available in your state. Sometimes, you can take advantage of both kinds of services, or state services will extend upon the benefits offered by federal services. (e.g., some states grant additional financial aid based on "lottery scholarships")

There is a strong tendency for public housing to be dangerous, though. Generally, druggies and dealers live in and around these areas. As long as you're not involved with them, you're relatively safe. I don't think I would bother trying to be friends with anyone in such an area, though. By associating with them, you're likely to end up in the wrong place at the wrong time, and have criminal charges brought against you. (particularly if you're around anyone in this area while they are in possession of drugs) How police deal with drug crimes in the U.S. is really outrageous.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2010, 12:42:27 pm by Zera »

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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #122 on: June 28, 2010, 12:54:16 pm »
Aaah ok. Over here it's just appartments. The rent is 25% of your monthly revenues. For the other kind of appartment (for family with low revenues, but not as low as some others) it's 30% I think. Had I stayed alone somewhere in an appartment, I would need to pay about the equivalent of 45% of my monthly revenues. There are even people who pay like 60%.

And I agree with Zera about the troublesome people living in the areas where are located such places. I lived around such place for years (and still do) and the best thing to do is do your little thing and not get involved too much with neightboorhood. This includes adults, even elders. And obviously, never keep too much money at home or on yourself, in case.