General Discussion => Other Discussions => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: annoyingcalc on March 11, 2012, 12:47:26 pm
3 hours to get there 3 hours were there 3 hours back all I need is my ds and my calculators
Well, have fun ^_^
Lol, sounds like a routine adventure :D
Enjoy the DS's power life while you can! :P
Did that yesterday :P
Went to Purdue for polevault for a track meet.
I played Tag, minesweeper, and indestructo tank for about an hour.
played the impossible game for about 4 hours.
and slept for 1.
Listened to school book on my ds.
Heck I only brought my ds for my bro I played my nspire all the way
Haha, was it fun?
Yes it was
Where did u go? :D
Im in durham right now cause of a math competition :(
Took 3 hours with nothing to do except sleep D:
Are you actually gonna bring your calcs? To do what? Play games/program code?
me? or annyingcalc?