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Where did leofox go?
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Topic: Where did leofox go? (Read 7352 times)
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DJ Omnimaga
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Where did leofox go?
Reply #15 on:
August 28, 2006, 03:53:00 am »
QuoteBegin-unitedti irc chan+-->
(unitedti irc chan)
Where did leofox go?
Reply #16 on:
August 28, 2006, 04:08:00 am »
[17:03] Unknown One 1976: kevin
[17:03] Unknown One 1976: i'm just pissed off at your attitude lately
[17:04] Unknown One 1976: if what fred said why he got banned on #omnimaga is correct, you're acting crazy
[17:04] Omnimaga: you are trying to do everything to make me quit the community
[17:05] Omnimaga: I've posted your flames to public
[17:05] Omnimaga:
[17:05] Unknown One 1976: lol i saw
[17:05] Unknown One 1976: and i don't care
[17:05] Unknown One 1976: i don't want you to leave
[17:05] Unknown One 1976: i just want you to come back to your senses
[17:05] Omnimaga: you are doing everything to do so
[17:05] Omnimaga: you're not helping at all
[17:05] Unknown One 1976: well, seems like i can't help at all
[17:05] Unknown One 1976: and if you start banning everyone for no reason at all
[17:06] Omnimaga: leave me alone please, FYI that CDI stuff was solved yesterday
[17:06] Unknown One 1976: i have reason to be pissed off at you
[17:06] *** "Omnimaga" signed off at Mon Aug 28 17:06:29 2006.
I've always supported you and I never wanted you to leave, but at the moment i'm just sick of your attitude towards people and your behaviour.
DJ Omnimaga
Clacualters are teh gr33t
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Omnimagician (Next: --)
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Where did leofox go?
Reply #17 on:
August 28, 2006, 04:09:00 am »
[17:06] Omnimaga: leave me alone please,
FYI that CDI stuff was solved yesterday
Where did leofox go?
Reply #18 on:
August 28, 2006, 09:04:00 pm »
Guys, please stop arguing. Your not solving anything.
Where did leofox go?
Reply #19 on:
August 29, 2006, 03:21:00 am »
I agree with katmaster, it doesn't solve much to keep arguing. Forgive and forget and stuff.
arcane wizard
Where did leofox go?
Reply #20 on:
August 29, 2006, 06:25:00 am »
On the late afternoon of friday the 25th, it began with Toksyuryel
Not entirely leo, you've been very 4chan-ish for a while before that and I believe that has been part of the reasons for decisions made later. This concern was relayed to me by AlienCC as well as several other regulars, and we also noted this to you in the channel.
This was a concern you neglegted, because..
Not smart to say in an otherkin based network amirite...
4chan "humor" is offensive. Not only to it's target like you where targetting furries, but also to whoever has any respect for the people the target comprises. And certainly to people on a network with families and working relations to respect.
After your fair share of warnings, you said that it's just humor. Well it isn't, because you are dealing with people here, and you have to learn that this kind of "humor" has very little place outside of internet sites like 4chan and that these people including me do not deserve to be surrounded by such behaviour.
There are many aspects to your behaviour that day and the days before it that drew concerns.
For example..
(just sometimes they took it away but hopping would get it back) I could've used the kickban all the time, but i didn't want to. But man was I tempted.
you don't just ignore a warning because you've been entrusted the ability to override it. Just like toks would've been able to remove his ban had you banned him, but should at least respect you that you may have a reason to.
i was a bit rude against SQLdemon a few times, but that was just because i didn't know that he was AlienCC.
Another thing I was trying to attent you to before, was that you shouldn't behave to people just because they're regular x or y, not that that prevented you later on. Also non-regulars deserve a matter of respect in the channel that is not evident in 4chan like behaviour.
But after a while things got out of hand again when i posted "animal sex is illegal in most countries" as a reply. AlienCC kicked me again, i was kinda confused because i didn't think that was bad of me to post. Later i heard that he doesn't want us to post bad words in the chan because when his boss walks past and sees bad words on his screen he'd be in trouble or w/e.
Another thing I was pointing your attention to before you got banned. Disregarding those concerns and warnings is observed as a very serious matter. And the presence of 4chan like places elsewhere on the internet is not a reason to expect people to stay out of what should be respectfull places where work friendly environements are actively being enforced and have always been actively enforced by me and others.
All this together and more, which is obvious to you, represented your behaviour and what further consequences where based on.
Later I heard that AlienCC had me banned 21 days not only from the channel, ..., but from the UTI forums too. I did nothing bad there did I?!
I will say you where an example, but the concerns for doing this multisided ban in a way are in my eyes valid. In fact, I believe there are now signs, also outside of your case, as well as cases in the history of United TI that an even heavyer point must be drawn on respectfull behaviour both on the uti forums and the irc channel. Which the posting of the events was supposed to address. Apparently everybody is being too busy being offended and not getting the point to learn how to fit in a better image of United TI. Like I said, your behaviour as a whole is always what drives other people to serious actions, not a single event, and I believe that there where also concerns on your forum behaviour as of late. Concerns I personally also expressed to you that evening in that irc channel.
Apparently you also disregarded that, since you don't seem to know this.
He and other people were just talking bad around my back about me, and not allowing me to talk back or even see it. Can you imagine how that feels? I spent a few minutes trying to get a good proxy, and i read the topic. There i saw that AlienCC made all the logs public, gave his side of the story without letting me speak etc. Some people were behind me, i was very happy to see Xlibman and some other members sticking it up for me.
I find this inaccurate. For one thing, the logs are always and have always been public. For another thing, you where not blamed for anything you haven't actually done, so any consequences from stating what your actions where are entirely your own fault and cannot be dismissed as simple bad mouthing. Knowing that, what do you think this is? Or actually, should've been taken by you as such before you went too far? A lesson. And with that public post it is also a lesson to everybody else.
you can understand why i can't go back to UTI anymore.
I think I do, which is why I am (and was) trying to give you an understanding of the bigger picture.
AlienCC isn't trying to badmouth you, like I said, only your observed behaviour has been noted. Behaviour you must take responsibility for, behaviour everybody "bad" mouthing you in that topic wants you to improve and help you with where possible, like I am trying to now. Behaviour you have been given 21 days to think of a way of improving, of which 20% have already passed. And your timeout
pass, but where it goes from there is entirely up to you.
I will now double post some responses I value to later events, in this topic, that are seperate from my advise or observations presented to you. Hence, mods, admins, please forgive my postcount increasing by a whole other post, it's for a reason. (will it even fit in one post?
arcane wizard
Where did leofox go?
Reply #21 on:
August 29, 2006, 06:41:00 am »
QuoteBegin-"Darth android"+-->
("Darth android")
UTI isn't the admins, it's the community the admins are supposed to protect.
I agree, to a point. UTI is also a vision shared (or should be) by it's staff. A vision that is made possible to those who wish to share it, and those who do not may have enforced periods of reassessing their attitude.
I find it strange I seem to be the only one who has gotten promoted to staff and understands this, as well as pursues/d it. Even though it has been present since even before I was staff, and certainly afterwards with the increased emphasis on the irc channel being just as much a part of uti as it's forums or the pages around it.
I guess that's all, anything else I want to say is just going to be taking the wrong way by overprotective and easily offended people here. Let's just say I'm more than disappointed in people who wheren't even there, or I've even heard of before, more so than I am with leofox.
DJ Omnimaga
Clacualters are teh gr33t
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Where did leofox go?
Reply #22 on:
August 29, 2006, 10:37:00 am »
I agree with most of what you said, and I dont mind double posting as long as ppl wont abuse it (example: someone posting 3 times in a row within 3 minutes like on the old froums). The leofox stuff was kinda solved tho and I hope ppl see that ban more this as a lesson, I'm glad it wasnt intended to put shame on him or ruin his reputation by posting it to public. However I found the following to be a indirect attack aimed toward me, and some of the forums members:
QuoteBegin-arcane wizard+29 Aug, 2006, 13:41-->
(arcane wizard @ 29 Aug, 2006, 13:41)
anything else I want to say is just going to be taking the wrong way by overprotective and easily offended people here.
that is meant as an attack toward me I'm sure, have you ever realised that there is reasons why I became overprotective, and that I didnt wanted to be like that, seeing all the trouble this cause? I jsut cant do anything about it, I tried. Please be more understanding. It is true that in overall on Omnimaga people are more sensitive (there are exceptions of course) and more understanding about others, and this is something most other forums doesn't have (again, there is exceptions). There is people who hate us because of this and fail to see the good side of it, as well as what the members of the group provide to the community. Usually the people who think that way rarely had to go through all the crap some people here went through.
Lately I understand I have been a real nuisance to the other channels, I went mad because of the leofox incident and posted flames toward the entire UTI staff in the UTI channel and even besides that incident I tended to become very upset for no reason, and often did stuff that I wouldnt do normally, like when I said to CDI to not come back (which I apologised for to CDI). I am sorry for all the trouble I've caused, and if it would be best for me to leave, tell me, I will. Just understand that I havent been in a very good mood lately and that I have been overly depressed. It is not easy to deal with this when at the same time you have fights at home and family problems (people causing trouble to my mother, court stuff, etc). SOme of you may have read my long post on the old forums, MC or UTI which talked about this. It cooled down a few months ago, but now it started all again
arcane wizard
Where did leofox go?
Reply #23 on:
August 29, 2006, 11:25:00 am »
QuoteBegin-arcane wizard+29 Aug, 2006, 13:41-->
(arcane wizard @ 29 Aug, 2006, 13:41)
anything else I want to say is just going to be taking the wrong way by overprotective and easily offended people here.
that is meant as an attack toward me
Well mostly others actually, because any time I question anybody's authority or actions, however objective or fact-based I present my case, I just get some kind of lynching mob after me.
I know your history, I know how you react to things, and I'm fine with you. It's just the large mobs who aren't even around when things occur but then blindly attack someone, who was there and questions their idols, instead of actually reading or absorbing the message that person has.
I am sorry for all the trouble I've caused, and if it would be best for me to leave, tell me, I will. Just understand that I havent been in a very good mood lately and that I have been overly depressed.
I understand it from you, but you actually present your own opinion, and I've always ofered my help and understanding to you when I could.
You where only banned for a couple of minutes so you couldn't but stop. : P
DJ Omnimaga
Clacualters are teh gr33t
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Omnimagician (Next: --)
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Where did leofox go?
Reply #24 on:
August 29, 2006, 12:13:00 pm »
i know but later I asked cdi to ban me permanently so I dotn risk of doing anyhing bad again, as for the attack being directed to others, you also have to understand that I am not alone with those life problems. Most may be less overprotective, less sensitive, but they still have to deal with bad stuff, and can get upset when something happens. Also I've did the stuff you said in tjhat last post often, which is why I kinda seen the attack directed toward me
, I see it wasnt
arcane wizard
Where did leofox go?
Reply #25 on:
August 29, 2006, 12:39:00 pm »
I tend to get overprotective of my messages now, because people have tended not to read them in the past. But, you're right about them too.
DJ Omnimaga
Clacualters are teh gr33t
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Where did leofox go?
Reply #26 on:
August 29, 2006, 12:43:00 pm »
this is ok, I understand how you feel. Sometimes I tend to not listen
and sry about that. Sometimes when someone try to help me i seems to ignore almost everything, and later i realise all the support that person given me, now this is why when online stuff related I often read my old IRC/AIM logs again
DJ Omnimaga
Clacualters are teh gr33t
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CodeWalrus founder & retired Omnimaga founder
Where did leofox go?
Reply #27 on:
August 30, 2006, 09:27:00 am »
As leofox ban incident is supposed to have been solved I will close this topic. I am not closing it because this doesn't belong to Omnimaga, because I knew leofox could not access UTI forums, and i felt he should have a place where he could apologise and clarify things.
I hope the people realise that AlienCC didnt posted the leofox topic to public to start a "throw mud at leofox" discussion, but to show the reward someone get to break the rules like this, which is in this case, the 21 day ban. From what I heard UTI IRC channel is very integrated into the forums to their beliefs, as most people are similar. The people may have different opinion about this and we have to respect their choice as well. This is why AlienCC chosen to ban on both. Leofox learned his lesson with the ban, and no grudges should be held against him if he decides to come back at Unitedti. We all do mistakes in life. No grudges should be held toward aliencc and UTI staff by the people who disagreed with AlienCC either. If this is how they deal with such situations this is their choice, and we have to respect them, even though you don't necessarly support it or not (like how ASM programmers should respect BASIC programmers for their language choice or vice versa). I personally didnt supported it at first, because i misinterpreted aliencc behaviour, like lot of ppl did, but later I realised they have to do what they have to do. Rules are different on most forums. On Tcpa this would have been deal differently, on Omnimaga as well.
From now on I hope AlienCC reconsiders his decision of leaving the community, and I hope the topic on UTI will not be used in the future in malicious way.
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