Author Topic: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again  (Read 32512 times)

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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2010, 09:24:06 pm »
Would you look at that!  I do!  Well, I did.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 01:24:20 am by mapar007 »

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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2010, 09:37:11 pm »
heh i hope you can stay mate if your using mine it will be down in about a week which im sorry about were moving and such and the desktop has to come down ;.; if they block it tell me ill grab another domain and fix that :P

any way congrats on the posts and nice to see you around
« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 01:24:05 am by mapar007 »

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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2010, 11:03:00 pm »
That's a little harsh, Kevin. I wouldn't say his parents are Nazis because they blocked Omnimaga. It may have been an inadvertent move as a result of using some kind of web-filtering software that had Omnimaga blocked by default. (which I can't understand, as there isn't any kind of red-flag content here that would alert web-filters) If they purposefully blocked it, well... that's just dumb. >_<;

SirCmpwn - any idea why your parents are filtering your connection? Maybe you can shed some light on the situation.
Oh I have reasons to call them nazis, altough more in my head or private. Sorry I was rather in bad mood earlier when this happened so I'm gonna change the topic title. But yeah I still stand by what I said for the following reasons:

-They are on a crusade to remove everything SirCmpwn enjoys. If he starts liking a site, he'll get it blocked. I wouldn't be surprised if Cemetech got blocked too, soon. Apparently, all he could browse at one point was Even was blocked!
-They CRACKED his forum account once and hacked it twice! Cracking is illegal. In their case, their actions involved compromising his account on my forum by changing his personal info and passwords. Sadly, since no money loss is involved, no legal actions can be done. Still, it is something that is against the law.
-If I remember they bruteforced his passwords for e-mail and stuff a few times too.
-They monitor our IRC logs to stalk him. I believe Netham45 banned their IP a few times too.
-Other stuff happened as well, which I do not know, but bad enough to make Sir flee his home.

So yeah, I can't wait until Summer 2011.

The sad thing is that Sir would have almost every chance to become staff if he ever applies to Omnimaga COT now, but I unfortunately can't because their parents would then be a threat to the forum security (such as deleting all SirCmpwn posts or even everything). Maybe if I figure out at one point, I could try to setup a staff group with no privileges but access to the two staff boards.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 01:23:47 am by mapar007 »


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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2010, 11:07:47 pm »
Sir would have almost every chance to become staff if he ever applies to Omnimaga COT now
Wow, I'm flattered!

-They are on a crusade to remove everything SirCmpwn enjoys. If he starts liking a site, he'll get it blocked. I wouldn't be surprised if Cemetech got blocked too, soon. Apparently, all he could browse at one point was Even was blocked!
Sadly, Cemetech has already been blocked.  I managed to convince them to unblock Omnimaga, though.

-They CRACKED his forum account once and hacked it twice! Cracking is illegal. In their case, their actions involved compromising his account on my forum by changing his personal info and passwords. Sadly, since no money loss is involved, no legal actions can be done. Still, it is something that is against the law.
This still pisses me off.

-If I remember they bruteforced his passwords for e-mail and stuff a few times too.
No, they just threatened to destroy my calculator if I didn't tell them.

-They monitor our IRC logs to stalk him. I believe Netham45 banned their IP a few times too.
Our IP is still blocked, thank you Netham45

-Other stuff happened as well, which I do not know, but bad enough to make Sir flee his home.
I won't go into details here.

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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2010, 11:24:55 pm »
Ouch about Cemetech x.x It kinda sucks since it's like the 2nd most active TI forum and it has Kerm and a few others plus #cemetech users that you talked to a lot. I am glad they unblocked omni, though. For how many days, though? >.>

And yeah I was pissed when I heard this. I was Invisionfree support user for years and heard a lot about stuff like that and technically someone is not even supposed to access someone else's account. It's like if I guessed your e-mail password and checked your e-mail content. It would be as bad

Anyway good luck


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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2010, 11:26:28 pm »
Thanks.  I don't know how long Cemetech is blocked for, or how long Omnimaga is available for.  I guess we'll find out.

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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2010, 01:25:26 am »
*Crosses fingers*

Btw, I edited the post titles on this page, they still had 'the adjectives' in them.

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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2010, 01:34:08 am »
oh I forgot about them x.x my bad

btw the word is allowed on the site, just as long as it's not used to advocate nazi activities (such as anti semistic stuff)

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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2010, 01:51:54 am »
Ow that sounds pretty painful. I wish best of luck to you Sir and hope that things will get better quickly

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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #24 on: June 15, 2010, 10:05:09 am »
Ha, not(C.

-If I remember they bruteforced his passwords for e-mail and stuff a few times too.
No, they just threatened to destroy my calculator if I didn't tell them.

It's amazing when a calculator becomes an effective ransoming tool. :P

Good luck, though.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 03:56:36 pm by Deep Thought »

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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #25 on: June 15, 2010, 11:25:01 am »
I think in one case to let him back on Omni he had to give them his calc for 2 weeks x.x

and yeah the not(C thing is an old thing. It's someone else who used it via PM back in the old forum days because he got warned for being grammar nazi on new forum members in a trollish way, scaring one member away in the process, and he used the not(C instead of nazi thing. :P

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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #26 on: June 15, 2010, 01:11:11 pm »
-If I remember they bruteforced his passwords for e-mail and stuff a few times too.
No, they just threatened to destroy my calculator if I didn't tell them.
You're parents are the biggest [censored] and [censored] ever!  I can't believe those [censored] could even conceive of doing something like that!  Sir, make sure your parents know by doing that they are [censored] and [censored]!  I hope they stop being tyrannical [censored] soon and treat you with the respect you deserve!

Spoiler For Spoiler:
You know those [censored]s?  Well, I just put them in there so you an insert your own word. :P

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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #27 on: June 15, 2010, 02:02:52 pm »
At least when I got my internet access taken down due to being online too often, my mom still let me access the internet in other means, such as internet cafes (altough it still sucked she did that since I was 18 and paid for the internet).

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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #28 on: June 15, 2010, 02:07:40 pm »
Ha, not(C.

-If I remember they bruteforced his passwords for e-mail and stuff a few times too.
No, they just threatened to destroy my calculator if I didn't tell them.

It's amazing when a calculator becomes an effective ransoming tool. :)

Good luck, though.
That is pure evil. I can't imagine the kind of persons they are or I am missing lots of things.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2010, 02:07:52 pm by Galandros »
Hobbing in calculator projects.

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Re: SirCmpwn not(C parents blocked Omnimaga again
« Reply #29 on: June 15, 2010, 09:25:59 pm »
It sounds like you have horrid parents... I feel bad for you.
Deep Thought: indeed.
Blocking any sites you like is... well, I've already expressed my opinion.
Yeah, can't wait until next summer.
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