
General Discussion => Technology and Development => Other => Topic started by: Sorunome on April 21, 2012, 06:01:48 am

Title: Everest - The worlds tallest freestanding knex ball machine
Post by: Sorunome on April 21, 2012, 06:01:48 am
Making a new ball machine...
And please help me with the name!
I have no idea how to call it.
And yes, as far as I know it is the world record on freestanding knex ball machines......
Well, you can view the full gallery here:

Finished thing:
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Nick on April 21, 2012, 07:07:37 am
it doesn't really do anything, does it? since there are no paths or machines or anything, it just drops down ö

but it is huge
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: ben_g on April 21, 2012, 01:57:58 pm
That is really high. How do you keep it from falling over when there's wind?
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Sorunome on April 21, 2012, 03:16:07 pm
1st in these pictures i just made the tower yet, am still working on more.
2nd it will end in the (hopfully) worlds largest knex ball machine looping :D
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Juju on April 21, 2012, 03:28:59 pm
Man. It's tall. Hope you get a world record with this. Or at least media attention.
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: aeTIos on April 21, 2012, 03:30:31 pm
yeah true ^^
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Sorunome on April 21, 2012, 03:34:55 pm
I probably won't get media attention, knex usually doesn't.
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Juju on April 21, 2012, 03:41:34 pm
I probably won't get media attention, knex usually doesn't.
Unless you make a house 1:1 scale, yeah.
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Sorunome on April 22, 2012, 03:38:25 am
And...does anyone have an idea how to call it?
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on April 22, 2012, 09:50:04 am
Lol wow that is nice outside now. XD However isn't it a bit risky with winds? ???

Also are you still working on your other machine?
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Sorunome on April 22, 2012, 09:54:52 am
My other ball machine is finished, I'll upload the vid on Friday.
And I have of the new ball machine everything in modules in my room....5 towers + the track i'm building atm... D:
EDIT: And wind is very much a problem as it doesn't have a high surface.
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Sorunome on May 28, 2012, 08:45:32 am
Ok, I decided to make some pics of all the towers standing in my room....
EVERYTHING out of knex you see lying around will be used for it.....well, i hope i'll not forget what will go where xD
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Nick on May 28, 2012, 08:53:01 am;%25;%25;%25;%25;%25;%25;%25;%25

nice url Ö

well, it's high, but it doesn't do a thing yet, does it?
i mean, it just looks like a tower for now not to offend you)
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Sorunome on May 28, 2012, 08:56:44 am
It is just when it's finished a ball tower with one path.
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: DJ Omnimaga on May 28, 2012, 02:20:50 pm
That's one of the longest URL I seen O.O

Anyway looks nice. :D I hope to see it in action soon. :)
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Sorunome on June 05, 2012, 10:51:11 am
I just finished with the looping, so I'm almost done, just the track back to the lift, the chain and assembling is left....
As you can see i'm already running out of pieces and had to replace them by others xD
full galery:
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Deep Toaster on June 07, 2012, 12:04:51 am
That is ... big.
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Sorunome on June 07, 2012, 06:08:12 am
That is....not even third as tall as the hole ball machine will be.
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Sorunome on June 15, 2012, 10:34:32 am
Ok, I forgot to post this yesterday....
Well, I finally uploaded the video! *YAY*

and for the complete image gallery please visit my Website (!
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: aeTIos on June 15, 2012, 11:03:46 am
Do you have any more knex now? You should make it even bigger :D
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Sorunome on June 15, 2012, 11:04:55 am
Mhmm, i have some more knex but I already ran completely out of red and yellow rods xD
And I don't think i'll start a big project in the next time....
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Stefan Bauwens on June 15, 2012, 11:06:06 am
Wow, just watched it. That thing IS huge. Great job.
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Sorunome on June 15, 2012, 11:09:10 am
Haha, thanks.
And now think of this: The worlds tallest knex rollercoaster is like twice as high as that one O.o
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: aeTIos on June 15, 2012, 11:13:17 am
wow, 11 meters?
Title: Re: Tall knex ball machine
Post by: Sorunome on June 15, 2012, 11:15:47 am
Quote from: Wikipedia
Colossus is a former record holder for tallest K’Nex roller coaster. Not only was it the tallest, but it was also the fastest, reaching speeds of up to 65 miles per hour (29 m/s). "Particle Accelerator" is the current world record holder, standing 42 feet 2 inches (12.85 m) and traveling in excess of 80 miles per hour (36 m/s).(