If you are on this list, you have made an impact on my life this past year.
*KermMartian - Your endeavors in the calculator world are very, VERY commendable. Your brainchild, DCS 7, is easily your mark on that world.
*DJ Omnimaga - Now, you lose The Game for a change. Annnd, you survived through some pretty tough stuff.
*Hot_Dog - Straight up respect.
*Builderboy - Because you are a god of programming. Simple enough.
*BrandonW - One word: OMGYOUNEEDTOSTOPMAKINGCRAZYTHINGSOUTOFCALCULATORS. (jk, but srsly, you have knowledge of old calculator magicks, man. Teach me the ways of the Force please. kthxbye.)
*Weregoose - A mathemagician amongst men.
*merthsoft - Kerm's kitty. Guy with a heart of gold and stronger opinions.
*Quigibo - Axe Parser. Berkeley student. End of line.
*Iambian - He's a cherry flavored dragon!
*tr1p1ea (wherever the hell you are) - xLIB.
*SirCmpwn - Goddamn. I mean, the amount of respect I have for you is in the ridiculous amounts.
*Qwerty.55 - Respect.
*FinaleTI - Big ups to you, man. Flashbooking my stories and what not. Also, Nostalgia.
*meishe91 - Tis my brother from another mother. (srs) (but not really)
*Geekboy & tanner (I forgot the numbers at the end of your username) - Phantom Sanctuary fans #1 and #2. And I get you guys confused... a lot. But, you guys are awesome. Compounded awesome perhaps?
*Deep Thought & calc84maniac - Calc is ASM crazy and Deep Thought is... well... "The answer is 42."
Thank you all.
EDIT: Special thanks to nemo, for being nemo.