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How Do You Create Music?
« on: May 16, 2010, 07:28:12 pm »
Basically what the topic says. How do you guys create the music you show us? Do you know music theory, do you just slap stuff together until it sounds good, a combo, or something else entirely? I'm pretty curious.
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Re: How Do You Create Music?
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2010, 07:36:14 pm »
Yes, all of the above. =P I personally know quite a bit of music theory stuffs, but I dont really use it to write, only maybe analyze what i'm writing as i go along... =P  Mostly, i just wait until something pops into my head thats dying to be turned into a melody of some sort, then write that down.  After that, whenever i think of something that sounds good with it, i'll add it, or sometimes i'll just be screwing around, and be like, "Oh, this sounds good!" Thats about it tho...
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Re: How Do You Create Music?
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2010, 07:47:19 pm »
Well, back in the day, I played a cello for a couple years. In that course, I did have some music theory, but I never refined it. When I do make make music now (which is rare) I start by sitting at my (musical) keyboard and playing around with it. If I like how a melody sounds, I'll build off it and create a song around that. It's probably not the best way to do it... but it's about all I got.

If I spent more time to learn the software I use, I'd probably be making more, and much better, music... but as it stands, I just don't have the time anymore and, quite frankly, I enjoy coding much more anyway.

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Re: How Do You Create Music?
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2010, 07:52:12 pm »
For me, I think about ideas for several days or weeks (or sometimes months), then do some trial and erroring when making the song as well to see if I don't find something that would sound better.

As for production I only use softwares, though. I used Sony ACID, Magix Music Maker and the MTVMG series (mostly MTVMG1/Music 2000 PS1 version) to make music mostly. Those are the ones I feel the most comfortable with.

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Re: How Do You Create Music?
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2010, 11:58:00 am »
I know quite a bit of music theory, and that really helps.  I think of what mood I want my piece to be, then come up with some melodies.
     Dark mood: minor/diminished chords, booming octaves in the bass.
     Playful: Major, bouncy, maybe quartal/quintal harmonies

The next step is to decide instrumentation and form.  What's the layout of the piece look like, and what instruments are you going to use.
I'm working on a 7 part Rondo (ABACADA) for Soprano Sax, Horn in F, Violin, and Violoncello.  I've hit twelve minutes and I haven't started the 'D' section yet.

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Re: How Do You Create Music?
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2010, 12:36:55 pm »
I'm answering because I'm posting a composition of mine this afternoon...I do exactly the same thing that cooliojazz does, except that since my teacher is encouraging me to write "21st century classical," I use less theory than most people.  It's a matter of "as long as you know the rules, you can break them"

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Re: How Do You Create Music?
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2010, 09:55:58 pm »
I tend to not follow rules as much for music production, but it may be because I am mostly into a genre that is filled with so much commercial crap. When I do dance music, I try to make it sound different than the average Lady Gaga stuff, for example. Some songs structure may be similar to most trance music, but others may not.