Author Topic: Development Tools: Recommendations as Opposed to Insults  (Read 6283 times)

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Offline Hot_Dog

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Development Tools: Recommendations as Opposed to Insults
« on: March 24, 2011, 05:24:41 pm »
There's nothing recent that caused me to post this, but I feel it needs to be said:

Many, many years ago came the first games for the Ti-83--not plus, not SE, just normal Ti-83.  Some were written in Ti-Basic, others in ASM.  Many of these games from both categories were quite excellent and rocked our world. 

Now, how were these games made?  Did we have Wabbitemu?  Spasm?  Ti-83+ Flash Debugger?  Na-uh.  These games had to be written and debugged either by hand (and calculator) or using primitive software.  But the fact remains that, thanks to the sweat and hard work of these game designers, we had awesome accomplishments.  But more importantly, there arose a community passionate about designing games.

If these programmers had been given wabbitemu, Brass, etc, I'm sure they would have used them.  However, what if they had been pressured for using the tools that were available to them?  What if people insulted them, told them to get a life, or showed rude shock at what they were using?  Do you think the creators would have continued?  Probably not: if you don't feel safe and comfortable using the only thing that's available to you, you can't really do anything else.  And then there's no games, nothing to help start a community.

So when I started work on S.A.D., I had only ZDS and TI-83+ Flash Debugger available to me.  I knew how to use them, I felt comfortable using them, and I was getting work done.  How do you think I felt a long time ago when somebody said "Wait, you're using Ti-83+ Flash Debugger??"  Yes, insulted.  I had a tool I LOVED using, and I was not paid to switch to something else.  I felt like I was an underdog for using something that I knew well, just because other people didn't use it.  Sure, there were better tools available to me, but I didn't know about them.  Instead of saying "You should try these instead," he said, "What, you're using this?" (As if to say *idiot*)

We all have tools we like to use.  And we are so comfortable with these tools, we can quickly and readily develop games that display our passion and keep our community going.  We use these WELL, whether they're easy or not.  (Come on now, Zeda programs in pure hex better than any of us!)  So if we find someone using something we consider "primitive," let's recommend something else, but at the same time remember that their software is not hurting anyone.  In fact, using those tools, that person is probably writing something that will change calculators forever.


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Re: Development Tools: Recommendations as Opposed to Insults
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2011, 05:38:31 pm »
I agree, partially.  I still use ZDS, but I'm shifting more towards custom build tools.  Half of KnightOS is built using custom made tools.  And I've also been ridiculed by my choice of ZDS (though I'll be eventually moving to tiDE).  And I used to use VTI and be ridiculed for that as well.

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Re: Development Tools: Recommendations as Opposed to Insults
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2011, 05:44:38 pm »
I agree, Hot_Dog. I've experienced it to some extent myself. It's kind of annoyed me that certain members who will not be named have been constantly pushing everyone to move from machine code to C for the Prizm simply because a compiler (that I have no hope of ever using properly) exists. Let everyone program in whatever language they want. Except Malbolge. There's just no way you're ever going to get a serious program in Malbolge.
∂²Ψ    -(2m(V(x)-E)Ψ
---  = -------------
∂x²        ℏ²Ψ

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Re: Development Tools: Recommendations as Opposed to Insults
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2011, 05:46:43 pm »
>> DCS SDK + Wabbit
>> SourceCoder



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Re: Development Tools: Recommendations as Opposed to Insults
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2011, 05:49:20 pm »
>> DCS SDK + Wabbit
>> SourceCoder



that would be my way to go as well, kerm.

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Re: Development Tools: Recommendations as Opposed to Insults
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2011, 05:52:30 pm »
Although I know Eclipse is available to use, I still use Notepad++/MSYS to build my Nsprie programs!  Although it might be "easier", in a sense, to use a more "advanced" development environment, I find it best to just go with what you are used to using! :)

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Development Tools: Recommendations as Opposed to Insults
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2011, 09:10:19 pm »
I agree with what's said. It's like how I was comfortable with BASIC and people were annoying me to switch to ASM, or when I used MTVMG and people annoyed me to switch to FL Studio. Sure, the latter are more powerful, but I was so comfortable and used to other tools that if I switched, I wouldn't have gotten as much motivation to make anything.

I also dislike when people are being ridiculed for using a software instead of another. Thankfully this doesn't happen to this extent here, although I remember seeing people telling hex/ASM coders to switch to C or vice-versa in the past.

The morale of the story: Use what you are comfortable with. If you prefer Axe over ASM, nobody should force you to switch to ASM if you find Axe easier to work with or vice-versa. It's a matter of preference. There are even people who find it easier to work in HEX rather than C or ASM, and I think it's fine if they find it easier to work that way (Although fewer people can help them).

That said, tools suggestions are always welcome. Just don't do like "Axe sucks, use ASM" or "Wabbit sucks, use TilEm" or even "BASIC is for n00bs, use another language"
« Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 09:11:17 pm by DJ_O »