Author Topic: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion  (Read 11519 times)

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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #30 on: May 23, 2011, 01:32:05 pm »
Yeah, from what I heard, apparently he subtracted something instead of adding it, I wonder what he'll say this time.

He's supposed to make a speech tonight.  But he was pretty flabbergasted and humiliated

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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #31 on: May 23, 2011, 01:33:50 pm »
I still love you Sir :)

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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #32 on: May 23, 2011, 01:41:44 pm »
Same here but he gotta be careful because he already got banned 1 week a while ago once, and usually the next ban afterward the forum account is deleted too (Not to mention normally a 1 week ban gets you demoted if you were staff, which hasn't happened to Sir). He needs to be more careful about what he says here because if it got too far bad things could happen. After all I think it's obvious that saying things like on the previous page could potentially start a fight.

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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #33 on: May 23, 2011, 01:47:49 pm »
I completely agree but i also understand that hes having difficulties with his parents which im sure piss him off, and i can relate. My parents are extremely restrictive of my access to electronics and i get grounded if i confront them about it. I tend to be blunt and offensive about things too sometimes.

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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #34 on: May 23, 2011, 01:48:31 pm »
Foremost, a short retort to Sircmpwn:

Religion is a necessary aspect of life. For some people, life can be overwhelming with feelings of helplessness, despair, and meaninglessness. "Why do we bother living if we're just going to die? Why be good if everybody else is bad? What can I ever do to fix things as I am only one person?" Things such as these can easily plague the minds of a person without a strong conviction. The concept of God exists to ease these troubled minds. By giving a sense of overarching justice, a spirit that answers your prayers, and a paradise of eternity for those who truly did good in their lives, many humans are now able to motivate themselves to exist and to be upstanding citizens.

Unfortunately, as with anything, over time religion itself has become corrupted. Original meaning is diluted, words are twisted, and radical individuals are born who will come to reinterpret simple metaphors and morals into sick and wrong variants. Some even become so complacent in their religion that everything backfires and they become either lazy or misguided.

So, really, the point I'm trying to make is that religion is a necessary component for people because they're only human. While some people can thrive without a concept of God, not everyone can. So, in my opinion, it's not right to knock religion or attempt to disprove it because in doing so, you would render so many people's lives meaningless. Similarly, Theists shouldn't knock Atheism or attempt to prove God because Atheists don't need God to exist. Whether or not God actually exists is irrelevant. All that matters is the mindset of the individual. It's one thing to share our thoughts, it's another entirely to cram our beliefs down others' throats and attempt to convert them or disparage them.

Theists and Atheists are entirely different species, metaphorically speaking. Perhaps neither will understand the other. So, it's best if we just learn to accept people for how they think so long as they aren't hurting people as part of their ways. It's never right to allow someone to hurt others. But, outside of the scope of violent radicalism, I think my dogmas have some validity to them.

Anyway, moving on, I don't believe the Rapture will ever occur. In my own belief, Genesis wasn't about paradise, it was about choice. Would Humanity remain in Eden and complacently allow God to directly interfere and define them, making them a static and non-developing race; or would Humanity leave Eden and fend for themselves, allowing themselves the ability to grow and evolve while simultaneously risking their own existence? Humanity chose the latter. While God still watches over us and still helps us indirectly (or perhaps directly in certain exclusive circumstances as well), our decision means God won't directly interfere in an extreme manner, aka no Rapture or End of World.

To put it in metaphor, the relationship between us and God as it stands now is akin to the relationship between a parent and post-adolescent child. While the parent still helps out occasionally, the child is free to live on his/her own and make his/her own decisions.
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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #35 on: May 23, 2011, 02:46:52 pm »
I don't need the rapture failure to disprove Christianity.  It's just absurd as it is, IMO.  I mean no offense to religious people, but it just blows my mind that so many people accept this crap as the highest form of truth there is.

We have a religions thread for that, I set it up here.  Feel free to express your offensive ideals there.

And on a side not, very well said Tsukasa, I agree with all of what you said, from both a theist and neutral standpoint.

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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #36 on: May 23, 2011, 03:25:18 pm »
I completely agree but i also understand that hes having difficulties with his parents which im sure piss him off, and i can relate. My parents are extremely restrictive of my access to electronics and i get grounded if i confront them about it. I tend to be blunt and offensive about things too sometimes.
Yeah true. I just have to remind him to be careful. The reason why he doesn't get banned is because I am confident he is not doing it purposely to attack people views. The problem is just if it went too far or if he stopped being careful, then it wouldn't be good either for the forums as other people would see Omni as encouraging offensive comments.

I don't need the rapture failure to disprove Christianity.  It's just absurd as it is, IMO.  I mean no offense to religious people, but it just blows my mind that so many people accept this crap as the highest form of truth there is.

We have a religions thread for that, I set it up here.  Feel free to express your offensive ideals there.

And on a side not, very well said Tsukasa, I agree with all of what you said, from both a theist and neutral standpoint.
No, let's not be offensive there either. Notice how every previous religion topic that went out of hand got locked.

<link to long post: >
Actually, there are people who are atheist, but they will still have some similar views as some catholic people. I do not believe you have to believe in a god to live, but in the end, you have to believe in something, even if just a goal you have in life, so you don't question yourself about the purpose of your life.

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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #37 on: May 23, 2011, 03:37:35 pm »
even though I'm Christian, this:

I do not believe you have to believe in a god to live, but in the end, you have to believe in something, even if just a goal you have in life, so you don't question yourself about the purpose of your life.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 03:37:44 pm by yunhua98 »

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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #38 on: May 23, 2011, 04:05:15 pm »
I just have to say: I'm happy with people who try to stand in the middle here and try to keep things peaceful, atheist or theist (is it called like that?), if you're nt flaming but say that everyone should be respectful to the others, then I really respect you.

(bwaagh I'm bad at compliments... that is really not nice.)
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:.Other Data
:.Main menu
:.Option Start Game->init
:.Option How To Play->help
:.Option About->crdt
:.BEGIN init
:.Save file is present?
:.END init
:.BEGIN lgen
:.Make appvar appvMCSAVE
:.create 7 levels
:.edit for sky, mines, deep mines, nether
:.END lgen
:.BEGIN strt

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[07:53:14] <+Frey> Y'know, when people descend from my heavens , they're never Chuck Norris
[07:53:55] <+Frey> I usually get another catgirl or an angel pops down for a visit
[07:54:06] <+Frey> Some angels are really nice
[07:54:33] <+Frey> Some are into the whole "scare the locals" bit
[07:54:54] <+Frey> And some just absent minded
[07:55:38] * +david_ has nothing to do
[07:55:40] <+Frey> It's the absentminded ones you gotta look out for, because the'yre the ones that forget they're 40ft tall
[07:56:04] <+Frey> They're also the ones that forget about social taboos, like nudity
[07:56:28] <+Frey> Have you ever tryed to explain to an angel...anything?
[07:56:45] <+Frey> They don't listenunless they want to
[07:57:16] <+Frey> And don't learn unless they think they don't know
[07:57:51] <+Frey> Except for the nice ones, they're nice
[07:59:27] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> lol
[07:59:32] <+Frey> And they're all so pretty!
[07:59:38] <+Frey> It's ridiculous
[07:59:44] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> I hate PUSHES, THEY HAUNT ME
[08:00:06] <+Frey> Want an angel to come over and exorcise them?
[08:00:36] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> or, more specific: the fact that sometimes, happy outputs: pushes != pops
[08:00:47] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> I know why
[08:01:01] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> and I can solve it by adding a lookahead
[08:01:10] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> But I don't want to
[08:01:24] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> but continue your story
[08:01:35] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> lol
[08:03:13] <+Frey> Ok, so one day, I was walking to the school bus, and, long story short, got my life saved by an angel
[08:03:27] <+Frey> This one was a scary one
[08:03:42] <+Frey> Same height/age as me
[08:04:14] <+Frey> OMG She was the scariest person I had ever met
[08:04:28] <+Frey> She made the entire football team pee their pants
[08:04:43] <+Frey> I was so glad she was on my side
[08:05:04] <+Frey> Right up until she tryed to enter the bathroom with me
[08:05:37] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> lool
[08:05:45] <+Frey> After a muchness of arguing, I finally got through to her
[08:05:56] <+Patrick-D> is this a rap song?
[08:06:06] <+OmnomIRC> (O)<aeTIos> idk
[08:06:09] <+Frey> She tap danced outside my stall the entire time, though
[08:10:04] <+Frey> She was in all my classes too, which was weird, especially as they were all advanced courses and she joined in the middle of the semester
[08:10:28] <+Frey> Even the teachers were scared of her
[08:10:45] <+Frey> Note that she was gorgeous
[08:12:09] <+Frey> So, this angel and I, we managed to stop the apocalypse
[08:12:48] <+Frey> And she kissed me before going back,
[08:13:08] <+Frey> To heaven, but as it turns out that kiss sealed her to Earth
[08:13:47] <+Frey> We still don't know what to do


[11:30:53] <DThought> <OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> 2 guests are looking at my topic
[11:30:53] <DThought> <OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> I wonder who they are
[11:30:53] <DThought> <OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> where they live
[11:30:53] <DThought> <OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> how old they are
[11:30:55] <DThought> <OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> What kind of jokes they make
[11:30:57] <DThought> <OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> but it surprises me that theyre looking at my topic
[11:31:01] * DThought smacks yrinfish for stalking
[11:31:08] <yrinfish> lool
[11:31:14] <DThought> Whoa, why'd it include all the newlines?
[11:31:23] * calc84maniac  smacks DThought for talking
[11:31:28] * calc84maniac  runs


<OmnomIRC> (O)* Keoni29  Eating crisps
<OmnomIRC> (O)* yrinfish  asks keoni some
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> 7$ shipping please
<OmnomIRC> (O)* yrinfish  gives
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> It will arrive in 3 days
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> Thank you
<OmnomIRC> (O)* Keoni29  Wonders if he wants some dip
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> chili please
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Qwerty.55> Adobe, last time I updated one of your products, the changes broke half of the documents using it.
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> :(
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Qwerty.55> Why the hell would I update anything else from you?
<OmnomIRC> (O)* yrinfish  kicks adobe
<OmnomIRC> (O)* yrinfish  runs
<OmnomIRC> (O)* Qwerty.55  runs with him
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> I have guacamole :S
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> I have guacamole :S
<OmnomIRC> (O)* yrinfish  likes that too
<OmnomIRC> (O)* Keoni29  yay
<OmnomIRC> (O)* yrinfish
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29>
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> :3
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> 404
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> no foooooooooooooooooooooooouwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahnd
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> <3 no shit
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> You cant download jars of guacamole
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> I have an idea!
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> loool
<yrinfish> that came too late ;)
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Qwerty.55> Actually, I just realized why Adobe's update breaks everything.
<yrinfish> tell me
<yrinfish> again too late
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> Buy yourself some :3
<yrinfish> that was to keoni
<yrinfish> lOLoL
<yrinfish> :D
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Qwerty.55> It's a security update and if you can't run anything, you obviously can't get infected by anything in those documents.
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> Then I pay one dip
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> Do you have paypal?
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> :S
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> nope
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> lol
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> hm, I could get some crisps
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> it is too late to do that here
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> main europe
* jkag ([email protected]) has joined #omnimaga
* Netbot45 gives voice to jkag
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> MUSIC YAY
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> Well the shops are closed here too
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> 21:45
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> where?
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> Gwt+0
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> The netherlands
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> huh? loool
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> hallo keoni, hoe gaat het? continue in english please
<OmnomIRC> (O)<Keoni29> :S
<OmnomIRC> (O)<yrinfish> really stupid dutch sentence^

1308401677 <yrinfish> I'm dutch
1308401679 <yrinfish> lol
1308401687 <p2> Oh.
1308401702 <yrinfish> So I need to learn german
1308401705 <yrinfish> and french
1308401712 <yrinfish> and English
1308401717 <yrinfish> and Dutch
1308401724 <yrinfish> and Greek
1308401728 <yrinfish> and Latin
1308401739 <p2> I must learn french and English.
1308401739 <yrinfish> and Spanish
1308401749 <Spyro543> Y=sin(x+yrinfish)*>9000
NOTE: these are all the languages I have chosen to learn!
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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #39 on: May 23, 2011, 05:31:59 pm »
I was afraid this would happen.

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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #40 on: May 23, 2011, 08:47:00 pm »
I would call the statements Camper made many different things, but I wouldn't refer to them as a mistake. Quite honestly I don't think any reasonable person (atheist, christian, muslim, hindu, or otherwise) would allow the beliefs of this group to affect their opinion of christianity as a whole.

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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #41 on: May 23, 2011, 08:54:25 pm »
well, I am atheist, so opinion did not change nor intensify. It was just funny seeing people act so ridiculous over camper and his prediction, he WAS wrong before.. hehe :D (idk if this makes me a bad person or something, but it was just too funny)

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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #42 on: May 23, 2011, 10:10:23 pm »
It was rather funny watching people get so excited over it.

That was wonderfully said Tsukasa. I admire you for being able to say things like that
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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #43 on: May 23, 2011, 10:55:29 pm »
Someone probably already said this, but Camper is just one man. He doesn't represent his denomination/sect, Christianity, or religion as a whole, and as such, his failures are his, not of religion at large. Sure, he made a(nother) bogus prediction, and if you want to kick metaphorical puppies, go ahead. Otherwise, realize that not all things that can be categorized with him are as he seems to represent them, so don't make such a big deal about it. Just because he's wrong doesn't mean religion is. (And I shouldn't have to say this, but that doesn't mean religion is right either. Religion, complicated topic that it is, can be rather difficult to discuss.)
For good measure, I do (as far as I can tell) agree with TsukasaZX's post.
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Re: Why Camper's mistake should not alter one's view of religion
« Reply #44 on: May 23, 2011, 10:56:00 pm »
I don't need the rapture failure to disprove Christianity.  It's just absurd as it is, IMO.  I mean no offense to religious people, but it just blows my mind that so many people accept this crap as the highest form of truth there is.
If I may add in a word, insanity is not dependent on religion. Usually, people are crazy first, then they try to use religion to back up their insanity. In other words, religion does not make you insane. For example, a couple of years ago a group of the most stupidest atheists thought aliens were hiding behind a comet planning to destroy Earth. So they created their own UFO religion called Heaven's Gate to justify their insanity. To escape being being killed by aliens, they decided to all commit suicide. :o

Religion is often used as a scapegoat, because it's almost impossible to disprove many of what it claims because of our lack of ability to perceive anything beyond the Universe. There is no mathematical proof that denies or proves the existence of God (well, unless you use apply Gödel's incompleteness theorem on the Universe by using mathematical induction, in which case it suggests that the Universe is running within a Turing complete computer with perhaps God as the programmer? But then again, that's assuming that the Universe is a complete consistent system governed by rules that extend Peano arithmetic) However, religion is not the only scapegoat. Any man can use anything to justify ones insanity, "I'm out of money, I guess I have to rob someone" or "Oh, we're running out of oil, let's invade another country" or "Capitalism sucks, let's nuke them". Hopefully, this does convince you that you don't need religion to be insane.

Also, statistically, most Christians did not believe that judgement day was going to happen on May 21. Should the minority speak for the whole? If so, then if one atheist said aliens were going to destroy the world tomorrow, are all atheists insane (by logical induction)?

But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. Mark 13:32
On a lighter note, taking the Bible literally to the ultra extreme discrete mathematical logic hardcore, if one were to predict the world would end tomorrow before going to bed at night, you would be preventing Judgement Day from happening, because if it were to end tomorrow then the prediction would become a true statement and thus make the Bible false by contraposition. I've been doing this every single day for the past 3 years. You're welcome. ;)
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 10:58:03 pm by uberspire »