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I still have the backup files. Is there another program I can use to restore my ipod with?
Is that an anti-jailbreak protection causing itunes to take revenge against you?
I have a friend who got his apps cleared too when he updated, too. Don't know how to stop it from happening
Now hold up, companies aren't always "big and greedy".
They have reasons for their decisions. Think of it this way, DJ. as an admin, you make choices that affect this site. Because it is your site, you want it to do well. That is your motivation for keeping things out that you consider detrimental to your site. It's the same with companies.
I guess the question boils down to is this: you said you got apps through questionable methods, did you get them for free while you would have to pay for them normally?
Include Texas Instruments in the list above too. They added an anti-downgrade protection in TI-Nspire OS 2.1, because OS 1.1 and 1.7 allowed ASM/C programs to be ran. http://ourl.ca/6358