Author Topic: this is for xlibman and kalan_vod  (Read 17058 times)

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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2006, 10:02:00 pm »
I have been worried this whole day since I read the topic this morning! I am relieved to hear that you are not about to kill yourself right now; I was afraid I'd get back to the forum to hear that you were dead! :(sad.gif

I think it was a very good idea of yours to wait until you get into a more normal state of mind before thinking again... Never make drastic decisions when your basic needs are not met, like sleep. Wait until you are thinking clearly.

How many hugs are you getting per day? Hugs are important; we humans need continual reassurance that we are accepted. I bet that your parents wouldn't mind hugging you if you ask them. I hug my parents several times a day. Touch is a basic human need. And it's completely separate from sexuality!

Another thing that could help is something I came across yesterday as I was searching for more information on holophonic sound. Binaural beats is a technique for bringing about certain brain states by sound. The process is described, and it makes a lot of sense (not pseudo-science). There are some programs available for download that you can play with, like the shareware or the freeware but minimal I would really recommend that you try it out. It can't hurt, and you might be able to relax or meditate better.

I hope you will be able to feel better, and keep talking with us. :)smile.gif

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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2006, 12:29:00 am »
As for god, I believe cause I don

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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2006, 02:50:00 am »
QuoteBegin-dysfunction+1 February 2006, 22:49-->
QUOTE (dysfunction @ 1 February 2006, 22:49)
What's with the massive influx of new members, all in this one topic? Are you all CDI's friends or something?  

 I think he posted a link to this thread on UTI forums. Fred I hope you dont do anything bad, I wish the best for you I would be devastated to hear that somethign happened to you and I would be more worried now if you dissapeared from the scene as I wouldnt know if you are going well or not.  

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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2006, 09:22:00 am »
He also posted a link on CG...

I continually try to help my friends through these types of things... trust me, even over here, across the internet, even though this could quite possibly be the nerdiest thing I've ever said... we'd all miss you if you suddenly disappeared.  I know girls are a big thing in life... especially for people like you and me.  But what you do have to realize is that even if this girl doesn't like you and doesn't care, there are people that already do care, that you don't have to impress or force to care about you.  Focus more on who you are, not who you want to be.  Frankly, from what I've seen online, you're a really great person to be around.  You're always vibrant and full of energy, you undertake huge projects and amounts of work and pull of miracles.  And what you've done on Calc Haven just simply cannot be replicated.  (That's a good thing!)  Now, you may say that you're different offline, but, and this might just be me saying this, and I believe it totally, I find that people are truly themselves when they are online.  Just don't give up, dude.  

I'd also like to say that religion runs off of faith, which is belief in spite of reality.  If you feel compelled to search for a higher purpose, I highly suggest you do so.  I personally feel that any sort of religion is very helpful for one's well-being.  

If that's not your cup of tea, even something like meditation or something could probably help relax your mind a bit, or even start practicing self-hypnosis.  I actually know of a really good self-hypnosis web page that could probably help.  PM me and I'll try to get the URL to you if you'd like.

Just hang in there.

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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2006, 11:18:00 am »
This page has some very inspirational quotes on it, and I wouldn't want it to end with "In memory of Fred."
I apologize for not replying sooner. I look at my social skills as inferior, so I thought I would say something wrong. (very bad in this case.)

It seems people get more depressed in winter, and its natural. In just a few months people will feel better, and I'm sure you would too. (speaking from experience)

What you are about to do is a big step, irreversible.

I can't think of much else to say, because I've only known you since, well, maybe December. But i do have some advice:

Friend, just don't.
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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #35 on: February 02, 2006, 12:05:00 pm »
Well not, this is alot to respont to, and I'm not too fast on typing anymore...

Okay, to clear up one reoccuring point of confusion, the girl is not the reason for the depresson, the 5 years of neglected feelings is, the girl just opened up one VERY large gate to a VERY bad place in my mind...

It wouldn't be that bad if, maybe... I dunno... maybe if I couldn't think... or maybe if I could sleep... (having gotten 1.5 hours of sleep for the past 5 days)  or maybe if I didn't keep putting people in front of me... like today I made sure this other girl (none of the prevous mentioned) was okay after her not knowing where her boyfriend was for the past 6 days (and still dosen't)...

And ontop of all that I can't let people at school or at home know exactally how depressed I am because then their look at me would change, making me more depressed...

All in all, I have gottem a tiny bit better over the past few days... not much... but some... the hardest part will be come this friday after school when I'll probably get grounded because of grades and get this social interaction and calculators taken away...

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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2006, 12:08:00 pm »
QuoteBegin-CDI+1 February 2006, 19:46-->
QUOTE (CDI @ 1 February 2006, 19:46)
as for people to talk to, I have IRC... but past that no... nobody here knows/understands... and we can't affors a theapist...  

 Someone who'll listen and cares will do.


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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2006, 12:29:00 pm »
To help get sleep, please try that binaural beats thing. It's supposed to help put your brain into the brain wave frequency associated with sleep (or the frequency you set it to) which is mainly what it is used for. It's free, it doesn't require equipment besides a computer and headphones, and it can't hurt to try. I'm going to try it this weekend.

About getting grounded, are your parents approachable to talk with? I mean, grounding you isn't exactly the best way to get your life back together. If you could discuss with them what to do that would probably be better. Do they have email addresses? Maybe we could try to convince them not to cut you off from us.


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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2006, 12:37:00 pm »
OH! nononono... the ONE thing I cannot do is tell my parents that I am depressed... then comes thearpists, and psychartists... and them constantally worring over what do do/say as to not make it worse, and worse of all, they'll worry over me killing myself... that unfortunatley I cannot have :(sad.gif

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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #39 on: February 02, 2006, 02:07:00 pm »
If I send cookies, will that help?

Also, how old are you? I never asked before, because it wasn't important...
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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #40 on: February 02, 2006, 02:10:00 pm »

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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #41 on: February 02, 2006, 03:41:00 pm »
He is 17, he is planning to talk with me on the phone during his lunch tomorrow. I hope I can help.

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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #42 on: February 02, 2006, 04:10:00 pm »
I wish I could offer more advice, but most of my 'socializing' is yelling and screaming at cars when they aren't cooperating... (Me being a mechanic and all...)
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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #43 on: February 02, 2006, 04:38:00 pm »
I could offer many more words of advice, but the only thing I can say that might matter is: wait. Wait and see. Wait, and suddenly you may realize, the problems troubling you were not so insurmountable after all.  

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this is for xlibman and kalan_vod
« Reply #44 on: February 02, 2006, 04:55:00 pm » life aint roses and bathtub gin either, but I still find good reasons to go putting thumb tacks where there name implies (in my thumbs),  or kicking myself in the head, or catching myself on fire, or generaly freaking people out by doing seemingly painful stuff.  Also, I am the only one I know who can do the bullet trick...take a rifle, pull trigger, and catch a signed bullet in your teeth (no one has figured it out yet.)

Any ways...when life kicks you in the balls, just roll over, vomit, get up, and go on living because sometimes life will give you a nice errrr...pleasuring. advice is this, find something or some one you like and focus on them/it...the rest of the world can screw it.  A note though, things are much less prone to reject than people are...not that that should matter.  
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