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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #555 on: April 05, 2011, 07:59:31 pm »
No, not for me. Letter/color associations are not as strong for me as number/color associations. With letters I consciously make the connection. Math gets weird sometimes when I end up accidentally doing math operations based on the colors instead of the numbers. For example: 4+9 by color is 85, not 13
« Last Edit: April 05, 2011, 08:00:32 pm by ZippyDee »
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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #556 on: April 05, 2011, 08:00:35 pm »
gggggggggglllllllllll :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: O.O O.O O.O :crazy: O.O :crazy: O.O :crazy: O.O

I'll agree with that.

85? Huh?

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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #557 on: April 06, 2011, 01:23:04 am »
I don't always have that problem because I can usually do math without the colors interfering and not all numbers cause me to see colors and have feelings. It is usually quite random, so I will see a number and it may or may not trigger a feeling or color :/ When I was younger I was always artistic and I couldn't work with numbers, but as soon as it clicked, it snapped :D

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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #558 on: April 06, 2011, 01:24:33 am »
That's true for me, too. And I can USUALLY do math without colors interfering, too...but sometimes it just kinda happens. :P
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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #559 on: April 06, 2011, 01:29:54 am »
Yeah, that usually happens when I mix around numbers and letters because they either have the same sound or color :D That really peeves me when I am working on algebra XD I tend to mix up:
4/r/s/6 (similar color)
5-f (similar color)
9-n (probably the sound)

And occasionally I switch in a y for a 7 and I really don't know why. "y" doesn't remind me of a color unless I think about it :D

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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #560 on: April 06, 2011, 01:37:10 am »
So do your calcs have color screens? And for me pink+light green=tourmaline. Numbers annoy me sometimes because the last two digits always flip around in my brain. It's only the last two digits, never any others. For instance, give me a bit, and I'll forget whether it's twenty-one or twelve I'm supposed to be remembering.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 01:44:58 am by Freyaday »
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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #561 on: April 06, 2011, 01:38:46 am »
Seriously, though, no :D It isn't the numbers that change color, I just see the color in my head :D
I literally laughed out loud :D

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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #562 on: April 06, 2011, 01:39:56 am »
Lol. That would be nice, wouldn't it? You don't actually SEE the colors, you understand the colors. Synesthesia occurs when your brain makes unnecessary connections between different senses. The thing that classifies it as synesthesia is that the connections always produce the same result.
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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #563 on: April 06, 2011, 02:03:51 am »
Is it like when you go crosseyed or is it this unshakable feeling that that 4 is green? Does it vary between the style of 4 or does IV trigger the same color? What happens to a red 4, does it become brown or red-green? Can you force it into being a different color?
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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #564 on: April 06, 2011, 02:22:12 am »
If you've ever had a dream in which there was a sign or a banner or anything that had words on it, I guarantee you that the letters on it were not actually symbols, and were instead just random meaningless blobs (It's true, believe me. I can explain why this happens later). Even so, you still knew what they said, because you UNDERSTOOD what they said. You didn't see the words, you just understood the concept. It's the same idea here where you don't see the colors, you just understand that the number and color are connected.

Now to directly address your questions (in order):
-Closer to the unshakable feeling.
-Personally, no. 4/four/IV all trigger the same color, but for some people that is not true. It depends if your brain triggers based solely on symbol recognition, or if it's based on symbols and number concepts. I have the latter, so they all trigger the same color, but 4 triggers it more often than the other ones, because that's the main symbol that holds the connection.
-The current color of the symbol doesn't affect the color that your brain makes a connection with, so a red 4 would still trigger a connection to 'green'.
-Sure, anyone can force themselves to make a connection between a color and a number. You just can't force your immediate subconscious connection to be different.
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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #565 on: April 06, 2011, 02:36:35 am »
Huh. So it all depends on how your brain stores information. So does the thing where your supposed to read names of colors but they're all printed in a color other than what the word is triply mess with your head? And what happens when you hear the word "four"? Does "the color 4" make sense, and then, 3 secs later, you realize it shouldn't?
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 02:40:54 am by Freyaday »
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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #566 on: April 06, 2011, 02:39:58 am »
Actually, the trick to reading the names of colors printed in another color is to focus on only one letter in each color name instead of the whole word, so no it doesn't really mess me up that much :P When I hear the word "four" I make a connection only if I make the conceptual connection with the number 4. If I just hear "for" or "fore" somewhere and contextually my brain doesn't make the connection with the number, then the connection with the color won't be made either.
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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #567 on: April 06, 2011, 02:44:22 am »
So "the color 4" would only make sense in the proper conversation?
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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #568 on: April 06, 2011, 02:46:27 am »
As long as it's clear to me that you are referencing the number four, I'll make the connection. But something like saying "What is the color for this?" would probably not trigger it.
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Offline Stefan Bauwens

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Re: What is your avatar?
« Reply #569 on: April 06, 2011, 02:50:48 am »
I just read this:
If this is true I probably have synesthesia! Maybe not so strong, but when I think of a number I sometimes think of a color that fits with it. I have this too with letters.
If you ask me what color is the word SPAIN, I would say yellow, but not for the reason that S is yellow. I don't really know why. Xeda, do I have synethesia?
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 02:51:06 am by Stefan Bauwens »

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