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I have an old project, wxWabbitemu, which is basically a Linux port of Wabbitemu via wxWidgets. Would anybody like to help pick that up? I'd be happy to help with setup and such! https://code.google.com/p/wxwabbitemu/
I also should learn C.A reasonable number is about 3?
Requirements to be a team member should be Requirements to efficiently work on this project
Is knowing how to go to a folder, list all files in a folder, and running and building programs seen as enough CLI knowledge?
Anyway, it looks like I have a lot to learn to be able to start on it, but it looks like a great challenge, and I'd love wxWabbitemu to be more up to date - m.Though can I ask you, alberthrocks, to then please either join our team or at least look at our GitHub regularly to give advice and feedback? This project is quite different from other projects I've done in the past, and I think this is the case with more people from the team.
BTW: my main OS is Linux (Ubuntu), but I have Windows 7 on a virtual machine, so I can test on both.Oh, and I have programmed in ASM in the past, so I know the basics of how the hardware works. I'd need documentation for the details though.
Or first project, Dodge, seems to be nearly completed.Could anyone who is working on it / is interested to still work on it please check if there are any major bugs or features we forgot about?And now that one project is nearing completion, maybe we should start looking for an other calculator project to work on.I also forked wxWabbitemu to the OPRT GitHub page. The work that needs to be done isn't posted in issues yet, but please let us know if you're working on a certain part to reduce the chances of doing double work. I'm currently still learning C/C++, but I'll join as soon as I understand them well enough.Finally, if anyone is still interested in joining the team, please post your GitHub name here (or tell it to a team member on IRC or in a PM).