--> Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion --> -->

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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #45 on: May 23, 2011, 10:58:00 pm »
@Tsukasa: Awesome post.  I agree with nearly everything there (especially the first several paragraphs)

For me, the issue really isn't whether this proves or disproves religion, or that Camper is clearly crazy, but instead, the damage he caused to those foolish enough to believe him.

I keep hearing stories in the news about families who sold all their life savings, quit college, and otherwise refused to prepare for a life after May 21st.  Normally, I wouldn't care what people do with their lives, but a lot of them have children and babies that have no choice in the matter.

I worry for them, and that there are people who are gullible enough to ignore their sense of self-preservation based on the word of somebody on radio and a few numbers pulled from the Bible.
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